How to make a house of matches? We make a house of matches with our own hands

In the modern world, things that are made by oneself are very much appreciated. It is always nice to receive such gifts: the soul of the donor is invested in them, as well as his free time, and for some this is the time - a great luxury. It is doubly nice to think that someone has spent their strength and efforts on you. This article will teach you how to make a house of matches on your own.

Crafts for developing perseverance and mindfulness

how to make a house of matches
During the upbringing and development of the child, time must be devoted to the development of his perseverance and attentiveness. Without these qualities, the baby will have much more difficulty in kindergarten and school, and it will also be difficult to cope with work already in adulthood, and indeed in life. Great practice - creating crafts from matches. Matches are a cheap and affordable material, the environmental friendliness of which is beyond doubt. And the process itself will not only give you and your child a unique job as a result, but also help the baby become more patient and quick-witted, precise in movements and attentive to details, teach to achieve goals, develop taste and creative activity. Therefore, do not hesitate - consider this review in more detail and proceed directly to the product design process.

Great material for crafts!

In order to answer the question of how to make a house out of matches, you do not need much talent, and experience and dexterity will certainly come to you in the process. It should be noted that such a pastime is pleasant and interesting not only for children, but also for adults. The lesson is calming, it is like a kind of meditation. From matches you can make crafts of any size, from a small well to a large castle. With such crafts, you can beautifully and stylishly decorate the interior by painting them with bright colors or leaving them in their original form. The resulting stylish and original crafts can be presented to relatives and friends. When modeling a house, it is better to use glue (silicate or PVA), but you can do without it. However, keep in mind that without the use of glue, making a house of matches will be an order of magnitude more difficult. Matches can be used as a whole, or they can be broken into pieces.

matchstick house without glue
Advice for adults

Making a house of matches? If yes, then you should pay attention to one important tip: do not leave very young children alone with matches because of their flammability (remember the famous phrase “Matches for children are not a toy”?) If the house is already assembled, take a picture of the product as a keepsake for the baby, and the craft itself better disassemble.

Materials and tools needed to create matchstick crafts

How to build a house of matches? We will need:

  • seven or eight boxes of matches (depends on the size of the planned crafts);
  • coin or button;
  • stand from a thick sheet of cardboard, book or CD, on which our building will be placed.

Getting to the construction of the house

Let's try to figure out how to make a house of matches. First of all, we form the foundation of our future house. We lay out two matches in parallel at a distance, and on top - eight matches in one row, so that they are perpendicular to the two lower ones. We put the matches at the same distance from each other and make sure that the extreme ones form a regular quadrangle with our “stand”. We spread the next row - again perpendicular to the bottom layer, in the amount of eight pieces.

How to make a house of matches beautiful and neat? We make a construction of seven to eight rows, and so that the house has an aesthetic appeal, we make sure that the match heads are arranged in a circle.

how to build a house of matches
Here you can stop at the "well" or modify it a bit and get a small house from matches - with your own hands, as you will see later, it is not difficult to make it. To do this, make another layer using eight matches, put six more perpendicularly on top. Next, we put a coin or button on them. We take the "well" and set one match for each corner. They penetrate the top layer and should go to the base. Make sure that the "well" does not move out. After the house is fortified in four corners, we stick in new parts along the perimeter of all the walls. For even greater reliability, we squeeze the house by hand, moving the matches to the button (or coin), and then remove it.

Squeeze the details that were inserted with the button into the house, and carefully press the product itself on each side. Now the foundation of our "well" will be the basis for the roof. Getting to the walls. To do this, add two match rows to each wall of the house. One row should be vertical (matches are inserted upside down), and the second should be horizontal (we put the material in a “well”, match heads alternate with the tips). After completing the work, you need to squeeze the house again, press the heads of the parts that protrude, so that the matches are well pressed and held together.

Building a roof for future crafts

For the roof, the details are pulled out of the finished building - first we pull out the match from the corner, and then we poke the vertical matches of the wall from the bottom and pull up.

When we pulled out all the building elements, we fill the roof of the building. We place the matches perpendicular to the top layer from the very edge of our house. The roof pattern should resemble a checkerboard pattern.

Finally, the final stage is the construction of a slope of the roof of the house. We will make it out of matches, laying them to the center with heads all over the roof. We put two rows - and press the match heads on the sides, fixing the roof. Now our house with a roof is ready!

master class matchstick house

For beauty, you can still finish building the house, decorate it with windows, a door or, for example, a pipe. You can create a pipe from half a match by inserting it upside down in the roof of the house. This is a small house of matches without glue, having learned how to make it, you can move on to much more monumental structures.

Additional buildings to the house

The fence for the house can be built from match wheels. Wheels can be made in various sizes and used also to decorate the house itself, to create wells and so on. There are several manufacturing options for these parts, so you should consider this process in more detail.

Making match wheels

To create wheels from matches, you do not need to use glue, since matches will be held without it due to the friction force. We put one match as the base through two, three, four supporting matches (this is the first option for building the wheel). The wheel will have fifteen vertices, and to build it you need one hundred and five matches.

The second option - we stack two supporting matches, then the wheel will consist of ninety-five parts with nineteen vertices and a small diameter. These wheels will allow us to put them in larger products.

DIY matchstick house
The third option is to create the wheels by stacking them through three supporting matches. There will be twenty-one peaks, and eighty-four details are needed. These wheels will be smaller than the previous ones.

To create a wheel with the smallest diameter, we need to put matches through four supporting ones, such a wheel will have twenty-two vertices and consist of sixty-six parts.

Useful Tips

If you decide to create your own house from matches, then you should familiarize yourself with a few useful tips. They will significantly facilitate the whole process.

  1. how to build a house of matches
    Before starting painstaking work, prepare a workplace. If you decide to assemble the house with glue, then it is better to cover the place with oilclad material so as not to stain the surface. Immediately determine the place where your finished crafts will dry.
  2. Prepare dishes and a brush for glue, preferably small and thin. Instead of a brush, you can also use a toothpick or a sharpened match.
  3. Sort the parts before starting work. In any box there are more beautiful and even matches, and there are with chips or brown. The material that is the most beautiful is best used for the walls of the house, roof, so our crafts will look more neat and presentable.
  4. You can cut off match heads with well-sharpened scissors or use an office knife, then the house will turn out even more even and neat. However, this work should be done exclusively by adults, keeping children out of it in order to avoid injury.
  5. You can make the resulting product more attractive by painting them in bright colors. Use gouache or paint in sprays.
  6. Remember that this work is very, very painstaking, so be patient and do not rush. Otherwise, the resulting house will drive into anguish, and not give joy from the realization of their capabilities.

Great pastime for children and adults!

We hope you enjoyed our workshop. A house of matches, if you follow the steps described in the article, will turn out beautiful and original. And the time spent on creating a house of matches will bring a lot of pleasure.

What can be said in conclusion?

matchstick house for beginners

This article examined the steps by which you can build a house of matches. For beginners, this may be the starting point, and in the future, using our experience and imagination, it will be possible to create more serious objects. For example, palaces, circles, towers, horses and even portraits are made from matches. Therefore, start small: gather the whole family, read an article on how to build a house of matches and begin the construction process. And maybe very soon, on one of the sites we will stumble on photos of your beautiful and original crafts.

Good luck in your efforts and success in creating the house! If you make every effort and take advantage of all your imagination, then you will not have any problems with the design of products from such material as matches.


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