Dress from elastic bands: doll fashion

Ordinary high school, a lesson in the fourth grade. Everything seems to be as always, but every now and then among the boys a choked giggle sounds, and something small and almost imperceptible sweeps through the air. Once again, the teacher finally succeeds in catching this “something,” which, when examined, turns out to be a small thin rubber band. They are now popular with girls. After all, you can create anything with your own hands: bracelets, chains, handbags and even dresses made of elastic bands ...

Elastic weaving

Rainbow Loom rubber bands of various colors became a hit in 2013. This happened thanks to the inventor of Chinese origin Chong Chun Ng, who, seeing his daughters weaving chains of accounting gum, decided to help them, simplifying the task, and made a whole toy machine. With its help, it became possible to weave from elastic bands not only simple chains, but anything else - even toys. It would be a desire!

elastic dress
The machine looks like a small plastic plate with bars in three rows, on which you can stretch rubber bands. Thanks to the special hook, the rubber bands interlock with each other, thus making loops. The bars are removed, they can be moved and rearranged from place to place. The technology of weaving from rubber bands is very similar to knitting, they only knit with needles, and weave with hands and crochet.

What can be done with rubber bands?

Rainbow Loom can weave almost anything. The simplest items are bracelets and rings. To create them, the machine is not needed, they are easily made on the fingers. Earrings are made of these rubber bands (of course, you will have to buy the necessary accessories in the store), doll clothes, bags, toys ...

how to make a dress from elastic bands
The scope of fantasy is unlimited, the most important thing is perseverance. And, of course, a large number of rubber bands!

How to make a dress from elastic bands?

Since the target audience of Rainbow Loom gum is children aged 7 to 14 years old, mostly girls (boys are more interested in throwing rubber bands rather than weaving), of course, they often create masterpieces for their dolls. Clothing is very popular. How to weave a dress from elastic bands, we will consider further.

how to weave a dress from elastic bands
In general, it is not difficult. There are several ways to weave. The easiest is on the fingers, you can still use a machine, fork or even a slingshot. If there is not enough experience, it is best to work with the machine - there is less chance of making a mistake. After all, how insulting it will be if labor goes to dust!

What is needed

  1. Erasers of different colors - at least 500 pieces.
  2. Special machine (usually included)
  3. Weave hook

The presence of detailed instructions is also mandatory, and the presence of a mother / grandmother / older sister / any other adult who can help in case something goes wrong is also optional.

How to weave a dress from elastic bands?

Before you start weaving a dress from elastic bands, it is worth picking up these very elastic bands. It is important to think out the outfit so that it is harmonious, looks good with the rest of the doll accessories. However, some do not bother with this and specifically take gum of any color. It turns out a real rainbow in clothes (translated from English rainbow means "rainbow").

rubber doll dress
So, a dress made of rubber bands. How to weave? The process is carried out on the extreme bars, from the bottom row to the top. Work is ongoing with the use of pairs of rubber bands. On two such pegs you need to throw two gum twisted in the form of a figure eight. After a short gap - two more rubber bands, and then two more. The same thing needs to be repeated on the other side of the machine. Thus, part of the whetstones will be occupied by rubber eights, part between them will remain empty so far. It will also need to be filled with rubber bands, but they no longer need to be twisted. Then on both sides you need to wear loops. Two rubber bands on each side must be transferred from one row to another.

The next step: when the loops are removed, again you need to throw two rubber bands on the pegs. Now you don’t have to twist them! Then, using the hook, the loops are folded inside the dress. Two gum (not twisted!) Must be thrown on the main cubes. Two rubber bands are placed on each edge from row to row. All lower elastic bands are reset. On two sides, for those pegs for which the first-row gum was attached, two new rubber bands are engaged. Then again you need to reset the bottom. This process is repeated until the future dress is the right length.

With the help of a hook, all the rubber bands are pulled closer to the base, and the lower chain is reset. A new pair of elastic bands is thrown onto each column without twisting. The hook is again used, which resets the bottom row of rubber bands. On two sides of two columns, then you need to place two rubber bands, and lower the bottom again from row to row. Similarly, still do three times. Then you need to crochet a pigtail, remove all the loops and pick them up with a hook. The pigtail must be pulled through the hinges and secured with a pre-prepared clasp. Dress from rubber bands for the doll is ready!

Why is weaving useful?

Psychologists note the beneficial effect of rubber bands on the development and training of fine motor skills in children, in addition, thanks to weaving, memory, attention, and the child become more assiduous. Through this process, the perception of the world is also controlled.

It is interesting

How to make a dress of elastic, now it’s clear. But this is a dress for a doll, but what about a dress for a person? These also exist. The pioneers in rubber products for people were two English women who spent twenty thousand gum and two days on work. They put up their dress at auction; it went for three hundred thousand dollars. Following the British, others began to repeat. Now for people weave not only dresses from elastic bands, but also swimwear, trousers, jackets.

dress made of rubber bands per person
Weaving from gum is a truly fascinating activity that helps to awaken the creative vein. This is so important for every child, so the Rainbow Loom kit should be bought by your baby - you won’t regret this step!

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/G17021/

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