Kardashev scale: civilization of the second type

Man has always dreamed of finding out whether he is alone in the Universe or somewhere else there are other intelligent beings who have reached the highest level of development. And what can it be, this level? What to take for the degree of development of civilization? Many years ago, the answer to this question was given by the Kardashev scale, which allows assessing the possibilities and upcoming stages of the development of Earth civilization.

Nikolai Semenovich Kardashev - a man who entered the history of the world

Nikolai Kardashev was one of the most famous Soviet astrophysicists, who spent most of his life searching for extraterrestrial intelligence. He was the first to put forward a theory with strong evidence that civilizations succeed one another. He believed that even before our civilization there could have been several other branches on the planet that had ended their existence, reaching a certain degree of development.

Kardashev scale

Kardashev admitted that in the Universe there are also several different civilizations that may be inaccessible to our understanding. Together with his colleagues, Nikolai Semenovich actively worked on the classification of the stages of their development. Kardashev's research inspired astrophysicists to various programs to study extraterrestrial intelligence. For example, in the United States published works of Kardashev were very popular. Based on them, several classified space programs were created. The privacy stamp has not been removed from them to this day.

Kardashev scale: briefly about the development of civilizations

Astrophysicist Kardashev created a special scale, which allowed to classify the level of development of civilization. The scientist put it in direct proportion to the amount of energy consumed. According to this theory, a steady increase in energy consumption by several percent per year allows you to stretch the transition from one level to another for several tens of millennia.

Check the Kardashev scale at the moment is not possible. It is hypothetical, but nonetheless gives an idea of ​​the possibilities for the development of civilization on a cosmic scale. Astronomers around the world use the Kardashev scale to search for extraterrestrial intelligence.

Type II civilization on the Kardashev scale

The levels of development of civilization according to Kardashev

The Kardashev scale provided for only three levels and scenarios, according to which the development of absolutely any civilization in the Universe can go. Further progress, according to the scientist, was impossible, since civilization reached the ultimate level of power and became mega-perfect. To date, the scale created by the astrophysicist remains unchanged:

  1. Civilization of the first type is planetary. At this level of development, intelligent beings use the full potential of their planet. It becomes controlled by them and can no longer affect the welfare of civilization. All natural phenomena, including cataclysms, are subordinate to her. And energy is extracted from the field of the planet itself and the nearest stars.
  2. Type II civilization on the Kardashev scale is interplanetary. At this stage, intelligent beings completely subdue the energy of their stars. On its basis, special structures are created that accumulate and distribute energy. No difficulties arise with thermonuclear energy; it is placed at the service of the mind. Civilizations of the second type on the Kardashev scale are actively moving inland and populate other planets. Its power does not allow extinction and makes individuals immune to any external influences.
  3. Civilization of the third type is interstellar. By this stage, civilization will be something completely new and perfect. Distant stars and new galaxies will be available for colonization, and captured and newly discovered stars will become new sources of energy. Civilization of type III on the Kardashev scale should be modified as much as possible, it is a colony of cyborgs that have the ability to reproduce themselves. Those who failed to adapt to new conditions and evolve become a defective branch of development and are gradually dying out.

At the moment, the Kardashev scale has received an addition in the form of two more stages of development from Western science fiction writers and theorists.

The fourth and fifth stage of development according to Michio Kaku and Karl Sagan

Many science fiction writers were not satisfied with the three levels to which civilizations can reach in their development. Therefore, they decided to supplement the well-known scale. Their additions are not taken into account by astrophysicists, but are seriously considered by science fiction fans:

  • The fourth level is intergalactic society. Civilization turns into superintelligent creatures. They can use the full potential of the Galaxy and exist freely in black holes. Civilization of the fourth level easily overcomes time and space, and also subjugates them to itself and its needs.
  • The fifth level is an interuniverse society. Such a civilization can be characterized from a divine position. Intelligent beings control the conglomerate of the Universes, penetrate parallel worlds and are able to create matter by the power of thought.

Civilizations of the second type on the Kardashev scale

I would like to clarify that these stages of the development of civilization are quite far from scientifically based scenarios of the distant future.

What level of development is the human race today?

Civilizations on the Kardashev scale go through all levels gradually and rather slowly. But, unfortunately, today we do not even reach the first level of development. Humanity is still in the cradle or, as many scientists call it, at zero level.

We are completely dependent on our planet, depleting its resources and consuming the dead energy of plants and animals. Despite the fact that the last five thousand years of the existence of our civilization, it has come a long way, it is still not enough to rise to the first level, and even more so to become a civilization of the second type.

Type on the Kardashev scale

Can we become a civilization of the second type?

It is not known how long humanity will need to go to the second level of development. And can we rise to such a high step? Modern astrophysicists believe that our civilization needs no more than two hundred years to reach the first level of development on the Kardashev scale. But the founder of this theory himself was not so optimistic in his forecasts, according to him, humanity needs more than three thousand years to enter the first stage. Of course, if civilization before this time does not deplete the resources of its planet and does not destroy itself in bloody wars.

Some scientists, observing the pathological thirst of mankind for energy consumption, have made a bold assumption that this trend will continue for another five thousand years. Consequently, the transition to a civilization of the second type may turn out to be disastrous for humanity itself and endanger the existence of the planet.

Civilizations on the Kardashev scale

It is not known what humanity will become after reaching a new level of development, but it will certainly make this important transition. That's just it will be a slightly different human civilization.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/G1711/

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