Hotel Marin Hotel 3 * (Turkey / Kemer): photos, prices and reviews of tourists

Have you finally decided to go on vacation abroad? Are you interested in Turkey hotels? Which one to choose? Of course, it all depends on the means that tourists are willing to pay for their vacation. A one-week full rest in a five-star hotel for two will cost holidaymakers $ 1000. A weekly economic vacation in the Country of Stars and Crescent based on one person will cost at least $ 300, an inexpensive all-inclusive guesthouse - from $ 500. The latter option, of course, is more preferable for most Russians, because at sparing prices it includes a full cycle of hotel service. Naturally, the price expression of the services that the hotels of Turkey offer are completely different. If there is not enough money, and your budget for a hotel guesthouse is one day up to $ 60, then in this case, tour operators will be able to offer you a good vacation option.

marin hotel 3

Resort regions of Turkey

First of all, you should decide which region of Turkey you prefer to spend your vacation: southern (coast of the Mediterranean Gulf), western (Aegean Sea), northern (Black Sea). The most popular resorts of Turkey on the Mediterranean Sea. We list the largest of them: Alanya, Antalya, Beldibi, Belek, Cecme, Didim, Fethiye, Kemer, Kusadasi, Side. The most famous city is Antalya, which not only gave its name to the world famous Mediterranean resort bay, but also is the aerial gateway of the Country of the Star and the Crescent.

Also popular with tourists are such Aegean resorts in Turkey, such as Bodrum, Marmaris, Izmir. Characteristically, the resort town of Bodrum is unofficially called the capital of nightlife in Turkey. He is preferred by young people, for whom the spirit of communication, joy, and partying is important.

It is characteristic that the residents of Turkey themselves prefer the resorts of the Black Sea coast for recreation: Sinop, Samsun, Amasru. Their infrastructure is modeled on the Mediterranean. However, Russian tourists prefer the resorts of the Mediterranean and Aegean Seas to them.

Meet the Three Star Marin Hotel

hotel marin 3 kemer

Question: "Is it possible to get a boarding house of the classic level, while paying for an all inclusive boarding house at the rate of not more than $ 50 per day?" - relevant for many vacationers. It is fully answered by the rating of hotels in Turkey. It is compiled annually based on the reviews of vacationers at the hotel. It is the rating that serves as the incentive for hotel managers to constantly stimulate the improvement of the quality of customer service by staff. At the same time, the main criterion for choosing one or another hotel is the price / quality ratio.

It should be recognized that a high indicator of this criterion is indeed provided by many resorts in Turkey. Kemer, only one of the resort cities of Antalya, offers several options for affordable hotels guaranteeing a good guesthouse. Let us dwell on one of them.

This hotel complex is a prejudice destroyer for those holidaymakers who associate three-star hotels with poorly washed dishes, a poor menu, and insufficient quality of service. Let's say more: among the reviews of tourists vacationing in it, there are more Âľ positive ones. You must admit that not every four-star hotel deserves such an assessment. Resorts agree on the fact that in fact Marin Hotel 3 * provides its customers with four-star class services. Among the guests there are also those who fly to rest here for several seasons.

In this article, we tried to summarize customer reviews and summarize them.

About hotel

The hotel complex was built in the area of ​​Beldibi (Antalya), which is a suburb of Kemer. However, 19 km is a short distance, and the administration of Marin Hotel 3 * organizes daily trips to the city center.

There are 127 rooms in the hotel two- and four-story buildings. This is a second-line hotel, 600 meters is enough for vacationers to go to the private beach of Marin Hotel. The area of ​​this three-star is 4.5 thousand m 2 . It provides high-quality basic services to its customers: four meals a day on the all inclusive system. It has a bar. Four pools are specialized for use by different skill groups of swimmers, among them - one for children. A hammam Turkish bath provides its guests with free services.

