Shuttle diplomacy as a negotiation method

Shuttle diplomacy is a method that can be briefly described as mediation. This phrase came into Russian as tracing paper from the English “shuttle diplomacy”. If we consider this term from the side of international law, then they designate the peaceful resolution of conflicts and disputes between individual parties by interfering in the negotiations of the third party.

This process is possible in the form of an intermediary in order to establish a channel of communication between opponents. In this case, a third party successively meets with each of them, figuring out their position. It is also possible that the mediator is a kind of “postman” who delivers information from one opponent to another. Today, shuttle diplomacy methods are effective in many areas of life. Politicians apply them every day.

In 1974, shuttle diplomacy actually began - Kissinger, being not only an outstanding statesman, but also an experienced, talented diplomat, became an intermediary between Israel and the Arab countries. Shortly before, the neighboring Muslim powers threw their best forces at this tiny but powerful state, but were completely defeated.

The international community was interested in resolving, once and for all, the Arab-Israeli conflict in order to prevent subsequent wars and to escalate this problem. Tripartite negotiations ended in the fact that an unstable but still peace reigned in the Middle East, which lasted until the first intifada in the 1990s.

Since then, there has not been a single major war between Israel and its neighbors in the region - Syria, Jordan, Palestine, Egypt, Iraq and Saudi Arabia (there were three such clashes before), partly due to the activities of Kissinger. Prior to this, the diplomat spent years working to establish peace in Vietnam, for which he periodically traveled to the warring parts of the country - both to South and North Vietnam, becoming a kind of diplomatic channel between the warring parties. It was there that he gained invaluable experience, which allowed him to develop his own special method of negotiating, becoming an outstanding figure, the opinion of which was often listened to by President Nixon.

The first Russian politician to whom the term “shuttle diplomacy” was applied was Primakov. He tried to prevent a brewing war in the Persian Gulf using Kissinger methods. Unfortunately, despite the efforts expended, he achieved little in this.

What is the difference between shuttle diplomacy as a negotiation system ? Kissinger himself defines it as an offer of his position to the parties to the conflict. They can be both individuals and entire states. To some extent, this tactic can be compared with the arbitration court.

Shuttle diplomacy, based on the explanations of its founder, has a number of features. First, the third party clarifies the position of each opponent on a particular issue, individually interviewing each of them. The whole negotiation system is built around one goal. Moreover, in the positions of the opponents, contact points are sought. Further, by manipulating their opinion, a third party makes an attempt to bring them to a common solution to the problem. The basis for success in this method is a systematic approach.

Shuttle diplomacy can be described as a manipulative method. It is good where you need to bring your opponents to a common solution, but it is bad where you need an open partnership dialogue, because it can destroy trust. And the art of owning the negotiation process lies in the ability to choose diplomatic methods correctly, depending on the situation.


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