Eyebrows of Brezhnev Leonid Ilyich (photo)

Of all the secretaries-general of the late Soviet Union, dear Leonid Ilyich was the most memorable to contemporaries, because he ruled the country for a record long time (as long as 18 years); and because with him everything was good and calm, despite the shortage of the most necessary: ​​down to items of lingerie and toilet paper; and because no one else had such chips as Brezhnev’s famous eyebrows and Brezhnev’s equally famous kiss .

About appearance in general

Brezhnev's eyebrows

Of course, the unforgettable and unique eyebrows of Brezhnev Leonid Ilyich were and forever remain his hallmark. More than one woman sunk into these black thick eyebrows, including the daughter of the then Bulgarian leader Todor Zhivkov.

In his youth, Leonid Brezhnev was a real handsome man: handsome, black-browed in Ukrainian (and he was from the Dnepropetrovsk region, a region where lads with beautiful eyebrows were always valuable), and even curly.

In uniform, the young Leonid Ilyich looked great. But the future general secretary at that time was indifferent to her appearance.

He took his thick eyebrows as a given, apparently, they were given to him as a legacy from one of the ancestors. A photo of Brezhnev's father and mother is a rarity, so there is no wide opportunity to compare his appearance with the appearance of his parents.

Up to thirty years, the eyebrows did not interfere with Leonid Ilyich at all and looked rather neat, but the older Brezhnev became, the more the eyebrows became tangled and curled. But it seems that even in this state they did not become a problem for him: he never corrected them, laid them, and did not really care about their appearance. At least, contemporaries and associates of the Secretary General do not mention this.

The reason for nicknames, jokes, ridicule

Such thick, such "curly" eyebrows Brezhnev became a cause of mockery of a person, the cause of a lot of jokes (sometimes not the most witty) and nicknames (very offensive).

Since Brezhnev possessed two "brand names" - eyebrows and strong kisses - they became the main defendants in the works of oral folk art of the stagnation era.

Eyebrows of Brezhnev Leonid Ilyich

Oh, these notorious eyebrows of Brezhnev ... Pictures, the initiates of this part of the face were mostly caricatured and mostly illegal. Because "for that !!!!" it was possible to get the deadline.

Jokes about the general secretary and his eyebrows were retold in a whisper, only at home in the kitchen and only to the closest and most faithful friends. The horror that reigned in the Union under Stalin did not leave the minds and souls of Soviet citizens for many, many years.

And although Brezhnev himself was a pretty good-natured and nice person (there was absolutely no cruelty in him), the system could work for him and for a long time define a “folklorist” who wasn’t satisfied with the leader’s eyebrows or kisses, in places not so distant.

What does an eyebrow have to do with it? And is Brezhnev to blame?

And, in fact, why did the eyebrows of Brezhnev and Leonid Ilyich himself get their hands on? For the fact that half of the queue behind the dumpling didn’t get the sausage? For the fact that jeans in the Komsomol environment were considered a crime, but the first secretaries of the district committees of the Komsomol Central Committee secretly wore them? It’s not known why our guys died in Afghanistan.

All this took place in stagnant times, and all this was wrong. But Brezhnev alone could not confront injustice: he imagined a system that was too established and too bloodthirsty, which could easily “devour” himself.

A bit of physiognomy. Male eyebrows

Brezhnev's eyebrows photo

According to research by representatives of science, which determines character by facial features, eyebrows can tell a lot of interesting things about the person’s inner world.

So, a thick, wide arcuate eyebrows are a sign of generosity, courage, cheerfulness, love of entertainment and man’s gluttony.

Brezhnev's eyebrows, the photo of which are presented not so much to determine his character, but for the sake of memories of this outstanding person, are such: arched, very wide, plus also fused into a monobrow.

Check the accuracy of the science of physiognomy by analyzing the nature of the general secretary?

L. I. Brezhnev - a simple man with thick eyebrows

Since the days of the Great Patriotic War, Comrade Brezhnev was distinguished by sufficient courage (at least that was said by his fellow soldiers in his memoirs), he was an excellent military strategist (many fights on "his" Little Earth were won thanks to the calculations and tactics of Leonid Ilyich), he adored orders and medals ( and give and receive) and was an extremely sentimental person.

The entourage knew that it was worth the Secretary General to hear some touching song or watch a sincere film, he would certainly cry. And no window dressing for the sake of. Leonid Ilyich cried sincerely, not ashamed of either age or position. And neither the wrinkles nor the lush eyebrows of the party’s general secretary could hide his real emotions.

Brezhnev Eyebrows clip art

By the way, the famous Brezhnev kiss is nothing but a manifestation of sentimentality.

Yes, Leonid Ilyich was a generous man. He always sought to reward positively distinguished members of the same party. He said: “I am not a king. I cannot welcome land, but the order - please. ”

As for gluttony, Brezhnev liked to eat. He especially respected borsch and gooseberry jam, which his wife cooked perfectly.

From entertainment, he preferred hunting and hockey. The first was engaged in person, the second watched from the TV screen. He was not indifferent to cars, had a collection of ten pieces of equipment donated by comrades from other social countries.

But at the highest position, Leonid Ilyich remained a very simple person: his cottage was even ascetic in comparison with the country houses of other members of the Politburo. For all the time of his work in the highest echelons of power, he was not accustomed to luxury, although his wife tried her best to instill in him a sense of wealth.

He was a cheerful, sociable, very kind and poetry-loving person. Probably, he knew by heart all Yesenin's verses - he loved to recite them.

In vain the people ironized over Brezhnev. Most memories of the Secretary General are positive and warm.

So this is a brand, comrades!

eyebrows like Brezhnev

Previously, it was a horror for a girl to hear such a phrase: “My dear, yes, you have the same eyebrows as Brezhnev!” It served as a signal for the complete removal of natural growth over the eyes and drawing of thin artificial lines with a pencil.

Now, wide eyebrows are considered a sign of beauty (provided that they are well-groomed). "Brezhnev's eyebrows" modern women of fashion and fashionistas have become an indicator of style, naturalness, a kind of brand. They, of course, are not as wide as the legislator has thick eyebrows, but they would have been shy before.

Now a wide eyebrow has ceased to be the cause of complexes: Brezhnev was not ashamed of his appearance and bequeathed to us to be brave.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/G17079/

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