Profit calculation

The main task facing any business entity is to make a profit. The financial result calculated for the reporting period according to the results of the enterprise’s activity depends directly on the size of the organization’s equity. The profitability indicator of a business entity indicates the effectiveness of its work. The growth of income helps create the basis for expansion of production, material incentives for employees and for self-financing. In connection with the transition of the national economy to market conditions, the value of the indicator, which reflects the size of the financial result, has increased.

Profit is a positive result of the organization. A negative amount of income indicates a loss. The profit calculation formula includes the difference between two indicators - revenue from the sale of goods (services, works) and expenses incurred in the course of the organization. In order to increase the efficiency of the business entity, it is necessary to determine the reserves that would allow to increase the volume of products and their sales, reduce costs, and as a result receive revenue growth.

To make the right management decisions and develop strategies for the activities of the enterprise, a planned profit calculation is carried out. The success of the business entity will depend on the correct definition of this indicator. The planned calculation of profit should be justified in terms of economic indicators. This will make it possible to correctly distribute investments, determine the growth of own assets, and also create effective systems for organizing and stimulating the labor collective. A reliably defined planned indicator of the financial result is of great importance for the economy of the whole country.

Scheduled profit calculation can be done using the direct account method. This method finds application if the range of products is small. The calculation of profit, the formula for which consists of the difference of such values ​​as the sum of the proceeds obtained from the sale of products at the corresponding prices, and the total cost of these goods, is quite simple. However, its use with a large range of goods is very laborious and does not allow to determine the influence of various factors on income growth. In this regard, the calculation of profit during its planning is carried out mainly using the analytical method. This method of determining the financial result involves determining the income from the release of each type of product.

To calculate the profit indicator using the analytical method, the basic profitability is determined, which is the quotient of dividing income for the reporting period by the amount of cost for the same time for goods that are comparable; calculate the volume of upcoming production based on the costs of the reporting period, and determine the profit taking into account the basic profitability; analyze the dependence of the planned profit indicator on various factors of the production process (cost, quality, assortment, etc.).

In practice, the combined method of calculating profits also finds its application, when the components of the first two methods are used to determine the planned indicator of the financial result.

The current stage of economic development requires reliable calculation of the optimal amount of income of the enterprise. In order to predict profit as accurately as possible, it is necessary to apply various methods for determining it. In addition to the above, there are also methods of financial analysis, which allow strategic and operational planning.


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