Human influence on the atmosphere: problems and their solutions

Human economic activity is increasingly negatively affecting the atmosphere, and as a result, the rest of the environment. Modern anthropogenic factors have led to an over-intensification of the wig effect, global warming, depletion of the ozone layer, acid rain and other environmental problems.

the greenhouse effect

Today’s human influence on the atmosphere is enormous. Every day, new enterprises and cars appear that emit a significant amount of gas. All of them are concentrated in the atmosphere, which leads to the strongest greenhouse effect. This is the name of the ability of some gases to transmit additional solar radiation to the surface of the planet.

With natural proportions, the greenhouse effect is one of the factors of life on Earth, since it is thanks to it that the air temperature familiar to us is preserved. However, due to an increase in the concentration of gases in the atmosphere, this balance is disturbed. For this reason, today ecologists and weather forecasters note an increase in average temperature worldwide.

the effect of air pollution on human health

Carbon dioxide emissions

Significant human impact on the atmosphere is due to several factors. First of all, these are carbon dioxide emissions. It has a small greenhouse potential, but can exist in the atmosphere for several decades. Therefore, the concentration of carbon dioxide develops into a global problem gradually, but at the same time and confidently.

The main source of this substance in the atmosphere is the processing and burning of oil, coal, gas, i.e., combustible minerals. It is difficult to overestimate their importance for humanity - thanks to these types of fuel, about 80% of all world energy is produced. Meanwhile, the needs of society are growing. New factories, factories, cities appear - all this strengthens the influence of man on the atmosphere. Every year, carbon dioxide in this environment grows by about half a percent.

There are other reasons for escalating the environment. Thus, a gradual decrease in the area of ​​forests in the equatorial and tropical zones leads to an additional release of oxidized carbon. This process is facilitated not only by nature, but also by man. His vigorous economic activity remains the cause of the gradual deforestation of more and more forests.

Due to changes in the atmosphere, an increase in carbon dioxide emissions also affects the world's oceans, which absorb and dissolve this compound. This is a natural process, the proportions in which are violated due to anthropogenic interference. The scale of the exchange between the atmosphere and the deepest layers of the ocean has not yet been accurately estimated. Its peculiarity is that this process indirectly changes the entire ecosystem as a whole. So the influence of a person on the atmosphere affects photosynthesis, the source of stimulation of which is carbon dioxide.

human influence on the atmosphere

Excess methane

The greenhouse effect is also enhanced due to the high concentration of methane, which is growing due to anthropogenic factors. Under natural conditions, it is formed in swamps, rice plantations, etc. But today, about 60% of methane in the atmosphere appears due to the burning of fossil fuels, oil refining, and gas production. All these factors enhance the human impact on the atmosphere.

In short, nature has its own mechanisms for reducing methane. This substance is unstable. It is removed from the atmosphere due to interaction with other compounds, including the hydroxyl ion. However, even these natural processes today cannot maintain the methane concentration within normal limits. Comparing the indicators of the present and the pre-industrial era, scientists came to the conclusion that during this time the numbers have more than doubled, which cannot but remain without consequences for the entire planet.

Global warming

Due to the intensified greenhouse effect, the average temperature in the world over the past century has increased by an average of 0.6 ° C. That is how the negative impact of a person on the atmosphere affects. And although the numbers may seem small and insignificant, in fact, even tiny changes radically change the biosphere.

The temperature rise associated with human intervention accelerated at an accelerated rate after the 1980s. when in many countries more and more new factories began to appear, and there was also a car boom. First, ecologists sounded the alarm, and then the rest of the scientists. Research on this subject began to be carried out only at the end of the 20th century, when modern technology appeared, necessary for ultra-precise temperature measurements and generalization of a huge array of data from around the world.

positive human impact on the atmosphere

Forecast for the future

Today, there are several theoretical models for the further development of events. If the impact of human activities on the atmosphere remains the same or continues to increase (this is the most likely option), then greenhouse gas emissions will gradually increase. By the XXII century, the temperature will increase by 2-3 ° C. Moreover, the greatest changes will occur in the subarctic and arctic zones. The most visible consequence will be the massive melting of glaciers. This process has begun today.

The impact of human activities on the atmosphere will lead to an increase in rainfall. The map of their distribution will be much more varied than now. At the same time, all kinds of natural disasters will become more frequent: tsunamis, storms, cyclones. A similar disaster occurred at the end of 2005 on the northern coast of the Indian Ocean, when about 300 thousand people died.

Due to the reduction of polar and mountain glaciers, the average level of the oceans continues to grow steadily. Over the past hundred years, he climbed 10 - 20 centimeters. Already today at risk are the ice sheets of Antarctica, as well as thawed ice of Greenland. Rising ocean levels will have a huge impact on the coastal areas in which many people live. Such regions include the Netherlands, Bangladesh, etc.

Of course, the influence of the atmosphere on people's lives can change over time. It all depends on the attitude of mankind to its economic activities. In many countries, alternative energy sources are becoming popular today, which can reduce the use of petroleum products and other harmful fuels. For example, these are windmills and solar panels. The problem with transport is also being solved. Some leading automobile manufacturers have focused on producing and improving electric models.

human impact on the atmosphere briefly

Ozone Degradation

Excessive warming is not the only problem that the negative impact of a person on the atmosphere stimulates. In addition, due to anthropogenic factors, the ozone layer is destroyed. It is located in the troposphere at an altitude of about 25 kilometers. This thin layer protects the Earth's surface from ultraviolet radiation, the source of which is the sun.

