The culture of Russia in the 18th century is brief. Artistic culture of Russia of the 18th century

For the history of Russia, the 17th century is of crucial importance. He marked the beginning of a systematic transition to a new time. The state has changed both politically and culturally. Russian tsars began to turn their eyes to the West. Next, consider what constituted the culture of Russia in the 18th century. A summary of the features of its intensive growth will also be presented in the article.

Russian culture in the 18th century

General information

Russian culture of the 18th century was of key importance in the development of the state. This is a century of enlightenment and reason. So great thinkers of that time spoke about him. Russian culture of the 17-18th century is considered the heyday of the era of great socio-historical and ideological shifts. The latter was also marked by a struggle with religious dogmas and feudal-monarchist foundations.

Main manifestations

The culture of Russia in the 18th century is distinguished by the affirmation of the spirit of freedom and the spread of a materialistic worldview. This was most clearly reflected in literature, science, and philosophy. In a word, in the representative activity of the largest writers, philosophers and scientists of that time. We are talking about Radishchev, Lomonosov, Schiller, Goethe, Lessing, Russo, Voltaire, Holbach, Didro and so on.

Key Features

The culture of Russia of the 17-18th century is a significant turning point, from which a new period for the state began. One cannot but take into account the three-century Mongol conquest. Because of him, the culture of Russia of the 16-18th century was as if in isolation. In addition, it should be noted the influence of the Orthodox Church, which by all means tried to isolate Russia from the "Western" and "heretical." This also applies to forms of cultural life, morals and education. Nevertheless, the culture of Russia in the 18th century embarked on the path of pan-European development. She began to gradually free herself from medieval shackles.

Features of joining Europe

What is remarkable for the culture of Russia of the 18th century? This is a period of development, above all, of secular art, as well as the decisive victory of a rationalistic worldview over the ascetic and uncompromising dogmas of religious morality. Russian culture in the 18th century (pictures will be presented below) gave “worldly” art the right to public recognition. It begins to take on a more important role. It is about the formation of new foundations of society, as well as the civic education system. However, the culture of Russia in the 18th century could not refute its past. Yes, Russian figures joined the rich spiritual heritage of Europe. At the same time, they did not forget about the indigenous domestic traditions that had accumulated over the period of long artistic and historical development. The same applies to the experience of ancient Russian art. Why is the culture of Russia of the 18th century so interesting? Briefly considering its development, we can understand that it is characterized by a deep continuity of generations. Thanks to this, she firmly established herself in music, theater, painting, architecture, poetry and literature. At the end of the century, Russian art reached unprecedented heights.

Russian culture of the 18th century

General grades

The culture of Russia in the 18th century experienced significant changes. This is clearly evidenced by the fact that for the first time in the country, non-church (secular) music has left the field of oral traditions. She became a highly professional art. The culture of Russia in the 18th century (the table presented in the article contains information about some of the most striking events of that time) reached its peak thanks to major transformations in all spheres of society. We are talking about the reforms that were carried out in the era of Peter I. These transformations radically changed the entire social and cultural system of the country. The “Domostroevsky” customs of the church-scholastic worldview of the Middle Ages began to crumble. Many spheres were affected by the developing culture of the 18th century in Russia. Everyday life of the people, traditions, foundations - everything and everything underwent changes. Thanks to political achievements, a sense of national pride was strengthened in people, as well as a consciousness of the power and greatness of the state. What marked the 19th, 18th centuries? Russian culture has received an invaluable contribution made by Russian musicians. We are talking about opera artists, performers and composers, who for the most part have left the people. They needed to solve an extremely difficult task. They were forced to quickly learn what Western European artists have accumulated over the centuries.

Russian culture in the 18th century architecture

The main periods of development

The culture of Russia in the 18th century is briefly divided into three main stages:

  1. The first quarter of a century (Peter's reforms).
  2. 30-60s They were marked by the growth of national culture, as well as major breakthroughs in the field of art, literature, science. At the same time, class oppression intensified significantly.
  3. The last third of the century. It is characterized by the growth of the government, a significant democratization of Russian culture, aggravation of social contradictions and major social shifts.

