Montenegro: canyons of Tara and Moraca. Rafting in Montenegro

Montenegro is rich in stunningly beautiful mountain rivers and picturesque canyons, so it is not surprising that one of the most popular types of outdoor activities and entertainment is rafting. Where else but in the Balkans you can swim in the warm sea, enjoy the view of magnificent mountains, centuries-old forests at the same time. We recommend that you combine measured beach holidays and extreme rafting in Montenegro.

montenegro canyons

The most interesting and famous route is rafting on the Tara River, the canyon of which is the second largest in the world in size. However, there is another popular place with tourists - Moraca.

Tara River

Montenegro is conditionally divided into three zones: the Adriatic coast, the central (relatively flat) and mountainous in the east of the country, where the Tara river is mostly sandwiched between the rocks. The river is the largest in the country in length - 144 km. For the purity of the water and its amazing malachite color, it is called the "tears of Europe." Behind the lyrical and gentle name, meanwhile, is a harsh disposition.

The nature of the river flow can be called truly mountainous: with steep rapids, whirlpools and rifts, some of them are quite dangerous. It becomes calmer already in the lowlands on the eve of a merger with Beer. The Tara River (Montenegro), even in summer, warms up very poorly, the temperature of the water is extremely rare above 12-15 ยฐ C, only the most desperate dare to swim.

For two hundred years now, she has not changed her channel, remaining clean, free and full of water. Every year in the summer months, the river attracts rafting enthusiasts.

excursion canyons montenegro

Tara Canyon

As mentioned above, this canyon is the second largest in the world after the American Grand Canyon in Colorado. The mountain gorge is stretched for 80 km along the Tara River and has a depth of about 1.3 km. Its territory together with the Durmitor park was included in the UNESCO World Heritage List.

Although not so long ago, the government planned to flood the canyon and build a hydroelectric power station on the Drina River. They managed to preserve the unique natural corner through the efforts of activists. Now the canyon Tara (Montenegro) is included in the list of the main attractions of the country. Its expanses, teeming with karst caves and excavations, are characterized by a very diverse fauna and flora, which is still poorly understood.

How to get there

Tara river Montenegro

A small village in the Szczepan Pole Mountains, located on the border with Bosnia and Herzegovina, in the summer months becomes busy and noisy, thanks to many tourists. The reason for the popularity lies in the fact that it is here that the rafting on Tara mainly ends within the 2- or 3-day route, and most of the one-day trips are also organized. Therefore, if you are traveling on your own, the first thing you need to do is get to the village of Shchepan Pole. There are several ways to do this:

  • Regular bus departing to the village twice a day (morning and evening). We recommend that you agree with a company that organizes rafting in advance, you may be welcomed.
  • Rented or own car. The distance from the capital of Podgorica is small, but due to the steep mountain serpentine it will take about four hours to get to the place.

River rafting is an accessible and popular entertainment, therefore, if you wish, you can contact the tourist offices in the city where you relax. They will choose a convenient route. Travelers enjoy a comprehensive tour. Montenegro offers various canyons, it all depends on the level of training. If you choose a similar service, it will be a little more expensive, but comfortable buses will take you to the place of rafting and after it will be taken back to the hotel.

Moraca River

rafting in montenegro

The Moraca River, which flows into Lake Skadar (the largest on the Balkan Peninsula), is the fourth longest in the country (99 km). She is non-navigable and has a very sharp and unbridled disposition. During the spring flood, its flow rate develops to 113 km per hour. Water has an emerald hue, it is transparent and clean, rich in fish, including trout.

Moraca River Canyon

Moraca Canyon is deep enough, and in the old days they spoke of it as a place "between the nests of eagles." In the valley is one of the attractions - the Orthodox monastery, built in 1252. The complex consists of large and small churches, as well as several buildings with monastic cells. It is as if lost in the mountains and coniferous centuries-old forests of the country.

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Dzhurdzhevich's bridge

It is impossible not to mention the Dzhurdzhevich bridge, which connects two parts of Montenegro, separated by the canyon of the Tara River. The construction impresses with its size and views around it. It is noteworthy that he did not owe his name to the engineer or designer, which would be entirely logical, but to the owner of a farm located nearby.

Montenegro (whose canyons are described in the article) found this bridge on the eve of World War II. Construction lasted three years - 1937-1940. The maximum height of the structure over the precipice is 172 m, the total length is 365 m. The five-arch structure was designed under the supervision of engineer I. Russo. At the time of completion, the bridge was the largest of its kind in Europe.

During the hostilities, the Yugoslav partisans blew up the central arch to cut off the path for the Italian troops, while preserving the rest. Help was provided by one of the design engineers, whose monument now stands at the entrance to the bridge.

canyon tara montenegro

Every year, tourists who have chosen Montenegro for recreation, whose canyons of rivers are fascinating, rush to the construction in a united stream. The bridge is equipped with everything necessary: โ€‹โ€‹it has a parking lot with a campsite, a hostel, a gas station, a shop, and it is from here that you can go on an exciting and extreme river rafting.

How much does rafting cost in Montenegro?

Rafting is very quickly gaining popularity among tourists and is a common form of outdoor activities and sports. One of its main advantages is the optional training, preparation, the availability of special clothing and equipment. Rafting companies provide everything you need. In addition, if you book a tour from a hotel, it usually includes breakfast on site.

Rafting routes are classified on a six-point scale, reflecting the level of difficulty and danger. On the Tara River, it is estimated at 3-4 points.

Speaking about the cost of rafting, it should be noted that the group will cost less. Prices for it start from 40 euros and in the future depend on the complexity of the route, the duration and the organizing company. If you apply to travel companies in cities, the price almost always includes a transfer to the place of rafting and breakfast or lunch.

Rafting in Montenegro: reviews

In their reviews, travelers note that the mountain rivers of Montenegro (primarily the Tara) are suitable not only for rafting professionals, but also for amateurs, beginners. If you wish, they will pick up a program in which even children can participate.

In addition, experienced travelers advise: if you are looking for a budget holiday option in Europe, with a warm sea and mountains, then let it be Montenegro. The canyons of the country are magnificent, the rivers are fast and clean. The main thing is to make the right choice of a company engaged in organizing rafting. According to fans of outdoor activities and thrills, the distance range in the country is a relative concept. The route to the destination from any resort town is covered in 4-5 hours. On the way, you admire the mountain serpentine and villages scattered among forests and rocks.

Rafting in Lima and Beer

Against the background of the two main rivers that Montenegro is famous for, the canyons of Piva and Lima are significantly inferior in size. However, this has an undeniable advantage: fewer tourists and local residents.

Lim is a river with seemingly calm and even flow. However, it is worth to swim to the mountain range of the same name, and the channel begins to loop along the rapids, spinning you into a whirlpool and deep whirlpools. According to experienced tourists, the river flow near the city of Berane is the most optimal for rafting.

Beer is one of the largest rivers in Montenegro. Very beautiful nature along its shores, teeming with coniferous and beech forests. The river flow is calm, so you can enjoy the โ€œeasyโ€ rafting, allowing you to see the magnificence of the surrounding nature.

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Going on a trip to the original and interesting Balkan Peninsula, get ready for the vivid impressions that you will receive from the beauty of nature. And it doesnโ€™t matter whether it will be independent trips or an excursion. Canyons (Montenegro) are simply stunning with their pristine beauty, the severity of the mountains and the rapid flow of rivers. They are beautiful at any time of the year and certainly deserve the attention of travelers.


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