Barcelona in December: features, weather conditions and reviews of tourists

For some, the word "vacation" is associated primarily with swimming in the sea and a golden tan. But there are those who enjoy any change of scenery, who like hours of walking, visiting various attractions, and the lack of crowds of tourists. Such travelers will be interested in this article. Indeed, outside the window is December, and the path lies in the distant and beautiful Barcelona.

Barcelona in December

A small Spanish town is located on the shores of the Mediterranean Sea. Small in area (only about 100 sq. M), but the port city, fabulous in beauty, not without reason received the title of the most beautiful city in Spain. It is no accident that tourists from all over the world come here around the clock to see beautiful Barcelona with their own eyes: take a walk along the Rambla Boulevard, visit the Gothic Quarter, the Gaudi House Museum, see the world-famous Sagrada Familia.

Barcelona in December

To visit Barcelona in December means to go on an exciting journey, because it is at this time that the city is preparing for Christmas. He becomes even more beautiful. It gets dark early in December in Barcelona, ​​so the Christmas atmosphere reigns everywhere. They say that at this time cafes and restaurants receive more revenue than at the height of the tourist season.


Well, and, of course, any traveler is interested in the question of what weather is in Barcelona in December, what clothes should I bring with me? At this time of year, winter begins here. Well, of course, rather arbitrary in comparison with the cold winter in Russia, but still winter. The average weather in Barcelona in December is characterized by a temperature of 13-15 degrees above zero, but it is not very stable. In this regard, the thermometer can reach both +10 and +20.

weather in barcelona in december

It is worth noting that the weather in Barcelona in December, January and February is approximately the same. However, February and January are not rich in precipitation, but in December it will not be amiss to take an umbrella with you. Light drizzle is not uncommon at this time of year. After sunset, the air temperature drops sharply, so a warm jacket and pants should also be put in a suitcase.

If we talk about reviews of the weather in Barcelona in December, then you should not trust them much. After all, the concept of what a comfortable temperature is is different for everyone. And the weather here is unpredictable. Someone was lucky with a temperature of twenty degrees, and someone spent his entire vacation walking in the drizzling rain.


December in Barcelona is rich in festive events. In addition to the Christmas meeting, which is celebrated on the night of December 24 to 25, two other holidays are celebrated at the beginning of the month (December 6 and 8): Constitution Day and Immaculate Conception Day. Holidays are considered weekends. No shops are open at this time, some restaurants are closed. But you will not have to refuse to visit various museums, since on holidays they not only work, but are also free to visit.

Despite the fact that Barcelona belongs to Catalonia, and the Catalans are trying in every possible way to emphasize their independence and autonomy from the rest of Spain, Constitution Day is celebrated here, as in the whole country. The Constitution itself was adopted in 1978 at a popular referendum, however, the holiday became a calendar only in 1983.

barcelona december weather reviews
The Immaculate Conception Day is one of the main Catholic holidays. The essence of the holiday is the Catholic dogma that the Virgin Mary was conceived by ordinary parents, but the original sin did not pass on to her. According to tradition, on this day the Catalans bring a decorated Christmas log to the house, on which they put on a hat with a cheerful muzzle. Until Christmas, they take care of the log, feed it, put it on, and talk to it.

Christmas in Barcelona is one of the most important holidays; it is customary to spend it with family members with the closest people. But until nine in the evening, mass festivities take place on the streets of Barcelona, ​​and only after that everyone rushes home to the festive table. In the morning after the holidays, it is customary to exchange gifts. Useful on this day and log. Children beat him with sticks to get candy. Well, and, of course, do not forget about the main holiday - New Year. Its residents of Barcelona are very noisy.


The choice of excursions in December, as, in principle, at any other time of the year, is quite large. Excursions can be ordered in advance via the Internet or purchased on the spot. You can also independently draw up an excursion route and go on a journey through the mysterious and beautiful Barcelona. Whichever option you choose, you will definitely not be bored here, because in the city there is a huge selection of museums, shows of dancing fountains, famous architectural structures.

the average weather in Barcelona in December

You should not refuse a small gastronomic tour: enjoy fine Spanish wines, as well as visit wonderful restaurants with an excellent selection of national cuisine. It is recommended to take such tours not one by one, but as a part of 4-6 people, so that you can try as many different goodies as possible.


After analyzing reviews of holidays in Barcelona in December, we can conclude that the weather at this time can be very annoying, especially for those who are exposed to rain. But in general, the reviews are enthusiastic. The festive atmosphere that reigns on the streets of the city provides a pleasant impression of the sights and creates an inner feeling of approaching magic. Some tourists even note that even the worst and wettest weather is not able to spoil the feeling that a miracle is about to happen.

weather in Barcelona in December January and February


Barcelona in December is worth a visit. With the weather, of course, it may not be lucky, but everything else will lead any tourist to complete delight. A stunning city with its traditions, sights, magnificent architecture and cultural heritage in December is transformed even more. No one will remain indifferent, even the most fastidious tourist. It's already mid-December on the calendar, but are you still hesitating? Be sure to go to Barcelona, ​​if possible. Just do not forget the warm jacket, trousers, camera and good mood.


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