Enlightenment Features

This period is characterized by a general increase in literacy in Russia. Nevertheless, if we draw parallels with Western Europe, then the level of education in our country was noticeably behind. As for the social composition of students, it was very motley. The same can be said about age. Soldiers' schools made a significant contribution to the progression of education.

Features of the development of science

Many great events replenished the history of Russia (18th century). Culture contributed to the development of Russian society. Science began to free itself from the bonds of medieval scholasticism. For her, it was a kind of Renaissance. An accurate description of that time was given by F. Engels. He believed that this is an era that needed the titans and gave birth to those in terms of scholarship, versatility, character, passion and the power of thought. At the same time, science needed "creators". Thus, discoveries of world significance were made at the Russian Academy of Sciences by mathematicians Bernoulli and Euler, as well as by the chemist and physicist Lomonosov.

Key Contributions

Research conducted by foreign scientists who were invited to the St. Petersburg Academy also influenced the development of world and Russian science. However, the latter was not created by their efforts. The same can be said of the "enlightened" monarchy. Domestic science was created by the Russian people. We are talking about people of "different ranks and titles," among whom the following can be distinguished:

  1. I.I. Polzunov (soldier's son).
  2. M. I. Serdyukov (Kalmyk builder and hydraulic engineer) - created a "fire-fighting" machine, is the first Russian heat engineer.
  3. A.K. Nartov (turner).
  4. I.I. Lepekhin, V.F. Zuev, S.P. Krashennikov (soldiers' children) - were among the first Russian academicians.
  5. M.E. Golovin (soldier's son) - mathematician.

These are the true creators of science in serf Russia.

19 18th century Russian culture

The contribution of Lomonosov

His discoveries and ingenious guesses strongly stand out among all the achievements of Russian scientific thought. He relied on experience, living practice and materialistically evaluated the world around him. M. Lomonosov strove for deep creative generalization. He wanted to know the secrets of nature. This scientist is the founder of physical chemistry and atomism.

additional information

The foundations of scientific biology were laid in the second half of the 18th century. At this time, the first Russian medical journal is published. We are talking about the "St. Petersburg Medical Gazette."

Historical science: main features

The second quarter of a century is the time of the formation of history as a science. Certain publications are collected and published. Many noble historians tried to engage in such activities. Of great interest to society today is the history of Russia (18th century). The culture of the empire continued to develop rapidly. V.N. Tatishchev is a major researcher of the past. He began working on Russian History. It was his attempt to coherently expound events from a noble point of view. Note that this work has become the basis for many scientists. In particular, this applies to MV Lomonosov and his "Ancient Russian History". Also, do not forget M. M. Shcherbatov and his work "Russian History from Ancient Times", which traces the desire to exalt the nobility, to justify serfdom and the privileges of the "upper" class. The author was frightened by the Peasant War led by Yemelyan Pugachev. He understood that popular uprisings and movements were inevitable, but instead condemned them. I.I. Boltin is another noble historian. A critic, an insightful, thoughtful scientist, he also studied the history of not only the nobility, but also other layers of society - artisans, clergy and merchants. But his writings also exalted the tsar’s autocratic power and serfdom.

Key Achievements

Russian science developed as part of the world. At the same time, Russian scientists perceived the achievements of their Western European colleagues from a creative point of view. In addition, they themselves began to significantly influence world scientific thought. As for the general level of its development, it was slightly lower than Western European. In this regard, each new achievement takes on much greater significance. Scientists from other countries were well aware of the publications of the Russian Academy of Sciences. It is also worth noting that these successes have not become the property of the working masses. They were torn from it. The interests of the masses were far from science and enlightenment. As for the autocracy, those in power were afraid of the spread of knowledge. The people expressed their artistic ideas and sociopolitical views differently. It is about applied art and oral creativity.