Thanks to ozone in the troposphere, comfortable conditions have formed for the emergence of life on the planet. When exposed to ultraviolet radiation, severe forms of skin cancer, eye diseases, and dysfunction of the immune system occur. In addition, it leads to a decrease in cereal productivity, the death of plankton in the oceans and other adverse environmental consequences.

The negative impact of the atmosphere on the human body today is not least due to the fact that due to anthropogenic factors, the ozone layer has lost about 5% of its own mass. In 1984, British researchers studying Antarctica discovered an amazing phenomenon. Above this continent they recorded a huge ozone “hole” - in autumn, the level of ozone in it is 40% lower than average. For this reason, today our planet receives 10 times more ultraviolet radiation, compared with natural indicators.

The ozone problem has become an alarming environmental signal. At the end of the 20th century, several international conventions were signed, according to which the leaders of industrialized countries agreed to reduce their production associated with the use of chlorofluorocarbons. Such dangerous anomalies arise precisely because of these substances.

the impact of human activities on the atmosphere

Acid rain

Human influence on the atmosphere has another form. It is associated with an increase in acidity. In science, this process is called asidification. The increase in acidity begins in the atmosphere, and then, through precipitation, similar changes occur in the aquatic environment and soils.

In vivo, this indicator is weak or neutral. However, due to the ingress of nitrogen and sulfur oxides into the atmosphere, hazardous acid precipitation occurs . Similar phenomena can occur for natural reasons, for example, after a volcanic eruption. But it is human activity that makes the biggest contribution to this piggy bank. These factors include the burning of fossil fuels. First of all, it is coal used in boiler houses, thermal power plants, the oil industry and metallurgy.

Agriculture is another cause of acid rain. Nitrogen fertilizers are to blame, which are used in large quantities by farmers from different countries. Chemical compounds enter the soil, and from there to other areas of the environment, including the atmosphere.

Through rain, acid enters the ecosystem and harms forests, groundwater, lakes and rivers. Thanks to nitrogen compounds, all new algae absorbing oxygen appear. In addition, the spoiled atmosphere changes the background radiation on Earth, as well as the balance of nutrients in the environment.

the effect of the atmosphere on people's lives

Air pollution

Every day, enterprises in the power industry, chemical industry, non-ferrous and ferrous metallurgy emit all new harmful substances into the atmosphere. This leads to background air pollution in vast areas in all countries. The ecosystem of modern cities is full of solid substances (for example, heavy metals), and the vegetation in it is oppressed or transformed. The reason for all this decline is the absorption by the atmosphere of almost the entire periodic table.

The universal problem that has affected the lives of millions of people requires serious solutions. Today, the negative impact of the atmosphere on human health has led to the introduction of new technologies related to waste management and production. For a long time, people struggled with pollution by cleaning it. Time has shown that this path is wrong.

The problem must be prevented, and not solved after the occurrence. To do this, sanitary-protected zones are allocated, new layouts of urban and industrial construction are being introduced. Finally, legislative prohibitions and punishments are introduced. State authorities record the maximum permissible concentration of harmful substances in the atmosphere. Monitoring and regular checks of the level of air pollution are carried out. The production of certain substances is generally prohibited or severely limited.

Health hit

The negative impact of air pollution on human health continues to intensify for several decades. People (especially city dwellers) breathe harmful substances in the air every day. These are particles of asbestos, soot, solid lead, sulfuric acid and hydrocarbons in the form of tiny droplets, as well as all kinds of gases. Together, the effects of all these substances affect respiration. In addition, the likelihood of cardiovascular diseases increases.

The effect of air pollution on human health also depends on the innate predisposition of the body to a particular diagnosis. But in the incidence of diseases, there is a general trend, which is determined by the high concentration of a particular substance. For example, carbon monoxide, sulfur compounds, propylene, fatty acids, lead and mercury cause diseases related to the circulatory system. Diseases of the senses and nervous system are usually caused by the presence of chromium and silicon dioxide compounds. Phenol, fluorine, dust, hydrogen sulfide and carbon disulfide are fertile soil for the progression of digestive diseases.

Petroleum products, arsenic and benzene entering the atmosphere today are a serious problem in a slightly different area. All these substances affect the reproductive function of the human body. This group also includes organic compounds, including dioxins.

negative human impact on the atmosphere

Car damage

According to scientists, the average emission of harmful substances into the atmosphere and air shortens life by 3 to 5 years. The effect of air pollution on humans is formed primarily due to the increasing use of cars. Fuel in cars burns out unevenly and not completely, which is why substances harmful to people enter the environment. When driving, only 15% of gasoline is consumed. The remaining 85% settle in the air and enter the atmosphere.

The combustion chamber inside the car’s engine is a chemical reactor producing all new toxic compounds. Although in general, due to other factors, there is also a positive effect of a person on the atmosphere, all these advantages turn pale before the consequences of using gas-powered vehicles. Solid emissions such as soot and lead remain from the machines. Hydrocarbons settle on their surface, some of which increase the risk of cancer.


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