Serpukhov Kremlin: photo, history. What did the Serpukhov Kremlin look like?

In the southern part of Moscow Region, the most ancient settlement Serpukhov is located. On its territory there are various unique attractions, temples, ancient monasteries and churches with a long history. One of these architectural monuments is the Serpukhov Kremlin, which attracts tourists from all over the world like a magnet.

Construction history

The first mention of this city was dated by the fourteenth century, which said that the territory of this place was inherited from Ivan Kalita to Prince Andrei.

Serpukhov Kremlin

It was on these lands that the Serpukhov Kremlin was built in 1374, which is still the main attraction of the city. It was erected on a high mountain, which at one time was renamed from Cathedral to Red.

In past years, this fortress was considered a powerful building that covered Moscow from the south. The history of the Serpukhov Kremlin suggests that he, along with other outposts, had to defend the capital from raids by the Tatars. A little later, this building turned into the center of the entire defense, since it was here that the enemy attacks were most often carried out.

Initial view

The Serpukhov Kremlin in the mid-sixteenth century has changed dramatically. All of its wooden fortifications gradually turned into stone walls made of white stone, mined in local quarries.

In 1556, new structures appeared on the site of old buildings. From many historical sources it is known how the Serpukhov Kremlin looked in those years. It consisted of eight towers and two half towers. The fortress consisted of walls with a length of 934 meters and somehow resembled an elongated triangle of irregular shape. In order to expand the protected areas, a jail made of wood, which played a defensive role, was erected just north of these buildings.

The Serpukhov Kremlin was a huge obstacle for various rebels and thieves ’gangs, who constantly sought to penetrate the Moscow lands and received a powerful rebuff in Serpukhov. At the beginning of the seventeenth century, the Poles tried for a long time to break the defenses of this structure, but they could only burn its prison.

The last siege that the fortress suffered was a Tatars raid. After that, the gradual decline of the Kremlin began. He completely lost his defensive significance and began to gradually collapse. Its reconstruction was carried out only once in the eighteenth century on the orders of Peter I, who was afraid of an attack by the Swedes.

Serpukhov Kremlin photo

Why was it decided to take the Kremlin apart?

Catherine II was a fan of history and ordered a complete restoration of the Serpukhov Kremlin, but, unfortunately, she did not manage to carry out her plan because of her sudden death. Her son Pavel I didn’t have warm feelings for his late mother and therefore sought to cross out any reminders of her person and gave an immediate order to dismantle the walls of the fortress. The townspeople only partially complied with his command, as they were not particularly in a hurry to part with the historical monument of their city.

Already in the nineteenth century, the Serpukhov Kremlin (Serpukhov) looked very sad. All the Kremlin towers lacked roofs, so they quickly fell into decay. The stones falling from their walls completely dotted all the nearby slopes and hills.

At the end of the nineteenth century, the Kremlin was declared a “monument of antiquity” and partially fortified. But this did not help much and in the 30s of the twentieth century the walls were already completely dismantled. The stones of this building came in handy for many other new buildings.

History of the Serpukhov Kremlin

How will a sight look today?

Today, there are only two small fragments of stone walls and the remains of the foundation that the Serpukhov Kremlin once had. The photos taken at the place where this attraction is located show a simply amazing view from this hill.

In Serpukhov , an ancient cathedral was also built, built back in the late 17th century on the territory of the Kremlin. The last change was made in 1840, and until today its appearance has not changed.

In the very center of Red Mountain there are: a memorial dedicated to the fallen soldiers during World War II, and a monument to the Soldier-Liberator.

Many tourists and townspeople are attracted by this place, due to the fact that here you can see one of the most impressive landscapes in your life, consisting of an ensemble of ancient temple complexes built in different periods of time.

Serpukhov Kremlin Serpukhov

Finds of archaeologists

The first official excavations were carried out on the territory of the fortress at the beginning of the twentieth century, and they continued in subsequent years. In the interior of the Kremlin, many archaeological finds have been found. For example, the remains of the Vysotsky tower, built in 1556, were discovered.

Archaeologists have been able to unearth many personal items of citizens living in Serpukhov between the 16th and 18th centuries. These were all kinds of earrings, rings, body crosses, buckles and much more. An interesting coin was also found depicting a bird on it and a collection consisting of various items used for weapons in the 17th century.

On the territory of the fortress some flint items were even revealed, which may indicate that a person lived here back in the Stone Age.

What is the best way to get to Serpukhov?

In the event that you have to go by car from Moscow, it is better to choose the Simferopolskoye highway for such a trip. Upon reaching the intersection intersecting with Volodarsky Lane, you should turn to the right side, and then after three hundred meters you will need to make a left turn onto the street leading to Red Mountain and the Serpukhov Kremlin standing on it.

What did the Serpukhov Kremlin look like?
You can also take the train, which runs from the Kursk station directly to Serpukhov.

The Serpukhov Kremlin is one of the historical and architectural sights, thanks to which a closer acquaintance with the history of Russia and its capital is possible.


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