Cornflowers from beads - a workshop on weaving

Using beads, you can make any decoration for your home with your own hands. Many needlewomen really like to weave flowers from it. They turn out to be very similar to living ones, especially cornflowers from beads. They can be made in different colors: from pale blue to dark blue, creating a whole bouquet. True, for its creation it may take a lot of time and knowledge of the basics of beadwork. Otherwise, even a beginner needlewoman will be able to cope with the work.

What do you need for work?

Cornflower Bead
To make cornflowers from beads with your own hands, you need to prepare all the necessary materials and tools:

- 10-15 grams of blue beads;

- 5-10 grams of blue beads;

- 5 grams of green beads;

- 0.2 mm thick wire (5 m for each flower);

- green mouline thread or floral ribbon;

- wire cutters;

- organizer or palette for beads.

Only after this can you start weaving cornflowers from beads. A master class on their manufacture suggests that each part of the flower will be created separately, and only then they will be combined into a single composition.

Weaving the outer petals

Cornflowers from beads workshop
1. For one petal, you need to take a wire 50 cm long and string 3 blue beads on it. Then, using the parallel weaving technique, pass the wire through the 2 extreme beads in the opposite direction. Tighten the wire so that a โ€œneedleโ€ forms on its middle.

2. Next, at one end, add 4 more beads and thread the wire in the opposite direction through 2 middle beads. Again tightly pull the wire, get another "needle". On the same side weave one more needle from the beads, and two on the other. In total, they should turn out 5. This is the first row of the petal is finished.

3. For the second row, at one end of the wire, dial 7 blue beads. And pass the other end through it in the opposite direction. Tighten the wire so that the row of beads is exactly under the "needles".

4. All other 6 rows are also woven using the parallel weaving technique, only in each row the number of pieces decreases by one. Thus, in the 8th row there will be only one bead. But this does not stop to create cornflowers from beads. The weaving pattern continues with sepals.

6. On one end of the wire, collect 7 green beads, and on the other - 8. Then thread the end of the wire through the 8th bead and pull the wire segments as close as possible to each other. At the end, make several revolutions around the axis to secure the first outer lobe for the cornflower. In total for each flower they will need 7 pieces.

Weaving the inner petals

Bouquet of cornflowers from beads
1. The core of the flower can be weaved from darker beads, for example, blue. For her, take a piece of wire 40 cm long and put on 3 beads. Then, just as for the outer petals, drag one of the ends of the wire in the opposite direction. The result should be a small "needle".

2. In exactly the same way, make a total of 11 "needles". It is most convenient to place the first one in the middle of the wire, and then weave 5 on one side and 5 on the other.

3. Then collect them all in such a way that they stand upright, but at the same time have the likeness of a ball. Visually, it will be like the inside of a flower. Obviously, cornflowers from beads will have one such centerpiece each. So, their number will be the same.

Leaf making

Bead cornflower pattern
Of course, to complete the weaving of cornflowers, you still need to make leaves. For these flowers, they are thin strips, and make them not be difficult. To do this, it is enough to collect 25 green beads on a 20 cm long wire segment, and then thread one of the ends in the opposite direction through 24 beads, holding the first one. Tighten the wire and secure by twisting the ends 3-4 times together.

The cornflower bead scheme allows you to use any number of leaves. Usually at least 3-4 pieces are made for each flower. Sometimes such leaves are created by parallel weaving, starting and ending next to 1 bead, and the middle consists of rows of 2-3 beads.

Flower assembly

Beaded Cornflowers for Beginners
After all the blanks are done, you can proceed to the final stage - to collect cornflowers from beads into a single whole. A master class in this part will require the needlewoman to be extremely attentive. The beauty of the finished bouquet will depend on the observance of the sequence of work.

1. The process begins with the assembly of the outer petals. Put all 7 pieces in a line, thread a length of wire 30 cm long through the lower blue bead. Petals are strung on it.

2. Then pull the wire so that all the petals are pressed against each other closely. They should form a bud. Now align the ends of the horizontal wire and twist them together. The remaining segment should be masked inside.

3. If you slightly unbend the outer petals, in the middle you can place the previously prepared inner petals. To do this, it is enough to pass them through the center of the cornflower. Now you can connect all the pieces of wire from below to each other.

4. Using green threads or floral tape, mask the wire under the stem of the cornflower. At a distance of 3 cm from the flower, the first leaf is placed, and then after 3 more - the next and so on, until the stem ends.

5. Thread the threads at the end of the stem with knots, and tape with ordinary glue. The excess wire is simply cut off with wire cutters. Spread the outer petals and needles on them, and the work is completed.

Other cornflower beads are made in the same way. Their number in the bouquet can be any, but not less than 3. Also, they can be supplemented with other flowers from beads.

What else do you need to know?

cornflowers bead weaving pattern
Taking this workshop as a basis, you can make a bouquet of cornflowers from beads, which will consist not only of blossoming flowers, but also of buds and half-opened flowers. One from the other will differ only in the number of petals. For a fully closed bud, you need only 3 outer petals without a middle, and for a half-open bud you need a middle, but it will consist of only 2 stamens. And if you need a half-opened flower, then you should make a middle of 5 "needles".

It is worth noting that you can collect all the prepared flowers not only in one bouquet, but also in one flower. For example, you can combine a bud and a fully opened cornflower. Also, the middle is made not only of beads, but also of bugles, replacing the last 2 beads in each "needle" with it.


Beadwork enthralls more and more people, but not all work can be done by inexperienced needlewomen. Weaving flowers is another matter; it is especially easy to make bead cornflowers with your own hands. For beginners and those taking the first steps in beadwork, their implementation is perfect. It will be easy to brag of such work, having decorated a desk with a bouquet at work or at home.


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