Resorts like that the hotel complex has small cozy shops. In them, everyone can, at quite affordable prices, acquire for themselves everything they need: from food to household items.


marin hotel 3 kemer beldibi

A small, quiet, cozy hotel on ancient land, once called Lycia, mentioned in the Iliad. For him nature itself created a picturesque place between the sea and the Taurus Mountains. In 1998, a stylish modern Marin Hotel 3 * was built here, then thoroughly renovated ten years later. Its main body is quite compact, modern, equipped with elegant windows, rounded upward in the Byzantine style. Turkey has taken such windows from a country that previously owned this territory of Asia Minor. The facade of the building faces the central pool. A wide terrace of the restaurant leads to the rectangular pool. Another hotel building Marin Hotel 3 *, two-story, is perpendicular to the four-story.

What makes a hotel popular?

What is striking about the hotel arrangement and remembered by vacationers? Numerous reviews narrate about this. Dinner at the tables on the picturesque terrace, framed by flowering flower beds by the pools, artistically lit. The small hotel has its own “zest”, know-how: each of the four pools is individualized by its characteristic lighting, as well as its music. A weekly holiday at the Marin Hotel 3 * Kemer (Beldibi) is the so-called Turkish night, where costumed hotel staff appear as artists in front of vacationers. It just touches the family atmosphere, carefully maintained in the hotel by its employees, friendly and hardworking, like ants. Perhaps this attracts holidaymakers to come to rest in this Beldibian hotel again and again.

Turkey resorts at sea

Hotel complex rooms

We touch on an important factor of the guesthouse for vacationers - the arrangement of their rooms. It is pleasant that in the suites, as vacationers themselves admit, a high-quality renovation was made (which is normal for six-star hotels, but unique for three-star hotels). Convenience for guests is free and powerful Wi-Fi.

The area of ​​the standard room is quite decent (28 m 2 ), which clearly exceeds the economy class standards. The number of beds in a standard suite is up to three. The hotel also provides 8 two-room (family) rooms. Each room has a well-equipped bathroom with shower and a balcony, which is a kind of place for admiring the mountains and the sea. For the convenience of guests Marin Hotel 3 * Kemer (Beldibi) equipped the rooms with all necessary appliances: air conditioning, refrigerator, telephone, TV with Russian channels, hairdryer.

Poolside relaxation and shopping

Professional landscaping makes the pool area a haven. A feature of this particular hotel complex is the individualization of each pool, which we have already mentioned above. Each vacationer in the hotel has his own pool, because all three “adult” pools are designed for swimmers with different skills.

A comfortable place for lunch and dinner is the outdoor restaurant, serving both 250 people and the breakfast terrace, accommodating 200 people. Flowering flower beds, fountains, orange and banana trees complement the developed hotel infrastructure of Hotel Marin 3 *.

Kemer, one of the resort centers of Antalya, is located 13 kilometers from the hotel complex under consideration. The owner of the hotel daily drives guests (and there are always such guests) to shop in the shops of gold, leather and fur in this city. At the same time, prices are quite affordable. In the city, tourists, to their surprise, see a lot of signboards of shops written in Russian. Such boutiques are mainly located in the city center: on Avaturk Boulevard and on the pedestrian street Liman. Among the merchants there are more Russians than Germans.

However, we still recommend buying at more affordable prices in the LC Waikiki store, as well as in the manufactured goods market. There are lower prices.

But even in this case, of course, hotel Marin 3 * shoppers should be able to bargain. Kemer, like any other Turkish city with an eastern market, is famous for its national custom - to bargain. This is normal here. However, with regard to how much the shopper should comply with this custom, there is one limitation: having already named the purchase price, you should pay it. Therefore, you must be able to bargain - and you buy a good thing at half the price that you would pay in Moscow.

Hotel beach

Turkey hotels

It is naive to believe that the three-star hotel has a Blue Flag beach, which Turkey is famous for. 5 star hotels, at least, have the opportunity to have such recreational opportunities.