Russian culture 16 18 centuries

Architecture features

Innovations began to be introduced into the sphere of construction in the Petrine era. Like the whole culture of Russia in the 18th century, architecture is undergoing significant changes. Architectural structures are designed to express the greatness and power of the empire. Thanks to the political and economic development of the country, civil engineering is also changing. The Arsenal in the Kremlin, the Big Stone Bridge - the most famous buildings of that period.

Architecture development

The first architectural school was organized in Moscow by Ukhtomsky. M.F. Kazakov and V.P. Bazhenov studied under his guidance. The Petrine era marks the construction of a new capital. For this, foreign architects are invited. It's about Rastrelli and Trezzini. The new capital was conceived as a regular city. Moreover, she was supposed to have long beam avenues and ensembles of quarters, squares and streets. Trezzini became the author of residential buildings for several categories of the population:

  1. "Ordinary people.
  2. "Wealthy" townspeople.
  3. "Famous" citizens.

These public buildings were distinguished by simplicity of style. Significant objects include the Peter and Paul Cathedral. Among public buildings, the following stand out:

  1. Admiralty.
  2. Exchange
  3. Seating yard.

Together with St. Petersburg, many other objects were erected. In particular, this applies to suburban palaces with famous park assemblies. It is, first of all, about Peterhof. As for the Russian Baroque style, the work of father and son Rastrelli made a huge contribution to its development. The first was an Italian sculptor. He took part in the decorative study of Peterhof. His son is already a Russian architect. He is the author of many significant structures, among which the following can be distinguished:

  1. Smolny monastery.
  2. Palaces: Catherine, Large, Winter.

The development of architecture in the second half of the century

In architecture, Russian classicism replaced baroque. At the turn of the 19-18 century, the culture of Russia saw the heyday of this trend. There were also representatives of classicism. These include architects I.E. Starov, M.F. Kazakov and V.P. Bazhenov. The latter worked in St. Petersburg and Moscow. They made significant contributions to the construction of such structures as:

  1. Mikhailovsky castle.
  2. Noble Assembly.
  3. Senate in the Moscow Kremlin.
  4. The palace and park ensemble (Tsaritsyno is implied).

Starov is the author of the Alexander Nevsky Lavra and Trinity Cathedral. The ensemble belongs to the main value of classicism. Among the features of its organization can be identified:

  1. Straight rows of columns.
  2. Observance of strict symmetry.
  3. Straight lines.

Palace Square (architect K.I. Rossi) is a prime example of this trend. The surviving buildings of that period are now not only an adornment of cities - they are masterpieces of world significance.

18th century culture of Russia

Visual Arts: Features of Development

The artistic culture of Russia in the 18th century has also undergone changes. This period was marked by the heyday of portraiture. The most famous artists of the time of Peter the Great include the following:

  1. Ivan Nikitin.
  2. Andrey Matveev.

They are considered the founders of Russian secular painting. A turning point was outlined in the late 1920s. The court direction of painting began to prevail. The best portrait painters of that period are:

  1. V.L. Borovikovsky.
  2. D.T. Levitsky.
  3. F.S. Rokotov.
  4. A.P. Antropov.

The classical direction in sculpture is represented by the following figures:

  1. Mikhail Kozlovsky.
  2. Fedor Shubin.

The Hermitage (the richest art collection of the world) was also formed in the XVIII century. Its basis is a private collection of paintings by Empress Elizabeth Petrovna.

