How to make a kapron doll with your own hands: step by step instructions

Nowadays, you can find applications for old and no longer needed kapron tights. Craftswomen make very beautiful toys for children out of them. Such kapron dolls can decorate almost any interior. And the kids are absolutely delighted with such crafts. The main advantage of creating a nylon doll for beginners is the sewing of a unique toy that no one will have.

Sleeping angel

Simple toy

To please your crumbs with a new doll, you do not need to have a lot of money or be a seamstress. It is enough to have minimal sewing skills and follow a certain sequence of actions. Cute dolls made of kapron with their own hands can be made and presented as a presentation to someone from friends or relatives.

Character with braids

Tools and materials for work:

  • nylon tights;
  • yarn of different colors;
  • needle;
  • a small piece of filler;
  • scissors;
  • threads
  • ribbons and fabric;
  • wire;
  • thimble.

Kapron doll: step by step instructions

To make a toy, you should do the following:

  • A whole piece of syntepon is divided into several parts.
  • The stocking is stuffed and spun. So kapron is divided into two parts.
  • A small ball is rolled up from the filler, which will subsequently become the nose of the doll. He also needs to be sent to a stocking.
  • The nose of the doll is fixed with strings.
  • With the help of threads it is necessary to highlight the mouth.
  • Expression of the lips of the doll can be given using a simple lipstick.
  • Eyes are embroidered or drawn. It all depends on the wishes and preferences of the child.
  • Eyelids, as a rule, are formed from synthetic winterizer, but for the eyebrows they take stubble.
  • You can create hair from yarn of any color. Their length may vary.
  • On the second part of the doll, the lower part of the body is formed. For this, a longitudinal recess is sewn with threads.
  • With the help of a wire, a frame is formed for the bobblehead handles.
  • The wire base is wrapped with filler residues and tightened with nylon.

The legs of the doll are made according to a similar principle. The whole difference lies in the allocation of fingers with pits. That's how simple dolls can be created from kapron and synthetic winterizer with your own hands at home.

Face creation

Kapron baby doll for beginners

A small toy can be sewn in just one evening if desired. Mini puppies can serve as a gift for a significant event or as a simple present for acquaintances. Yes, and the baby will be completely delighted with a similar doll from a small size nylon, which was sewn by my beloved mother.

Baby doll from tights

The process of creating a funny baby:

  • At the beginning of work from tights, you need to cut off the sock, which will later be stuffed with padding polyester.
  • He is tied to a knot.
  • The craftswoman at this stage of the work needs to outline the areas where the body and head of the baby will be located. To do this, the entire workpiece is pulled by threads.
  • In the area of ​​the future neck, the craft also contracts.
  • Then you can proceed to the formation of limbs crafts. The circle is stitched with a basting seam and the strings are pulled together. The result of the action should be round limbs.
  • Additionally, the doll can form a butt and a navel, which are obtained by tightening the threads.

Hair and eyes

If it is supposed to create a doll with long hair, then hair strands are glued to the workpiece on the crown.

Eyes and mouth can be painted or embroidered. Making a soft doll can be done by the baby himself. No doubt, he will really like such an action and will benefit. In addition to developing creative perception, the little artist will have a great time with adults. But the toy, which was created with their own hands, will be two times sweeter and more valuable for the baby. A sweetie can just be wrapped in a piece of cloth or dressed in clothes that were sewn specifically for him.

Face creation

One of the most crucial parts of the whole work can rightfully be considered a face design. It is from him that all the emotions that the doll will cause among people will depend. And the finished look of the crafts is impossible to imagine without big eyes and a sweet smile. Of course, such work should be approached responsibly.

Materials for work

The craftswoman will need:

  • Synthetic winterizer.
  • Kapron tights.
  • Needle and thread.

Step-by-step creation of a face to a sweetie suggests:

  • Insertion of syntepon in the prepared segment of kapron stockings.
  • The form is pulled together at the top and tipped with a pin.
  • A small segment of the filler is folded with a strip, in the upper part it should be slightly thinner, and its lower area should be tucked at all.
  • The nose, which is formed, is laid in the center of the face.
  • With the help of pins, they pin the places where the thread is supposed to be drawn. As a rule, this is the bridge of the nose and the middle of the nose.
  • The needle into which the thread has already been inserted is inserted where the first area is marked and displayed in the center of the second mark. It is worth remembering that the thread in this case is doubled.
  • Then you should go back and repeat the same sequence of actions. The thread is threaded into the loop that was formed.
  • Each segment must be completed at least three times in a row.
  • In the nose you need to highlight the nostrils. To do this, mark the area with pins initially.
  • The lower edge of the workpiece is pulled together at the base. For this, the needle is pulled through the entire area of ​​the head and the dolls are taken out of the nape on the back of the head.
  • For the design of the lips, you need to grab a thread of a small part of the synthetic winterizer.
  • The nose is stitched separately.
  • The upper edge of the product breaks off and some more soft material is added inside.
  • Then form the cheeks of the doll from kapron.
  • To shape the eyebrows, you need to twist the small rollers.
  • The ears of the baby doll are pulled out.
  • From above, the workpiece is slightly bent and stitched manually.
  • On the face of the future doll, you can fix the eyes, which were created from buttons. Buttons are painted with gouache before use.
  • Now needlewomen can answer the question of how to make a doll from kapron with their own hands without difficulty.

Toys from plastic bottles and nylon segments

Pretty Curler

From nylon socks and tights, as well as plastic containers, you can create an interesting and beautiful toy. There is nothing unusual in the way you create crafts. The whole process of creating crafts can be performed only by an adult or by a child with the help of a parent. Without a doubt, the process of creating a chrysalis will please and captivate.

Step-by-step execution of work

Home decoration

Description of the sequence of actions:

  • Small holes are made in the bottle, after which the bottom of the container is cut off.
  • After that, the bottle is completely wrapped with synthetic winterizer, placed in the part from the tights, which was cut off.
  • A ball is rolled from a small amount of filler, which is placed in a bottle and will participate in the further formation of the pupal face.
  • Using a needle and thread it is necessary to make a baby's nose.
  • In order for the product to have a forehead, chin and cheeks, you need to put a little more filler in the original workpiece.
  • After that, the eyes are fixed on the face of the hero and a neat mouth is formed.
  • The neck area is pulled by threads.
  • The lower part of the tights must be pulled up and pulled through the neck of the container.
  • The material is fixed in the upper area.
  • Hair can be sewn if necessary.
  • For hands, you can make a wire frame.
  • Future pens are wrapped with padding polyester and nylon.
  • Each finger on the limbs is stitched.
  • Finished baby parts are sewn to the main workpiece.

The funny baby doll from kapron is ready. For him, you can sew clothes from the remnants of any fabric. Kids will be thrilled. It is impossible to find two identical dolls of this type, because each person has his own taste and preferences, and the facial features of a sweetie can be completely different.


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