Tips: how to choose a slow cooker correctly?

Modern society values ​​convenience in all aspects, including in everyday life. At the moment, on the shelves you can find many things that are designed to make housekeeping easier. A slow cooker is one of such wonderful appliances. However, the question naturally arises: "How to choose a multicooker correctly?" It is important to determine the optimal ratio of price and quality, while not overpaying for the brand.

How to choose a multicooker correctly
When deciding on how to choose a multicooker correctly, you should understand what is the mechanism of its work. In short, it can be noted that this unit is a container having a non-stick coating and performing the functions of the temperature treatment of meat, vegetables, and baking. In a multicooker, the whole process takes place thanks to heating elements that evenly heat up the sealed container. Cooking time is reduced very significantly, but it retains all the useful qualities and properties of the products. The standard multicooker has a microprocessor that controls the necessary temperature and pressure. It is not difficult to choose a multicooker, especially when you consider that all controls are implemented through a convenient touch screen. In modern units, there are a lot of various functions, the most popular can be called cooking, stewing, automatic shutdown, as well as a special heating mode after cooking.

Pick a slow cooker
Understanding how to choose a multicooker correctly, it should be said that it has a number of undeniable advantages, among which the following can be noted:

- cooking in a slow cooker does not lead to the formation of trans fats, which usually appear during the frying process;

- such food is a prophylactic against atherosclerosis;

- food does not contain acrolein formed during frying;

- a slow cooker helps to maintain normal weight, since the calorie content of fried foods is usually much higher, and it is these calories that the human body is unable to spend all day;

- all useful elements and vitamins that are usually lost during traditional cooking are preserved in food;

- cooking in a slow cooker is much faster than in all other ways.

Buy a slow cooker
Now we can say about how to choose a multicooker correctly. At the moment, manufacturers produce a considerable number of models of this unit, which allows satisfying the needs of all price categories. There are certain parameters on which it is important to focus attention. The power of the device can be 500-1400 watts. The higher this indicator, the less time it will take. The volume of the tank is on average 3.5-4.5 liters. The choice of this indicator depends on the number of people in the family. The operating mode is also quite an important parameter, as it provides the owner with a lot of opportunities for using cooking programs. The appearance of the multicooker has an effect on how it fits into the overall interior of the kitchen. Finally, the display allows you to see all the information about the work process, so as much data as possible should be displayed on it.

Now that you know about the intricacies of choice, it remains only to buy a slow cooker.


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