David Niven: films, biography

David Niven was a legendary Hollywood actor. A native of the Scottish officer family, he always attracted directors with his aristocratic appearance. From the article it will become known about the filmography of the actor, as well as about those paintings for which he received an Oscar and Golden Globe.

short biography

David niven

The future actor was born in London 03/01/1910. By origin, David Niven, whose biography is being considered, is a descendant of the Scots. His father was a hero of the First World War. All his youth passed in the circle of senior officers. He even graduated from a military academy.

By the early thirties of the last century, he moved to Hollywood. He was invited there by producer Samuel Goldwin. At this time, he played several episodic roles, and lived with his friend Errol Flynn.

David niven movies

David Niven did not wait for the main roles when the Second World War began. He returned to serve in the British Army. During the fighting, he rose to the rank of liaison officer. After the war, the actor married and began to receive leading roles in the cinema. Although even during the fighting, he managed to play in two scenes.

In addition to filming a movie, autobiographical books, which at that time became bestsellers, brought him great popularity.

Death overtook the actor 07/29/1983 in Switzerland. The cause of death was a rare disease - amyotrophic lateral sclerosis.


David Niven filmography

David Niven did not always get the main roles in the movie, but his characters were remembered by the audience and critics. The main roles he began to offer more often in the sixties of the twentieth century.

Success list:

  • “The rebellion on the Bounty” - the plot tells of the eighteenth-century English fleet. His service was very cruel, because for the slightest fault the sailors were punished with a whip, and in special cases the death penalty was used. The sailors rebelled, dreaming of a better life, but their dreams were not destined to come true.
  • "Attack of the light cavalry" - describes the events of 1854 at the Battle of Balaclava.
  • “Bishop's Wife” is a romantic comedy about the bishop’s family and what really matters in life.
  • “Around the World in 80 Days” - an adventure picture based on the novel by Jules Verne.
  • Pink Panther is a crime comedy that consists of a series of films about the inspector and his investigations.
  • "Casino Royale" is a parody comedy that does not belong to the official bondian.
  • “Dinner with a Murder” is a comedy with elements of black humor about the five best world detectives who were invited to dinner. They must solve the murder, then the winner will receive one million dollars.
  • "Death on the Nile" - an adaptation of the novel by Agatha Christie.

David Niven, whose filmography includes more than a hundred films, was awarded the most prestigious award in the American film industry. What film brought him such fame?

Actor awards

David Niven biography

During his career, David Niven has been awarded the following awards:

  • Academy Award in the category "Best Actor" in 1959;
  • twice the Golden Globe Award in the nomination "Best Actor" in 1954 and 1959.

Films that brought well-deserved awards were called The Blue Moon, At Separate Tables.

Oscar-winning actor film

Niven David

The film, which brought the American officer an American award, was directed by Delbert Mann. It is called in the English version of "Separate tables." The plot is based on the play of the same name by Terence Rettigen.

According to the plot of the picture, the action takes place in the seaside hotel "Beauregard", which is located in Bournemouth. The manager in it is Pat Cooper, played by Wendy Hiller. The advantage of the hotel are separate tables for each guest.

List of guests:

  • David Pollock is a major.
  • Sybil Railton Bell - a lady in love with a major, suffering from nervous breakdowns.
  • Mrs. Maud is an elderly, strict and domineering woman, the mother of Sybil.
  • Lady Gladys Matheson is Mrs. Maud's girlfriend.
  • Charles is a surgeon preparing for an exam.
  • Gene is Charles's companion.
  • Fowler is an elderly man, a teacher of literature.
  • Mrs. Michem is a detective detective, Fowler's rival in billiards.
  • John Malcolm is a drinking journalist.
  • Anne Shankland is a newly arrived lady.

The relationship between the guests captivates the audience. Major Pollock is played by David Niven. Films featuring an English actor are very diverse. However, he often happened to play the role of a British aristocrat with a rose in his buttonhole.

Interesting Facts

Films that have brought recognition to the actor and famous world awards do not belong to standard films. So, the creation of 1953, "The Blue Moon" was banned for viewing due to censorship. The plot of the tape is about two wealthy men who want to seduce the same woman. But the lady does not plan to lose her innocence before marriage. Their task is to achieve their goal without tying themselves together.

The Oscar-winning ribbon of 1959 was recognized by the world community without restrictions. An interesting fact is another. The fact is that Niven David received an Oscar for playing in it, although he was in the frame for a total of sixteen minutes.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/G17010/

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