Chui Oblast: areas, cities, history, attractions

Having decided to go on a trip to the countries of Central Asia, be sure to include Kyrgyzstan in the route. This republic has become one of the most interesting tourist destinations, which is not at all surprising, because nature, climate, culture and historical potential are recognized as unique and unique on a global scale. Kyrgyzstan is associated in some with the alpine lake Issyk-Kul, in others with amazing gorges, and in others with fabulous mysterious caves. In reality, each of the regions of the republic is endowed with extraordinary natural resources. Tourists remember their beauty and nature and the Chuy region.

Chui area


Chui oblast is located in the north of the Republic of Kyrgyzstan. It borders with Kazakhstan, Talas, Jalal-Abad, Naryn and Issyk-Kul regions.

Chuy region occupies a central position in the republic. In addition to the capital Bishkek, it is also one of the most developed regions of the country. In fact, Chui oblast can be considered the center of Kyrgyzstan, because this is a place where migration, economic and transport flows from all over the republic are concentrated. Compared to other regions, industry is best developed here, and this has been observed since the tsarist times. The main role in agriculture is given to the cultivation of grain crops, sugar beets and vegetables.

History of the Chui region

In 1939, the Frunze region was formed, consisting of the Budennovsky, Voroshilovsky, Kalininsky, Kaganovichsky, Kantsky, Kirovsky, Keminsky, Stalin, Leninpolsky, Chui and Talas regions. After 3 years, Ivanovsky and Panfilovsky appeared, and another 2 years later - Pokrovsky, Kyzyl-Askersky, Bystrovsky and Petrovsky. In 1944, the Kirov, Talas, Pokrovsky, Budennovsky and Leninpol districts joined the Talas region (the smallest in Kyrgyzstan), but in 1956 they again returned to the Frunze region. In the next two years, several areas were renamed. So, instead of Kaganovichsky, Sokuluksky appeared, and Voroshilovsky began to be called Alamedinsky.

In 1958, 4 districts were abolished: Budennovsky, Petrovsky, Bystrovsky and Pokrovsky, and a year later - the Frunze region. All its administrative regions were under the direct subordination of the republic.

History of the Chui region

Chui oblast itself appeared in 1990, at that time it consisted of 9 districts: Alamedinsky, Kantsky, Issyk-Ata, Keminsky, Kalininsky (renamed Zhayylsky in 1993), Moscow, Sokuluksky, Panfilovsky and Chuysky, in 1994 it was added still Suusamyr. In 1995 and 1998 there was a union of several areas into one.

Administrative division

The center of the Chui region is the capital of Kyrgyzstan - the city of Bishkek. When calculating statistics, for example, population, the figures of the republican capital are not taken into account.

Cities of Chuy region

The districts of the Chui oblast remained almost the same as they were at the time of its creation. Today it consists of 8 territorial units:

  • Panfilovsky;
  • Keminsky;
  • Zhayilsky;
  • Sokuluksky;
  • Issyk-Ata;
  • Moscow;
  • Alamudun;
  • Chuy district.

Districts of the Chui region

Big cities of Chui region

Among the large settlements can be identified:

  • Tokmok. The formation of the city, or rather the Kokand fortress, falls on 1825. Modern Tokmak has bus and train stations. Shuttle buses operate in different directions, unlike rail transport, which can only be reached the capital of the republic. A lot of Kyrgyz, Russians, Dungans, Uzbeks, Uighurs, Tatars and Kazakhs live on the territory of the city.
  • Kant. One of the youngest cities in Kyrgyzstan. Founded in 1934, the village was constantly built up over the entire period of its existence: new facilities appeared on the free areas of the district. And in the end, in 1985, Kant was awarded city status. On its territory, corrugated slate, cement, soft drinks, asbestos-cement pipes, beer, confectionery, mattresses and pasta are produced. At the enterprises engaged in the manufacture of these products, Kant's economy is based.
  • Kara-Balta. Joint-stock associations, enterprises providing various services to local residents and agricultural processing companies operate on the territory of the administrative center of the Zhayyl region.

What to see in the Chui region?

In the territory adjacent to Bishkek, the Alamedin thermal water deposit is located, as well as the small but very beautiful Chunkurchak Gorge, located at the source of the river called Alamedin. No less picturesque are the deep mountain valleys with steep slopes - Kara-Balta, Dzhilamish, Aspara and Kegeti, along the bottom of which flows the river of the same name. In the Besh-Kungay natural boundary, the Chon-Aryk Botanical Reserve is located.

The historical sights of the Chui region are also diverse. 38 km from Bishmek is Krasnorechenskoe settlement. This is the first facility in the republic that has undergone research on modern science. 50 km from the capital of Kyrgyzstan is a historical and cultural zone, famous for its 21-meter β€œBurana Tower”. The ancient settlement of Ak-Beshim near Tokmak is the ruins of the ancient city of Suyab, the capital of the Western Turkic Haganate. Here you can admire the medieval Christian churches, the ruins of the Chumysh fortress, built in the 9-10th centuries, burial mounds and cave paintings.

Sights of the Chui region

We mentioned the natural and historical sights of the Chui region, but have not yet talked about the most important. This is the valley of the Ala-Archa River. The oblong hollow contains many picturesque landscapes and amazingly beautiful waterfalls. The surrounding nature promotes the creation in the Chui region of medical institutions, organizations of international mountaineering.

Chuy Valley - one of the largest drug supply bases

Regrettably it sounds, but the Chuy region is known to the whole world by the name of the drug of the same name, popularly called the "chuyka". For drug dealers, this place has become a real drug supply base. Presumably, the annual amount of drugs procured is several tons.

There is an opinion that hemp was brought into Chuy valley from Siberia during the Soviet Union. The plant should have been used in industry. Here are just a percentage of the narcotic substance in Russian hemp was too small, and in Asia it has changed significantly. However, most likely, the plant grew in Kyrgyzstan in prehistoric times.


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