For vacationers of such small three-star hotel complexes, the main role is played by basic amenities: access to the beach, the quality of the nearby sea, the availability of beach service, attractions, entry into the water. We will tell about these characteristics of Hotel Marin 3 * (Turkey).

From the hotel to the sea walk 600 meters. Its sandy and pebble beach is sufficiently equipped with all the equipment necessary for recreation. Here vacationers can get free sun loungers, umbrellas, towels. We recommend taking a seat on the beach until 10:00 . Also, beach rubber slippers for swimming will not be superfluous here. With their acquisition, holidaymakers will do without the inconvenience of stepping on the pebbles of the beach and the bottom when entering the water.

Entering the water is initially uncomfortable. The bottom stones here are larger than pebbles and are cobblestones. However, the hotel has improved the entrance to the water for vacationers, lining the bottom with special flat bags upstairs filled with gravel. In view of the above, in general, we can rightly say: Hotel Hotel Marin 3 * provides a quality beach holiday.

Water rides and sports

A positive moment of water recreation on the beach is the presence of water attractions. They are present on the beach of Hotel Marin. Banana riding (bananasailing), parachuting (parasailing) are traditionally in demand. Those who wanted to glide along the waves on surfboards and paddle in a canoe were not left without attention. Resorts ride on a sailboat.

The highlight of the hotel, which we have already mentioned, is the presence of four specialized outdoor pools. For a three-star hotel it's cool!


Aegean resorts in Turkey

Meals in this three-star hotel complex are organized according to the principles characteristic of a four-star hotel. Organized (and this is noted in the reviews of vacationers) the professional work of the hotel restaurant staff, providing quality and a fairly wide range of dishes. Among meat dishes there is chicken, but in all forms. Thighs, legs, cutlets, less often grilled. Once a week there is a shawarma on the menu. Why is that? We will answer this question below.

The kitchen of Marin Hotel 3 * (Kemer) daily includes many vegetable dishes, salads. Among the latter are delicious eggplant dishes. Recommended. A lot of baking, which is typical for Turkish cuisine in general. Daily vacationers can enjoy watermelons, melons, often - peaches, grapes.

The all inclusive system also includes low-alcohol drinks: beer, red and white wine. Beer and white wine taste good enough. There is also a gin and tonic in the bar.

We answer the question: is the prevalence of chicken meat dishes not an excessive saving on the part of the administration?

The reason for this is commonplace: the prices at which Turkey lives. Hotel Marin Hotel 3 * is no exception. Are there sincere complaints about the "stinginess of the hotel administration" from the spa guests who paid only $ 50 for a day's board? This becomes clear when you consider that one kilogram of beef in Turkey costs $ 50.

Meanwhile, it is estimated that only one health resort per day (for breakfast, lunch, afternoon snack and dinner) just eats this kilogram of meat and seafood. So is it any wonder that chicken dishes are on the menu of Turkish hotels?

Where to buy excursions?

The stay of spa guests in Antalya at the guesthouse is characterized by certain excursions, which can be recommended for the Hotel Marin 3 * hotel, which is chosen for the guesthouse. At the same time, we advise you not to use excursions from travel agencies, since they, by maximizing their income, double the market price for them. Therefore, it is preferable to use the services of a professional local tour desk. The reviews of the spa guests who have stayed at the hotel before you will help you choose the best. We will only say that the fabrications from the representatives of travel agencies about the low level of service of excursion bureaus are black PR, which has nothing with reality.

Excursions to social infrastructure

Speaking essentially of excursions, we mention some of them. For people who are interested not in historical values, but in Turkey’s more modern infrastructure, it’s useful to visit the real eastern market in Antalya and see the vibrant flavor of the country of Stars and the Crescent. The European should understand that this is not just a place to trade with endless rows of goods, but also a socio-cultural phenomenon where local people live and communicate.

