The subject of pedagogy as a science is human education

Like any other science existing in the modern world, it has its own goals and subjects of research. The main subject of pedagogy as a science is education. This is a special function that is inherent only in human society. Based on this, the structure of pedagogy as a science is determined.

What is parenting? This is the process of creation by society of special conditions of a material, spiritual and organizational nature, which are aimed at assimilation by the future generation of skills acquired by ancestors. The main tasks of pedagogy as a science are based on this in order to prepare the future person for rotation in society and the fulfillment of productive labor, without wasting time and effort on the invention of what has already been tested by the experience of many previous generations.

Education as a phenomenon is studied by many sciences, including sociology, ethnography, psychology, and even economics. Each of them considers this complex process from its own point of view. If we consider in general, then sociology is interested in upbringing from the perspective of the problems of personality socialization. Ethnography is characterized by an interest in the peculiarities of the educational process among various nationalities on the globe. The economy studies education in terms of its effectiveness with the participation of the individual in the creation of material values. And the subject of pedagogy as a science is the essence of education, the laws that underlie it. And, the tasks of pedagogy as a science in this sense are to develop theories and a variety of educational technologies. That is, speaking in an understandable language, pedagogy as a science develops tools to influence the best sides of the personality, which are revealed as a result of the educational process. Those universal values that are the most valuable to society, pedagogy directs to the development of personal qualities that should benefit, first of all, the person himself, and therefore the society as a whole.

The accumulation and perception of human experience occurs through education. This determines that the structure of pedagogy as a science consists of the following subsections:

  • Clear pedagogy that studies the patterns of parenting from the moment they are born. Infant age is a very important period when the formation of the mental, physical and emotional components of the character of the future personality is taking place.
  • Preschool pedagogy at its core has a methodology for educating preschool children. She is developing the theoretical foundations of education in institutions of preschool preparation of the child for life, which include public and private kindergartens.
  • School pedagogy is considered the foundation of all other branches of pedagogy. Based on it, the skills of the younger generation are formed, which then it will apply throughout the rest of life. During this period, the subject of pedagogy as a science is the preparation of students for entering universities and choosing a future profession.
  • The next subsection is the pedagogy of vocational education. Here, the subject of pedagogy as a science is the task of educating the future employee and stimulating the qualities that should develop in him the desire to improve his skills.
  • And, finally, pedagogy of higher education closes the subsections of science and is called upon to create didactic foundations of education dedicated to the preparation of the scientific potential of society. It is characterized by continuity with school pedagogy. They are, as it were, a continuation of each other and combine the same technologies inherently.

Thus, pedagogy is one of the important sciences involved in the formation of man as a person.


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