Gnoseology as a doctrine of knowledge

Gnoseology as a doctrine of knowledge refers to philosophical disciplines. She is engaged in research, theories of knowledge and criticism. Gnoseology considers knowledge from the standpoint of the researcher's attitude to the object under study.

Gnoseology as a doctrine of knowledge includes a subject endowed with will and consciousness, and an object of nature opposing it, independent of the will and consciousness of the subject, united with it only by a cognitive attitude.

Gnoseology studies such problems as:

interpretation of the object and subject of knowledge,

the structure of the process of cognition,

the problem of truth, defining its criteria,

problems of methods and forms of cognition , etc.

Gnoseology studies the problems of the essence of knowledge, determining its capabilities, as well as how knowledge and reality relate. Gnoseology reveals the conditions under which knowledge is reliable and true. The theory of knowledge is the basis of epistemology. The tasks of this science are to analyze the universal foundations that make it possible to regard the result of cognition as knowledge that expresses the true, real state of things.
Gnoseology has developed as a sphere of philosophical knowledge even before the formation of modern science. The theoretical and cognitive interpretation of epistemology begins from the moment that theoretical constructions are interpreted from the position of their correspondence to truth, reality, i.e. their existence status can be attributed to certain abstract objects. Gnoseology is based on empirical data that confirm the theory from the point of view of their validity, identifying and analyzing reliable and problematic knowledge in them.
The process of cognition itself is one of the basic human needs.

In philosophy, epistemology originated in antiquity. The condition for its inception was a transition that changed the outlook on cognition. They did not begin to consider it as a natural process that is inherent in human nature, but switched to the desire to control cognitive activity. Certain stages of the development of epistemology are identified, due to the expansion of the spectrum of the studied cognitive factors.
1. First, knowledge was analyzed as an activity of the mind. We studied the technique of thinking and logic was the main epistemological discipline.
2. At this stage, methodology becomes the main epistemological discipline. Gnoseology studies practical and sensory experience, the connection of feelings and reason, technology of experimental and experimental research.
3. At this stage, taking into account the variety of foundations and methods of cognition, new epistemological schools are founded: the theory of implicit knowledge, hermeneutics, phenomenology, semiotics, scientism.
Cognition proceeds in two forms, considered as sides of cognitive activity: rational and sensual.
Sensory knowledge is due to the receipt of information through the senses and the nervous system. Knowledge in reality is stored and processed in the form of visual images.
Rational knowledge is based on abstract logical thinking. Realization of reality is carried out through generalized symbolic symbolic means.
Cognitive human activity is mainly based on the ability to rational knowledge. While sensory human knowledge is relatively similar to the knowledge of higher animals. Operations such as combining, distinguishing, comparing data are the same for rational and sensory cognition.
The main forms of sensory knowledge are perception, sensation and representation.
The main forms of rational knowledge are judgment, concept, inference.


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