Finland, Aland Islands: attractions, fishing, reviews, photos

Known for its picturesque beauty, Finland always attracts thousands of people, especially those who are in love with “island holidays”. Many might think that there are only two places to explore Finland: Lapland and its capital, the city of Helsinki. While this amazing country is never limited to the two most famous places. She goes beyond their scope and invites to visit another miracle, so-called: Finland, Åland.

Finland, Aland Islands

Location, Aland Islands Population, Finland

This wonderful site is located between the coasts of Sweden and Finland, so tourists always think that they are in a harmonious combination of the two most impressive cultures.

The Åland Islands (Finland) are not very populated today, but they still remain a natural bridge across the Baltic Sea, which significantly contributes to the transport of goods and the implementation of commerce. This is a unique place for meetings and celebrations, events and fishing, hunting and conferences. All of these events can be easily organized there.

Aland Islands (Finland) unite in themselves more than 6500 islands, 60 of which are inhabited. Each of them offers a huge number of attractions and leisure activities that simply will not allow travelers to get bored here.

Aland Islands, Finland

How to get to the Åland Islands in Finland

This is the first question that will be faced by those who are attracted to Finland, the Åland Islands. How to get here the most convenient? The easiest way is to arrive by ferry on the way from Stockholm, Sweden to Helsinki; in Mariehamn he is just making a stop. Ferries also depart between the islands in season; in winter, they operate on a schedule between the main settlements of the Åland Islands. By the way, the only city in the archipelago, Mariehamn, is located on one of the largest islands called Åland.

Finland, Aland Islands, how to get

Sights of the Åland Islands

Travelers must definitely come to the Åland Islands (Finland) at least once in their life . The sights of this fabulous area will not leave indifferent even experienced tourists.

The largest Pommern sailboat is in Mariehamn, and it is a four-masted cargo ship, the only one of its kind remaining in the world.

Finland, the Aland Islands offer travelers to discover the maritime museum, located on the island of the same name Aland, to familiarize themselves with the archaeological and cultural heritage of the archipelago.

Many medieval churches are located on several islands of the archipelago. They must be seen, because they are interesting in that they embody the whole history of Finland.

Also, for everyone there is a unique opportunity to admire the ancient fishing villages, national museums and parks.

Not only the history and cultural centers of the islands amaze people, but also the healthy lifestyle of the locals.

Finland, Aland Islands, photo

More Swedish than Finnish

Although this may seem strange to many people, Finland (Åland Islands) has its own special culture. As well as Swedish dialects, flag and postage stamps. Travelers are very surprised why there is more Swedish speech than Finnish.

Finland, Aland Islands: climate and popularity

The climate of these islands is quite mild. It is ideal for escape from the hot summer. The reviews of many visitors to the archipelago prove the surprisingness, originality and unusualness of the islands. They cannot be confused with other similar places in the world.

The Åland Islands became more popular after a group of divers found a treasure here in the summer of 2010: 160 bottles of the best champagne on a bicentennial ship. Believe it or not, the champagne bottles turned out to be drinkable and were sold at a huge price.

Where to stay for a holiday in the Åland Islands

Do not worry about where to stay when you arrive in the Åland Islands (Finland). Traveler reviews speak of a large selection of places for a comfortable settlement. If you carefully study them in advance, you will certainly find the most suitable of them.

Hospitable Finland, Åland Islands await you. Photos of various housing options will, of course, be different. There are options from very simple cottages by the sea to the most luxurious and expensive hotels. The peak season falls on the month of July, so it is better to book a hotel or other accommodation option in advance so as not to worry about this issue, but to enjoy every moment of your visit.

Aland Islands, Finland, fishing

Fishing on the Åland Islands in Finland

Want to visit Aland Islands, Finland? Fishing is unforgettable here, but a hobby is not for everyone. And not at all because of the long road or the high cost of such leisure. It’s just that the nature is rather harsh, and even the continental Finns call the locals a little peculiar. Only those who truly love sport fishing will appreciate the islands of the archipelago.

On the Åland Islands it is forbidden to fish using nets; you cannot fish on the track yourself. It’s better not to mention such barbaric methods as dynamite! Only sport spinning is allowed. By the way, with this method, there are great chances to get a real trophy - a huge pike or salmon. Locals call the pike here “the Åland crocodile”, which concerns not only the size, but also the nature of the fish in Aland.

Fishing restrictions

For those who want to engage in fishing with the help of a track (trolling), it is necessary to use the services of a local guide, as only residents of Åland can get the necessary license for such fishing. There are also some limitations.

For example, it is forbidden to fish from the coast during the nesting period of birds, so as not to destroy the nests and not disturb the chicks. This period begins in mid-April and ends in mid-June. In addition, during spawning of pike perch (in June) and pike (from May to June), fishing of these species of fish on the Åland Islands is prohibited.

There are a number of restrictions on the size of the fish: in case of a smaller catch, you will have to send it back to the sea. So, it is allowed to catch pike from 55 cm long, salmon from 50 cm, and pike perch from 37 cm.

On the Åland Islands, there are restrictions not only in size, but also in the total number of fish caught. By the way, these rules vary in each of the municipalities of Åland, so such information should be obtained from the owner of the cottage or hotel.

Family fishing in the Åland Islands

Of course, unsurpassed nature leads to fishing with entire families, sometimes with small children. In the case of traveling with the latter, you need to carefully select your accommodation, and all because a lot of cottages are located on sharp rocks, and on the Alands there are cliffs. Naturally, a special and convenient descent is equipped to the shore, but for small children this can be problematic, and even dangerous. Therefore, when booking a particular housing option, this factor must be taken into account. Be sure to indicate the presence of children and their age.

Aland Islands, Finland, attractions

Restaurants and Cuisine of the Åland Islands

Reviews from experienced travelers talk about the amazing local cuisine in the Åland Islands. Therefore, when you return home, one of the first things that you decide to tell your friends about is the culinary experience.

On the islands there are a lot of fabulous restaurants with Swedish and Finnish cuisine, as well as international dishes. Although it is quite difficult to imagine a person who would prefer something else when there are tasty and mouth-watering Scandinavian dishes.

Aland Islands, Finland, reviews

Pleasant parting words

Here you need to enjoy every moment, because it is unlikely that in the busy atmosphere of a crowded city there is such fresh air and breathtaking landscapes. An extreme trip through the forest and meadows, cycling along winding paths, surfing the waves, a children's kayak or diving to the ships well-preserved after the crash is what you need, isn't it?

And a little secret especially for you: in the middle of summer, the sun rises here at 3:30 in the morning and does not leave the island until 10 in the evening. Catch this fabulous moment, catch your sun, catch your "white nights" on the Åland Islands!


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