Gasfort Mountain: description, features, historical facts

There are no very high mountains on the Crimean peninsula . The highest point of the Crimea is 1,500 meters. The entire relief of the peninsula is divided into three unequal parts. In the north it is a lowland plain, the monotony of which is broken only by mysterious depressions. To the south, the relief is gradually increasing. The Kerch Peninsula has a separate structure . The rocky coast of Crimea is indented with bays.

A brief description of Mount Gasfort

Not far from Sevastopol is the low mountain of Gasfort, whose photo can be found in the article. Its height reaches only 217 meters. The mountain is a former coral reef made up of limestone.

Gasforta creates its own special microclimate. In the hottest months, the temperature here is several degrees lower than in Sevastopol. Thanks to this, cool winds fly to the south-eastern part of the city.

Gasforta Mountain (how to get to it - we will tell below) has become the home of such plants as prickly pears, juniper, Crimean wormwood and cotoneaster. The grass is full of insects. In this area you can find bark beetles, wasps and ants. Many insects are endemic.

gasfort mountain

Historical facts

Gasforta Mountain is best known for its historical significance. In the middle of the XIX century, this hill was occupied by 16 Kazan regiment led by V. G. Gasfort. It was in honor of this man that she was named.

At the top of the mountain is a necropolis in which Italian soldiers were buried. The burial places were moved from the original place. During the siege of the city, Italians lost over 2,000 soldiers. However, only 12 of them were killed in battle. The rest were victims of cholera that raged in those days in these parts.

The necropolis was partially damaged during the Second World War, when regiments were also strengthened at this place. Unfortunately, the Germans, leading the siege of Sevastopol, did not reckon with historical values ​​and sought to raze absolutely everything.

gasfort mountain how to get

The necropolis and chapel were completely destroyed in the late 50s. They just blew up the remnants of unexploded mines, shells and grenades. From the stories of local residents it is known that the entire mountain of Gasfort, including the foot, was covered with plates from the chapel. Naturally, this indicates how terrifying the explosion was.

Some people believe that the explosion is associated with the tragic sinking of the battleship Novorossiysk. Misfortune happened a month before the explosion. The alleged cause of its flooding is considered the fighting of Italian diversion swimmers.

The rest of the cemetery suffered even later during the extraction of fluxes there. The role was also played by the fact that, due to the disappearance of large predators, the neighborhoods were inhabited by jackals, who scattered bones in the bushes. You can see how this chapel looked on the canvas in the diorama "Assault on the Sapun Mountains May 7, 1944."

Attempt to destroy the mountain

In addition to the fact that battles took place on the mountain and in the vicinity, they still tried to raze it to the ground. The reason for this was the fact that Mount Gasfort consists of marbled limestone. Two large-scale construction projects unfolded simultaneously on its slopes. Moreover, one of them served as a cover for the other. A command post was built for command and respected individuals who came to rest on the South Coast. Hence the amazing scale.

All this was done under the guise of another construction site. It seemed that the construction of a mining and processing complex was underway. In order to hide the destructive work as much as possible, a semblance of a mine, a factory and a power plant was built. Construction began in 1977.

In the nineties, the project was almost completed, but for some reason abandoned. An echo of it left the unattractive glands along the route, as well as the cut sides of the mountain, spoiling the beautiful natural landscape. Thickets of relict juniper disappeared.

gasfort mountain how to get there

Gasforta mountain - how to get there?

You can get to the Gasfort Mountain by taking the bus to the fifteenth kilometer of the Sevastopol - Yalta highway. Next, go forward along the highway for another 200 meters. The obelisk established in honor of the war heroes will serve as a reference point. Immediately after him begins the path leading to the top. It is very simple, so for climbing you do not need to have special skills. The road rises along the northern slope.

Such a walk is perfect for a family trip. At the end of the journey, all efforts will be offset by the amazing landscapes that have opened up. The hill offers stunning views of the Balaclava.

Gasfort Mountain Lake

Gasfort Mountain Lake

Near the mountain there is Gasforta lake. On the shore of the reservoir there is a resting place equipped with barbecue facilities. The lake is surrounded by a fence, and entry to the territory is paid. It is best if vacationers stock up on firewood and enough drinking water in advance, since the infrastructure in this area is not very developed.

gasfort mountain photo

Biker Rally

Gasforta Mountain and its surroundings have recently become famous thanks to a large gathering of bikers. This event attracts motorcycle enthusiasts from all over the country. And not only from Russia or Ukraine. Rally is attended by motorcyclists from Europe, near and far abroad. Famous Russian rock bands perform at the festival. Naturally, in these parts not only bikers gather for concerts, but also just lovers of music and colorful shows. A biker rally in these parts is conducted by the Night Wolves club. The organizers hope that it will become regular and will be held annually, as this event is quite popular in circles of a certain category of people.


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