Children will enjoy visiting the Discovery Park. Here they can see the tangible appearance of prehistoric animals - dinosaurs. The impression of these children will increase from the fact that the dummies of these giants, "reacting to their approach," show "signs of life": they move, make sounds. Also, visitors to this park have the opportunity to see an exhibition of exotic fish collected from around the world, to observe various snakes and spiders in the terrarium.


Turkey 5 star hotels

Nevertheless, the majority of demanded excursions correlate with certain historical or natural objects, which the land of Turkey is rich in. Most of the tourists who came to her wish to visit Pamukkale or, as this historical and natural site is called, the “cotton castle”. Its exterior is painted - cascades of natural baths, snow-white from salt deposits. This place is also famous for its thermal baths, and the famous Cleopatra's pool, where mineral water is heated by a geyser directed by the ancient Romans into the marble frame of Roman baths. Unfortunately, the earthquake destroyed the ancient columns and portico around the Cleopatra basin, however, in general, the entire healing water basin continues to function since ancient times. Isn't it a miracle!


Another unique historical and natural site is Cappadocia. For hundreds of thousands of years, nature has worked to carve unique pillar-shaped rocks from stone. However, this marvelous land creation of nature was already in our era supplemented by early Christian churches carved in the rocks. Of interest is not only the area of ​​Cappadocia, but also the town of the same name. After all, the rooms of his houses are mostly carved in the rocks. People, our contemporaries, live directly in the rocks. It is worth seeing.

Turkey hotel marin hotel 3

Grotto Dalmatash

A unique miracle of nature is the Dalmatash grotto. The beauty of its magnificent stalactite arch is emphasized by special background lighting and sounding music. It itself is located below the level of the Mediterranean Sea and has an air cavity of 2.5 thousand m 3 . It maintains a special microclimate: relative humidity 98% and temperature +22.3 o C.

It is noteworthy that until 1948 it was a secret place. And its discovery occurred at random, with a directed explosion to develop quarries. It was revealed to his researchers that several centuries ago corsairs were hiding here, and during the Second World War fascists were hiding.

Ich-Kale Fortress

The ancient power of Byzantium previously owned these lands of Asia Minor. Her unique device was similar to the Vatican. The Orthodox faith was the core of its statehood, and the fortresses served as defense outposts. One of such fortresses - Ich-Kale - has retained its appearance to our times. We must pay tribute to the ancient builders: they built not for centuries, but for millennia! The foundations of Byzantine buildings have been preserved in the fortress itself. Here, oddly enough, there is a modern infrastructure: residential buildings, and even some institutions. Entrance to some internal towers and other facilities is paid.

The fortress is rather big. For her thorough examination of the day will not be enough. If you come here on an excursion, it is advisable to have light and comfortable walking shoes.


hotel hotel marin 3

Holidays in Antalya in a comfortable hotel with a European-style renovation at the price of a daily pension of $ 50 are now a rarity. Therefore, a three-star hotel providing basic services of the classic level is a welcome place for a spa holiday. At least the rating of hotels in Turkey in its top ten includes five-, four-, and three-star hotels. What is the difference between a stay in a good three-star hotel and a guesthouse in similar, but more "star" resort facilities? The lack of some basic services. There are no animators, a SPA center, a restaurant by appointment, several bars, a fitness center, water slides. The assortment of homogeneous dishes (for example, meat) is not 20 items, but 5-6. However, for most holidaymakers this seems uncritical. Much more important is to eat tasty and satisfying; live in a comfortable room with a European-quality repair and a full set of household appliances, swim in the Mediterranean Sea, clean as a tear; at leisure, use free Wi-Fi, relax comfortably by the pool and, of course, visit amazing corners of the world during excursions. The Hotel Hotel Marin 3 * has such opportunities.

A high-quality package of basic services, well-balanced and forward-looking management and a well-coordinated team of hotel complex personnel turn the Marin 3 * hotel into a rating and demand.

In general, this hotel of the Turkish Mediterranean, of course, can be recommended for relaxation.


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