Bolshoi Afanasyevsky lane and residential complex with the chambers of the Zinoviev-Yusupov

Moscow is famous for its sights, old streets and ancient buildings. The Big Afanasyevsky Lane is located between Arbat and Gagarinsky Lane. There are many interesting buildings erected in the XVIII-XIX centuries.

How did the name appear?

Like many other streets of Moscow, Afanasyevsky lanes, both Bolshoi and Maly, got their name in the 18th century. The lane was named after the church in the name of the hierarchs of Alexandria - Athanasius and Cyril. However, the structure of the temple was destroyed in a fire in 1812. Mrs. Yushkova P.P. at her own expense restored the temple in 1815. Therefore, for some time the lane bore her name - Yushkov. And from 1960 to 1994, the lane was called Myaskovsky in honor of the famous composer.

From Arbat Street in Moscow

Lane on the map

Bolshoy Afanasyevsky Lane takes its beginning from Gagarinsky, as if continuing Chertolsky. Then the street goes north, parallel to Gogolevsky Boulevard. Behind the intersection of the Sivtsev Vrazhek lane passed into Maly Afanasyevsky.

The lane is only 180 meters long. Nearby metro stations: Arbatskaya and Kropotkinskaya.

Homes and famous people

Famous people lived at different times in the Big Afanasyevsky Lane in Moscow. At the intersection with the Sivtsev Vrazhek lane, the famous mayor Rostopchin Fedor lived when he served in 1812.

Nikolai Stankevich, a Russian philosopher, lived in the house of Princess Gorchakova. There were possessions of the writer S. Aksakov, to whom Nikolai Gogol came to visit.

In this lane there was the estate of Grandfather Saltykov-Shchedrin, and the writer himself often visited here in his childhood.

There was also a brokerage house of Mr. Khlebnikov, from whom A. Pushkin took leases.

old alley photo

House number 24

This house in Bolshoi Afanasyevsky Lane is assigned to the object of cultural heritage of regional significance. Initially, the estate belonged to the Zinoviev-Yusupov family. Stolnik Zinoviev built of stone for 30 years. And in 1685 he received a loan to build a house.

The building itself consists of two small buildings, which over time were combined on the second floor. Over time, the house was equipped with a house church.

In 1776, house number 24 in Bolshoi Afanasyevsky Lane already belonged to Leo Tolstoy's great-grandfather. The most recent owner was Leo Tolstoyโ€™s brother, Bers Alexander, with his wife, the Georgian princess. He died in 1918.

At the end of the last century, a third floor appeared at the house. The facade of the building also often changed: the owners followed fashion trends and remade it in the Empire style, then in an eclectic style, that is, by now it was already impossible to recognize the chambers erected in the 17th century.

House owned by Major General V. A. Urusov.


At the beginning of our century, houses were deprived of a profitable neighbor, then all farm buildings were demolished. They forgot about the architectural landmark for a while, the house did not even have a roof.

In 2002, the developer ZAO Lasteya-ART acquired the land for the construction of a residential complex, and also became the owner of the Zinoviev-Yusupov house.

The company for three years, from 2003 to 2006, carried out emergency response measures, cleaned the third floor and outbuildings. The foundation was also strengthened.

After 4 years, comprehensive restoration work was carried out, the house acquired the appearance inherent in the XVIII century. In 2012, all work was completed, and restorers received a prize in the nomination "For the best restoration project." Now the Museum of the International Numismatic Club is working here.

Bird's-eye view

Residential complex

Immediately behind the museum, a huge Afanasyevsky residential complex now flaunts. This is a respectable Class A building. The house has its own courtyard. The proximity of the apartment building in the Big Afanasyevsky Lane to the metro makes it even more attractive. Arbatskaya station (Filevskaya line) is only 300 meters away, and Kropotkinskaya station is 700 meters away.

The house has two residential complexes, combined together with the Zinoviev chambers. The structure itself has a monolithic frame and brick-filled walls. All elevators have no engine room and are lowered directly to the car parking floor, which has two levels. The entire structure is equipped with fire extinguishing and video surveillance.

On the first floors of the buildings there are rooms for strollers and relaxation areas. And from the front lobby you can get to any part of the complex. The house itself is small, it has only 52 apartments - 2 on each floor.

And this is not the only interesting street in Moscow, the capital has many attractions and ancient buildings.


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