Features of the lifestyle of the capital's citizens

There were dramatic changes in it. This was especially easy to notice in Moscow and Petersburg. Some other major cities of the country also stood out. Nobles began to build luxurious palaces for themselves. Popular places for this were Nevsky Prospekt and Palace Embankment. The structures were erected directly along the channels that flowed into the river. On the banks of the Neva began to show off granite embankments. All this work began to boil after the corresponding decree of the empress. It is also worth noting that the notorious grille of the Summer Garden was installed precisely because of it. By the end of the century, fashion in St. Petersburg had changed somewhat. Here, many were carried away by the content of aristocratic salons. Here one could hear French speech or take part in disputes about art, literature or politics. In such salons, many personalities began to shine. In particular, this applies to Russian literary celebrities. The dandy crews drove past luxurious mansions located on Nevsky Prospect. Dressed-up townsfolk and guards officers often walked here.

Moscow also underwent significant changes. It is worth noting that the Petersburg splendor and wealth were not here. Nevertheless, the Moscow nobility was not going to lag behind the new trends of the time. The chaotic development of the city ceased, the streets began to level out. It is worth noting that these innovations did not capture the entire state. Rather, quite the contrary. They further emphasized the poverty of Russian life, traditionalism and general stagnation. A huge area of ​​folk life has remained outside of urban civilization. This primarily refers to the village and the village. As in the cities, significant differences in the peculiarities of the way of life and living conditions were clearly felt here. The nobility continued to be part of the rural population. After the issuance of the relevant decrees (Charter and Liberty), representatives of this estate were exempted from compulsory military and public service. Thus, a significant part of the nobility began to arrange rural life, settled on their estates and began to do household work.

Russian culture in the 18th century
As for the main part of this class, it was represented by landowners of the "middle arm" and the owners of village estates. In this regard, we can safely conclude: the nobles were not separated from peasant life by something insurmountable. Servants lived in their estates, as well as yard people with whom they could communicate. Representatives of two different classes have been side by side for many years. Thus, there was contact with the same folk culture, beliefs, customs and traditions. The nobles could be treated by the healers, soared in the bath and drink the same infusions as the peasants. It is also worth noting that a significant part of this estate was poorly or illiterate at all. It is very appropriate to recall Mrs. Prostakova Fonvizina. The estates of the nobles were an integral part of Russian rural life. As for the peasants, the latest innovations did not touch them at all. Only a small part of them managed to break out into “people”. In the villages they began to build solid and clean huts. Also, peasants used new household items (furniture and utensils). They were able to diversify their food and acquire better shoes and clothes.


In the table below you can see the most striking events and phenomena characteristic of the first half of the 18th century.

EducationTheaterThe scienceArchitecturePaintingLiteratureLife

1. "Arithmetic" Magnitsky.

2. "Primer" Polikarpov.

3. "Grammar" of Smotrytsky.

4. "The first teaching to the youths" Prokopovich.

Reform of the alphabet, the introduction of civil font.

Decree: noblemen who refused to serve did not have the right to marry.

School Creation:

1. Digital.

2. Navigation.

3. Marine.

4. Engineering.

5. Medical.

6. Artillery.

A decree has been issued on the formation of the Academy of Arts and Sciences.

A public theater has been created, the construction of "Comedian trash" has begun

1. Creation by Nartov of a copying lathe.

2. The pharmaceutical garden became the basis of the botanical garden.

3. The first hospital was formed. Surgical instruments appeared.

4. The Kunstkamera was created - the first science museum.

6. An observatory has been opened in the Sukharev Tower by J. Bruce.

7. Kamchatka expeditions of Chirikov and Bering took place.

Baroque predominates. Style Features:


- curvature of the facade lines;

- splendor;

- An abundance of columns, statues.


- Cathedral of the Peter and Paul Fortress;

- the building of 12 boards;

- Kunstkamera;

- Admiralty;

- Smolny Cathedral, Winter Palace.

Nikitin created the canvas "Peter on the deathbed."

Matveev wrote "Self-portrait with his wife."

1.Trediakovsky created the first ode.

2. The Vedomosti newspaper began to be published.

3. The library is created.

The appearance of the assembly - a ball arranged in the homes of the nobility. Since 1700, a new chronology has been used.


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