Flowers in glycerin. We keep a bouquet dear to the heart for many years

How to keep a flower donated by a loved one for a long time? You can dry it in a natural way. But such a plant looks dull and faded. There is a method that allows you to save the flower almost intact. This method is preserving the plant in glycerin. As a result of this procedure, you get a beautiful and original composition in the form of a glass container, inside which are bright and delicate flowers, leaves or whole twigs.

flowers in glycerin

Our article is dedicated to all those who want to learn how to make such products. It describes in detail how to make flowers in glycerin with your own hands. Get acquainted with the information provided and take it into your arsenal.

do-it-yourself flowers in glycerin

Canned flowers in glycerin. Description of the manufacturing process

For work you will need:

  • technical glycerin;
  • water;
  • glass container with a wide neck;
  • plants.

How to make flowers in glycerin with your own hands? Follow the instructions. Insert the plants in a glass jar. They must be clean and dry. In a separate bowl, mix warm water and glycerin in a ratio of 1: 1.5. Pour this solution into a container where the plant already lies. Close the jar with a lid. Everything, the flowers in glycerin are preserved. They will keep a fresh and bright look for a long time. Some plants may vary slightly in color, but this will not affect the quality of the product. You can decorate the container to your taste: tie it with tape or braid, glue a decorative butterfly or artificial flower on the lid.

Flowers in Glycerin: Processing Large-Size Plants

Whole branches with leaves, flowers and fruits can be stored in almost natural form for a long time. To do this, they need to be treated with glycerin. Let's talk about this in more detail.

A twig is washed in running water, dry and damaged leaves and flowers are removed. The plant is dried. The ends of thick stems need to be broken with a hammer. Thin branches just cut with a knife. From technical glycerin (1 part) and very hot, almost boiling water (2-3 parts), a solution is prepared in a deep and wide vessel. Branches are placed in it so that they are completely covered with a liquid of 10 centimeters. Cover the vessel with plastic wrap. In this state, the plants are left in glycerin for 15-20 days. During this time, twigs, foliage and flowers dry out, but at the same time remain almost natural color and texture.

how to make flowers in glycerin with your own hands
If you dry thick branches with fruits (mountain ash, oak, barberry), then the exposure time of glycerin increases to one month. Every 3-5 days you need to make new cuts at the ends of the stems and add fresh solution. The product can be removed from glycerin when the leaves become waxy.

After processing, the flowers are placed in a vase, and they are stored in this form for several years. Also, plants dried in this way can be made ikebana and various compositions.

Now you know how to dry and preserve flowers in glycerin, and you can save a bouquet dear to your heart for many years.


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