How to make a magic wand from a pencil and please a child?

Magic toys always madly attract children. Still would! After all, they are present not only in fairy tales, but also in extremely popular films. They are used by good and evil wizards and sorceresses, fairy-tale heroes, fantastic creatures, magicians, elves and fairies (about elves: meaning, of course, not wise creatures from the world of Tolkien and his followers). For example, in Harry Potter, the wand pays a lot of attention. It is not surprising that both toddlers and older children want to get something like that. Alas, in our world there is no such magic, however, it is quite possible to make a magic wand with your own hands.

how to make a magic wand from a pencil

So, making a magic wand is easy from stone, wood, and even plastic. But the wooden version will be the best, because even the oldest witches admit that this material has the most powerful energy. You can choose a special branch for this, walking along a grove or forest (but not along the roads or in the city limits - you can’t take anything here. We also do not recommend taking branches of spruce, pine or aspen: it is believed that they do not give energy, but suck it from surrounding space). Of course, you can cut out the toy, making it look like those that appear in the same film about the wizard boy, paint, varnish and give it to the child. But there is an easier option.

How to make a magic wand from a pencil? Very simple! We take any pencil you like, better authentic. It will become the basis for the future wand. Now take the materials for decoration. It can be foil (both thin food and chocolate), colored paper or colorful packaging for a bouquet. Cut a rectangle slightly longer than the pencil and wrap the base with it. We fix everything with tape.

magic wand from pencil

How to make a magic wand from a pencil yet? There are several interesting options, and here you just need to choose the one that you like best. Firstly, at the end of the base, you can attach some nice decorative element. It can be an asterisk made of paper, cardboard or plastic, a beautiful tip, a bright large bead. Any decorative decoration is suitable, the main thing is that it turns out bright and colorful. In general, a complete revelry of fantasy.

The second method, explaining how to make a magic wand from a pencil, is a little more difficult, but also good. So, it will take beads, gold and sparkles. All this in any order and according to any drawing you like is pasted onto our base. You can even use tapes if you wish. It will turn out very bright and interesting. Such a magic pencil wand will appeal to any child and bring a little magic to his games. The work is completed, but one more step remains.

do-it-yourself magic wand

It’s not enough to learn how to make a magic wand from a pencil, you still need to breathe in not strength and life. To do this, wait for the full moon. At the moment when the full moon finally appears in the sky, go to the window, open it and, looking at the star, ask her and the Tree to give magical power to the wand. Now leave the wand at night on the window so that it bathes in the moonlight until morning. Everything, our magical attribute is ready, you can wave it and make a wish!


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