Domestic and foreign policy of Yaroslav the Wise. The policy of Yaroslav the Wise in relation to the church

Yaroslav the Wise - the Kiev prince, who ruled throughout 1019-1054. He also took the place of the ruler of Rostov and Novgorod lands. He was one of the sons of the baptizer of Russia Vladimir the Great. Mother Yaroslav - Polotsk Princess Rogneda Rogvolodovna.

Prince's biography

The future ruler was born around 980. At baptism, he was given the name George. Olav Ingigerda, the daughter of the Swedish king, became the prince's wife. After the battle of Larch, the domestic and foreign policies of Yaroslav the Wise were aimed at increasing the popularity of Christianity among the people. Thus, he continued the work of his father.

He got the nickname the Wise for his legislative and educational affairs. In childhood, little Yaroslav was limping, since at birth one leg was slightly shorter than the other. Due to such a physical feature, the father did not take the boy with him on the hunt.

Domestic and foreign policy of Yaroslav the Wise

In order to somehow entertain himself, Yaroslav found solace in reading books. Thanks to this, he became the first educated person who knew the letter. You can also find in ancient sources information about the prince, where he was called "Lame." True, it was not Kiev Slavs who called him that, but enemies.

The domestic and foreign policies of Yaroslav the Wise were distinguished by prudence and benefited the Russian people. That is why at that time the correctness of the expression strengthened: "The lame means wise."

The first period of Yaroslav's life was the struggle for Kiev. When he reached adulthood, Vladimir Svyatoslavich appointed him Prince of Rostov. After the sudden death of Vysheslav, Yaroslav the Wise became the Novgorod ruler.

When Vladimir the Great died, a struggle broke out between his sons for the Kiev throne. The events of internecine war are described in The Tale of Bygone Years. Kiev was captured by Svyatopolk I the Cursed, who was the Turov prince. He, having the goal of removing all rivals, kills the brothers of Yaroslav the Wise. And he would get to the last, but the prince of Kiev warned of the danger of his sister Predslava.

Domestic policy

At the beginning of his reign, the prince put a lot of effort into improving the literacy of his subjects. A school for boys was founded in Novgorod, in which children were taught church affairs.

He bought the tomes, and the monks translated them. Soon, these books began to serve as textbooks for Slavic people. During excavations, historians discovered manuscripts on which children were taught spelling.

The policy of Yaroslav the Wise in relation to the church

The domestic policy of Yaroslav the Wise, in short, was also aimed at urban development. The capital of Kievan Rus in beauty, one might say, competed with Constantinople.

In honor of the long-awaited victory over the nomads, in 1037 the famous St. Sophia Cathedral was erected. Thus, Kiev went on a par with Byzantium, where temples with the same name also existed. No less significant cathedrals were built in Yuriev, Pskov and other Russian cities. Also, Yaroslav the Wise founded such cities as Yaroslavl (one located in Poland, the other on the Volga).

Foreign policy of the prince

The ruler of Kievan Rus was primarily concerned about the safety of the inhabitants of the state, because the neighboring principalities strove to conquer large territories. Therefore, the domestic and foreign policy of Yaroslav the Wise was to strengthen the defense, but not by building castles and walls around the country, but by non-aggression treaties, campaigns, and bribery.

The prince also cared about the authority of the state in the international arena. First, Yaroslav and Mstislav made a trip to Poland, during which the Cherven cities were recaptured. Later, he was interested in the Baltic states, where the Chudi tribe lived. Here in 1030 the city of Yuryev was founded by the prince, now it is called Tartu.

Culture Policy of Yaroslav the Wise

Having created a single army of Novgorodians, the Kiev squad and hired Vikings, he dealt a devastating blow to the Pechenegs. Similar campaigns were also carried out on Lithuania, the Yatvyag, Mazovia, and, of course, Byzantium. All of the above campaigns were successful, except the last. Most likely, because this campaign was led by the son of the Wise.

A feature of his policy was dynastic marriages. He gave his sister and children to foreign monarchs and princes. He himself was married to the daughter of the Swedish ruler Olaf. His sister married the king of Poland - Casimir, daughter Anna became the wife of Henry I, Elizabeth - the wife of Harold the Bold, Anastasia - Andrei I. The sons Izyaslav and Vsevolod, in turn, became the husbands of Polish and Byzantine princesses.

The development of culture in Kievan Rus

"The Tale of Bygone Years" is almost the main source of information on the educational activities of the prince. It states that the policy of Yaroslav the Wise in the field of culture was based on the translation of a large number of historical books from Greek into Russian. This is not surprising, since the ruler himself was very fond of reading, which is why he was called the Wise. Book translations laid the foundation for the creation of the first library in the St. Sophia Church, and hence the development of science and education among the peoples of Kievan Rus.

The Grand Duke created a collection of laws โ€œRussian Truthโ€. This code has become the main source of legal, economic and social relations of the Slavs. During his reign, painting and architecture developed.

The policy of Yaroslav the Wise briefly

Temple construction

The policy of Yaroslav the Wise towards the church was positive, moreover, he did his best to spread Christianity among the people. By his order in 1036-1037. the famous Golden Gate and the Church of the Annunciation were built. In addition, the Hagia Sophia Cathedral and two monasteries - St. George and Irina were erected. An example for these structures was the architectural buildings of Jerusalem and Constantinople.

Yaroslav the Wise made Hilarion the first Kiev Metropolitan. It is not known for certain whether this event was in 1050 or in 1054, but the acts committed by this person remain the main thing. Hilarion defended the independence of Russia from Constantinople and the independence of the Kiev diocese.

Historical meaning

What was the policy of Yaroslav the Wise? The conclusion from the knowledge obtained can be drawn as follows: the lands of Kievan Rus flourished during the reign of the prince, this is undeniable. The actions of a smart ruler were for the benefit of the people and the benefit of the state.

The policy of Yaroslav the Wise

Kiev strengthened the status of a strong state among neighboring principalities, becoming the cultural, church and economic center of Europe. During his lifetime, he managed to leave behind not only cities and cathedrals, but also a testament for his sons with an appeal to avoid civil strife.

When domestic and foreign policies of Yaroslav the Wise became in a small part an example for his successors, Kievan Rus could be one of the most advanced states in Europe.


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