Lost SNILS, how to find out the number? Documents for recovering SNILS in case of loss

Each resident of the Russian Federation must have certain documents in hand, the absence of which makes life problematic. For example, this is a registration and an insurance certificate. The last document often has difficulties. For example, people do not know what to do if they lost SNILS. How to find out the number of the insurance certificate, as well as recover the document? We will have to figure out all of this further. The main thing is to prepare in advance for upcoming operations.

Recovery of SNILS in Russia

Brief description of the document

SNILS is an insurance certificate. It looks like a green card with white splashes. The size of the document is slightly larger than bank plastic; it is laminated.

The data of the insured person are indicated on the front side of the insurance certificate, and information on the replacement and restoration of the document on the reverse side. The SNILS number is registered on the main part of the green card.

It is a unique combination of numbers that is assigned to a person upon registration in the compulsory insurance system in the Russian Federation. This is a citizen identifier. It does not change under any circumstances, just like a TIN.

At the employer

How to find out the number of SNILS without SNILS? In fact, to cope with this task is not difficult. The simplest recommendations below will help you avoid most problems.

SNILS in the Russian Federation - recovery methods

The information should be clarified by the direct owner of the insurance identifier. Such information is not issued to third parties under any circumstances.

Has a citizen lost SNILS? How to find out the certificate number? It is worth contacting your employer for this. Usually, citizens verbally ask for relevant data, explaining the situation.

At the place of study

Another solution to the task is to apply at the place of study. Has a citizen lost SNILS? How to find out the document number in an educational institution?

It is worth taking an identity card (passport or birth certificate), and then contact the head of the educational institution with a request to provide information about the insurance certificate.

Pension Fund

What to do if I have lost my passport and SNILS? First of all, a citizen should deal with the restoration of an identity card. And only after that contact the authorized bodies for an insurance certificate.

If a document is lost, a citizen can turn to the Pension Fund for help. This is the main state body involved in the issuance and restoration of SNILS.

Where to learn SNILS

To get information about the insurance number, it is recommended to order a statement from your personal account. A citizen will need to do the following:

  1. Prepare any personal identifier.
  2. Appear at the local branch of the FIU and fill out an application for the provision of information on the status of the personal account of a citizen.
  3. Submit a request to the employees of the authorized body.
  4. Get the ordered help on hand.

Now it remains only to study the information in the issued document. There will be written the amount of funds in the insurance account, as well as a combination of numbers of the identifier of the person.

Important: according to someone else's passport, it will not work to request information of interest to a citizen.

FIU site

How to find out SNILS number via the Internet? This question arises among many citizens. Fortunately, there is a solution to the problem.

To clarify the citizen's insurance number, you need to order a certificate of personal account status. The service is provided both remotely and directly in authorized services. More questions are about using the Internet.

What you need to get SNILS and its recovery

To achieve the appropriate goal, you will have to do the following:

  1. Go to the PFR website and register on it. To do this, just go through the authorization using the profile on the "State services".
  2. Open "Services".
  3. Select the item "Account statement".
  4. Fill out an electronic application. Help with this help on the display.
  5. Click on the Submit button.
  6. Get an electronic statement. If you wish, you can order a paper one, but you will have to pick it up personally.

All that remains now is to carefully study the data presented to attention. The document will indicate information of interest to the person.

Important: The "State Services" portal also has a similar service.

Ways to recover from loss

Has a citizen lost SNILS? How to find out the document number has already been told. But how to restore the "green card"?

A citizen must personally apply to the authorized body for an insurance certificate. This is the only way to solve the problem.

For minor citizens, SNILS is ordered and taught by their legal representatives. On their own, a child can apply to the FIU for a document when they reach the age of 14.

Can I order online

How to find out the SNILS number via the Internet has already been described. Is it possible to restore the insurance certificate remotely?

Unfortunately not. Neither Gosuslugs, nor the website of the FIU of the Russian Federation have a service for the restoration or production of insurance certificates. There, they will only be able to study information on the provision of such services, as well as order an account statement.

Recovery Instructions

It is not as difficult to find out the SNILS number from passport data as it seems. The main thing is that the insured person applies for relevant information. Otherwise, the citizen may be denied service legally.

How to find out SNILS if you lost it

To restore the insurance certificate in case of loss thereof, one has to adhere to the following steps:

  1. To form a package of documents necessary for further servicing a citizen.
  2. Fill out an application for restoration of an insurance certificate.
  3. Submit a request to the authorized body.
  4. Get a green card in your set form.

There is no need to pay for the manufacture, restoration or replacement of a document. These services are not subject to state duties.

About authorized bodies

Has a citizen lost SNILS? How to find out the document number read above. But where can I order an insurance certificate?

At the moment, you can contact:

  • MFC;
  • single window services;
  • pension funds;
  • the institution where the citizen is studying.

In addition, it is allowed to receive a document at the place of employment. Will have to act on the above algorithm.

About documents for an operation

Documents for recovering SNILS in case of loss are not as difficult to prepare as they seem. The thing is that it is enough for an adult to present a passport and a completed application. The same goes for adolescents over 14 years old.

To restore the insurance certificate of a child under the specified age, it is necessary to prepare the following documents:

  • identifier of the legal representative;
  • application form;
  • birth certificate.

All listed papers are provided to the authorized body only in the original. Their copies will not have legal force.

Documents for obtaining SNILS after loss

Important: SNILS is manufactured on average about 14 days.

Innovations in the Russian Federation

Since April 1, 2019, Russia has ceased to issue green cards. Now SNILS receive in electronic form.

To draw up such a document, you must submit an application on the website of the FIU of the Russian Federation through the "Personal Account". There is a service "Submit an application for the issuance of a duplicate." If you click on it and then fill out the questionnaire, a person will receive an electronic SNILS. It can be downloaded as a PDF.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/G17050/

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