Basic methods for collecting information

Depending on the source, the information may be secondary or primary. In the second case, information was obtained during the survey (observation) first hand. In the first case, the source is already published material.

Methods for collecting sociological information include: survey, observation, analysis of documents.

The last trick means the use of any information recorded in the text (handwritten or printed), sound recordings, photo, film, video materials. This method includes the analysis of documents (content analysis) and is used in the study of information created in different areas of public communication. All documents are divided into four types. The first includes written materials - archival information, press materials, personal documentation. The second type is iconographic documents. These include paintings, videos, photographs. The next type are statistical documents. They are presented in digital form. The last, fourth, type of documents include phonetic data. They are sound recordings.

Surveillance and polling are fairly common methods of data collection.

It should be noted that with a fairly wide application, these techniques (separately) are not the main ones in the study. Often, information collection methods are used together.

One of the advantages of observation, as a research device, is the direct personal contact of the researcher with an object or phenomenon. Sociological observation is carried out in natural conditions for the studied subject. Thus, the researcher is able to obtain primary information. In the process of studying the registration of occurring phenomena.

Depending on the degree to which the researcher takes part in the process, an included and simple observation is distinguished. In the second case, the researcher fixes everything β€œfrom the side”, not participating in the occurring phenomenon or activity of the studied group.

Sociological observation (in contrast to the traditional, everyday) has clearly formulated goals and objectives. A characteristic feature of this technique is the presence of a direct indication of the object of study, thoughtful ways of fixing information, as well as methods of processing and interpreting the results.

Interviews and questionnaires - methods for collecting information through a mass survey. They allow you to quickly get primary information from a significant number of people.

A poll is a technique in which a researcher (sociologist) addresses directly to respondents with certain questions. This method is used in cases where you need to obtain information about the subjective state of people, the motivation of actions, attitude to phenomena, opinions, intentions, needs and more.

Questionnaires and interviews, as a rule, preserve the complete anonymity of the respondents. Using these methods of collecting information, researchers draw the attention of respondents to the absence of any information to establish their identity. Thus, people can be sure that their participation in the survey will not have negative consequences.

These are the main methods of collecting information.

To analyze interpersonal (intragroup) relationships in small groups, sociometry is used. This technique allows you to identify the degree of disunity or cohesion of the participants, to determine their position in terms of antipathy or sympathy. In addition to identifying leaders and outsiders, this method helps to establish separate subgroups within the group that have their own informal leaders.


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