Bank "MKB". Reviews of specialists and consumers

MKB OJSC is today one of the largest financial organizations in the Russian Federation. He began his activities more than twenty years ago, in 1992. All this time, MKB Bank, reviews of which define it as a serious institution, distinguished by the exceptional professionalism of employees, rapidly developed and constantly improved all aspects of its activities. Today, this credit institution successfully operates in all sectors of the modern financial market of Russia.

MKB Bank - branches

During its development, this financial institution has acquired a wide network of branches. Today, MKB Bank, reviews of experts which show it in the best possible light, has its representative offices only in the Moscow region and in the capital of our state. Moreover, the number of branches, service and sales points, as well as additional offices, totals more than seventy.

Bank ICB branches

The mentioned financial organization provides its services to both legal entities and individuals. In addition, due to the great stability of its positions in the credit market and because of the openness and transparency in working with clients, the bank got the opportunity to become a full member of the state deposit insurance system back in 2004, when it was only gaining strength. Within the framework of this program, each client can receive his deposit on hand even in the event of a complete bankruptcy of a financial organization. This practice may be applicable to deposits, the amount of which is less than 700 thousand rubles. This factor attracted new capital and made it possible for the MKB Bank to further develop. The feedback on the loans received here allows us to conclude that its owners try to work as honestly as possible, and do not overload their contracts with various hidden payments.

mcb bank loan reviews
Primary activity

In the provision of services to individuals, a financial institution focuses on the issuance of various consumer loans. However, in addition to such programs, mortgage and car loans are also very popular among residents of the Moscow Region and Moscow. In addition, a huge number of customers issued plastic cards and now use the interest-free loans provided by MKB Bank. The reviews of specialists about this institution indicate that in the coming years it will be waiting for the second phase of rapid growth, during which the financial institution will not only significantly increase its capital, but also significantly expand its field of activity.

In the line of services provided to legal entities, it should be noted that the main emphasis is placed on international trade financing, servicing various international contracts, credit programs and collection services. In addition, there is a special company, MKB-Leasing. With its help, MKB Bank, reviews of which allow you to make the best opinion about this institution, provides various leasing services.

mcb bank reviews

Currently, the client base of the financial institution in question stores information about more than 280 thousand regular customers of the private sector and about 25 thousand different organizations.


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