Sestroretsky Spill: history, depth, beaches

How nice it is to go on vacation to a pond on a hot summer day. Water, sun and beach - what could be better than this? The main thing is to choose a good place to relax. It is to such reservoirs that the Sestroretsky Spill belongs.


How did it appear?

Sestroretsky Spill is not a natural body of water. This is a large-sized artificial reservoir. It was created about 300 years ago. This happened by damming the Sestra River and the Black River.

It is worth noting that the Sestroretsky Spill is one of the oldest reservoirs. Not so long ago, it was attributed to the number of heritage sites of the city ​​of St. Petersburg.

Some data

The total area of ​​the Sestroretsk reservoir is 12.2 km 2 . It was created during the reign of Peter I. The average depth of the reservoir is 1.6 meters. Moreover, this indicator varies from 0.9 meters to 5.5 meters. In some cases, the depth of the Sestroretsky Spill may be 9 meters. At the same time, there is flooding of nearby swamps, as well as some streets of Sestroretsk. At the moment, the maximum depth of the reservoir is maintained at a level of 7.8 to 8.3 meters. This indicator is regulated by dams.

the depths of the sister-river spill

Nice place for fishing and relaxing

In the summer, many people are interested in the reservoir not as a cultural monument, but as a great place for recreation and fishing. However, officially today water is considered unsuitable for swimming. Residents of St. Petersburg have been going to the beaches of the Sestroretsky Spill for more than a dozen years. After all, it is much cleaner here than in the Gulf of Finland. In addition, the water is warmer, and the wind is weaker.

As for fishing, they still fish here today. Although for many years the water has been heavily polluted. Fishermen at the dam itself with the beginning of spring produce smelt. In the lake itself you can see the muskrat houses. They are located closer to the Sestroretsky swamp. This natural zone has been protected since 2008.

Sestroretsky Spill Lake has a very valuable cultural monument - Lenin's hut. It is located in the southeast. It was here that the leader of the proletariat was hiding from representatives of the government. Now it is a well-guarded museum, as well as a cult place.

Sestroretsky Spill: the beach

There are several beaches on the lake. Some of them are used by vacationers, and some by surfers. In the west are high dunes. However, very near the shore is very shallow. On the south coast this is not. However, it is not so windy and has a good beach. There are several of them:

  1. "Officer."
  2. "White Mountain".
  3. "Green Mountain".
  4. "Northern" or "Children's".
  5. "New".
    Sestretsky spill lake

Beach "White Mountain"

Sestroretsky Spill, the photo of which is presented above, attracts vacationers with well-maintained beaches. The most popular of them is White Mountain. He was not so long ago officially recognized and improved accordingly. The beach is in excellent condition. "White Mountain" is equipped with toilets, benches and booths where you can change clothes. There is no other infrastructure on the beach. However, it is regularly cleaned of debris. Thanks to maintaining order, the beach remains popular and enjoyable for relaxation. In addition, in this place the coast and bottom of the reservoir are sandy. The site itself is small. However, behind it is a sand dune, which is the main place for vacationers.

Beach "Officer"

No one has examined the depths of the Sestroretsk Spill. After all, the reservoir is very large. On its shores there are many beaches. Some of them are equipped, and some are not. The beach, which is located in Tarkhovka, is called "Officer". Very close to the sanatorium. The beach "Officer" is considered the very first beach that was opened on the banks of the Sestroretsky flood. Basically, it serves to relax those who came to the sanatorium. But everyone can come to him. The beach is considered the most calm and quiet. As for infrastructure, it is practically not here.

Sestoretsky spill photo

Severny beach

This beach has another name - "Children's". It is located at the extreme point of the Sestroretsky Spill. The beach got its name due to the gentle entrance to the lake. The depth here is shallow. Because of this, the water near the shores of this beach is always warm. Vacationers with children often come here.

The main advantage of Severny beach is its developed infrastructure. There is a rental boat and sports equipment, a small restaurant with rooms, a playground.

Other beaches

The Green Mountain beach is no less in demand. It is also landscaped. It has its own parking, installed cabins designed for changing clothes. The beach itself is sandy. In addition, rescuers are constantly on duty here.

Another small beach is called "New". It is practically not equipped. There are only cabins designed for changing clothes, as well as a children's corner. The main advantage of this beach is the trees that surround it. In the summer heat, they allow vacationers to hide in the shade.

Sestroretsky spill beach

How to get to Sestroretskiy Razliv?

Sestroretskits Spill is a fairly popular place. Therefore, getting to its beaches is not so difficult. To do this, you can catch an electric train going to the Razliv station. She walks from the New and Old Villages, as well as from Finland Station. You will have to walk from the train station. The journey takes no more than 10 minutes.

If you wish, you can use the services of minibuses. There are several of them going to the Sestroretsky Spill:

  • from the Old Village No. 305;
  • from Lenin Square No. 400;
  • from the Black River No. 425 and No. 417.

To get to the beach "New" and to the beach "White Mountain" can be on foot. A road leads from Lenin's hut to them.


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