Transponder: what is it, principle of operation, examples of use

The scope of transponders is very extensive. They are used to organize the operation of satellite television, a system of toll roads, they are also used in civil and military aviation, etc. But what is a transponder? The answer to this question will require clarification.

What is a transponder?

Transponder is an abbreviated name from the English language, which was formed from the words transmitter and responder ("transmitter", "responder"). This is a transceiver that receives a signal and sends out its own in response to it.

It can receive a signal at one frequency, amplify it and transmit it to another. He also knows how to transmit a predetermined message in response to a received signal and create a response signal only if the electronic request is correct.

Given these capabilities and the frequencies of transponders that can be used to transmit / receive a signal, the scope of such devices is very large. Therefore, we consider in more detail how and where they are used.

Satellite transponders

In satellite communications, the use of transponders is self-evident. It is thanks to these devices that communication is generally possible. In fact, a transponder is a part of a satellite designed to receive and transmit a signal. This signal can be amplified or transmitted at a different frequency.

transponder what is it

Sometimes satellite transponders are installed on a satellite by dozens, and all of them are equipped with transmit-receive antennas. Once upon a time, one transponder broadcast only one channel, but today there are compression technologies, which is why the number of transmitting channels has increased. It got to the point that only one orbital position allows you to receive several thousand television channels.

Transponders for toll roads

One of the actual applications of transponders is toll roads. Drivers mostly like this idea, as they get the opportunity to ride on a perfectly flat track, rather than go around different pits and slow down in front of a broken road. But sometimes you have to postpone your trip because of the complexity of payment.

It is worth noting that previously the payment system was complicated. But with the introduction of transponders into it, everything has become much simpler. Now the payment procedure takes place electronically, and the driver does not linger on the road at all. But what is it - a transponder on a toll road, and how to use it?

satellite transponders

In this industry, a transponder is a kind of contactless fare payment device. It knows how to withdraw money from the driver’s account as soon as he drives onto the toll road. At the same time, the driver himself does not need to stop at all.

The device is a small box that is powered by batteries. These batteries need to be changed approximately once every seven years - this transceiver device consumes so little energy. However, it does not require any maintenance at all.

Principle of operation

The work is as follows: before leaving the road, a special point is set, at the intersection of which a fee will be charged. A driver without a transponder should go out here and pay in cash for the fare (or by bank transfer, for example with a card). But the driver with the transponder simply passes by, although its speed should not exceed 30 kilometers per hour. He must also pass along the strip on which the station with the transponder is installed.

transponder cost

If the green light is on at the traffic light, the driver passes at a low speed, the transponder sends a signal to the devices installed at the checkpoint. This is how the payment happens. The system, which is installed at the checkpoint, receives transponder data, compares it with its database and determines which machine has just passed. Based on these data, the calculation and payment of travel. Money is debited from the transponder’s account, which needs to be replenished from time to time. On the phone (in the case of installing the application) comes a notification about the debit of funds from the account.

After this operation, the barrier opens and the car passes. To service toll roads, there are special points where transponders are sold. Therefore, if you do not know where to buy a transponder, then just go to the toll road, and at the point of sale you can buy it from the operator. Everyone has the right to purchase and use such a device: individuals and legal entities. The cost of a transponder can be different, but on average its price is within one thousand rubles. By the way, if you buy it at the point of sale, then buyers immediately receive 500 rubles into the account. They can be spent on toll roads.

Types of car transponders

Today there are different types of transponders. And this is logical, given the fact that the practice of using these devices has come from abroad. In European countries, any vehicle with a weight exceeding 3.5 tons must have a transponder. Moreover, it does not matter whether it belongs to a legal entity or an individual. They should be equipped even with cars that came from other countries.


Now these types of transponders are used:

  1. EasyGo.
  2. AutoPASS

The cost of EasyGo and AutoPASS transponders is approximately equal, and both of them work in the same way, so it does not matter which one you choose.

Features of the use of transponders

In order for the device to work properly and not "stupid" during the passage of the post, it must be installed on the windshield of the car. At the same time, it should be attached to clean, dry glass so that the transponder does not fall off during movement. In general, installation is extremely simple:

  1. Choose a sunny day when the temperature outside the window is +15 degrees. Otherwise, there is a chance that the glue for planting the device will not seize.
  2. Rinse and treat with alcohol the place where the transponder will be “planted”. Alcohol is needed for degreasing.
  3. Take the device out of the box. On one side there will be an adhesive strip. Remove it without touching the adhesive side with your fingers.
  4. Hold the transponder in a low-fat place and hold it for 10 seconds.

Depending on whether the device is glued to a truck or a car, it must be mounted either at the top of the glass (on the car) or at the bottom (on the truck). It goes without saying that wipers should not close the transponder in the working or non-working position. This may interfere with signal transmission, and then the reader will not be able to detect your transponder. In this case, the barrier will not open and you will not be able to drive.

Where can I buy a transponder?

Now you know what it is - a transponder. But where is it better to get it? Do not try to buy it online. These devices are sold only at specialized points of sale. These points are located at toll points.

transponder frequencies

The process of buying a device involves the conclusion of an agreement that provides for the features of the provision of services using a transponder. To obtain this device, individuals need to write an application in a special form and attach documents to it: a passport (original must be) or another document proving the identity and place of registration. It is also necessary to indicate contact details, submit a document on tax registration, an extract from the register of entrepreneurs or legal entities. Of course, for individuals, everything is simpler.

Benefits for the driver

The simplest and most obvious advantage is the ease of travel through payment points. The driver will no longer have to stand in line and wait for cars to pass in front of him before he can drive. Sometimes a queue can consist of hundreds of cars. The payment point will take you only 3 seconds to travel, and you won’t need to stop completely (you will have to move at a speed of 30 km / h). Also, the use of a transponder implies a discount. Typically, drivers with transponders pay 5% less than those who pay in cash.

transponder for toll roads

There are also 2 lines at payment points: regular and for cars with transponders. As you already understood, the line with transponders moves much faster. In addition, all payment and withdrawal operations are monitored, and you can receive an extract from them at any time. The functionality of transferring money from one transponder to another is available in your personal account. It's comfortable.


Is it possible to install the device not on the windshield? You can install the transponder even in the trunk. It is possible that it will even work from the trunk, but there is no guarantee. Installation on the windshield is recommended not just like that: it is desirable that the device is in direct line of sight.

where to get a transponder

Is there radiation from the device? There is no radiation, since the device is inactive outside the payment points. It works for 30 seconds (when passing through a payment point), and the radiation from it during this time is 10 times weaker than from a mobile phone in standby mode.

How long is the transponder? On average, transponders on one battery "live" for 7 years. After its discharge, you can contact the point of sale - there they can simply be replaced with a new one.


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