The main attractions of Prague: photos and descriptions, reviews and tips for tourists

Magical, mystical, mysterious - this is the name of the Czech capital. Many tourists, having once visited this city, fall in love with it for life. The main attractions of Prague are cathedrals, chapels, palaces, towers. But outside the historical center there is something to see.

the capital of the Czech Republic


In the VIII century, in the vicinity of modern Prague, ancient Slavic settlements appeared, inhabited by Czech tribes. At their head was the clan of the Przemysloviches. According to legend, one of its representatives, Libushe, being on a huge rock, looked at the hills of Petrshin and Strahov, and at that moment a prophetic spirit descended on her. The princess predicted that after the vast forests were cut down along the banks of the Vltava, a city would appear on this site that would become famous all over the world.

The heyday of Prague architecture came at the end of the 19th century. In the 20s of the last century, the process of uniting individual regions into a single city began. The structure of Prague included Vinohrady, Karlin, Smichov, Holesovice, Zizkov. In 1918, the city became the capital of the Czechoslovak state, which existed until 1993. Over the past century, the appearance of the city has changed little. During the Second World War, the main attractions of Prague, fortunately, almost did not suffer.

A wonderful combination of architectural monuments of different styles and eras attracts tourists to the Czech capital from all over the world. The symbol of Prague is Charles Bridge. Hundreds of tourists come here every day to make a wish. No wonder Prague is considered a mystical city.

The Charles Bridge

Prague Castle

Prague is rich in Romanesque, Gothic cathedrals, Baroque buildings, Renaissance palaces and gardens. But, along with historical monuments, there are buildings in the styles of Cubism, Art Nouveau, Art Deco. Crowned with a panorama of the Czech capital, an ancient fortress towering majestically above the Vltava River. It is here, on the territory of the citadel, are the main attractions of Prague.

Prague Castle

St. Vitus Cathedral

The construction of the Gothic cathedral, which became the spiritual symbol of the Czech state, began in 1344. It lasted more than six centuries. The modern look of the Cathedral of St. Vita received only in 1929.

The first architect of this building was Matthias of Arras, who drew up a plan in the style of French Gothic. The master died in 1352, and Peter Parlerge continued his work. Construction was first interrupted due to devastating Hussite wars. From time to time it resumed.

Each master brought into the project details characteristic of his time. So, thanks to the architects of the 18th century, baroque elements appeared in the decoration of the cathedral. The third phase of construction began in 1873 and lasted 60 years.

On the territory of the cathedral is the St. Wenceslas Chapel, in which the remains of St. Vitus and the tombs of Czech kings and bishops rest.

cathedral of saint viit

Old royal palace

Until the sixteenth century, this building, belonging to the main attractions of Prague, served as the residence of Czech princes and kings. The palace is located in the middle of Prague Castle. On its territory is the Vladislav Hall - a huge ceremonial room in the medieval style, in which important celebrations are held.

St. Joseph's Basilica

In the Czech Republic , few monuments of Romanesque architecture have been preserved. The Basilica of St. Jiri is one of them. The church was founded by Prince Vratislav I. In 1142, there was a fire that destroyed most of the building. However, the Basilica was restored in a short time. Today it has an almost pristine appearance, with the exception of the facade, which was restored in the 17th century.

Chapel of the Holy Cross

This building appeared on the territory of Prague Castle in the middle of the XVIII century. Designed by its architect Anselmo Lurago. In the 1960s, the chapel housed more than a hundred relics of high historical and artistic value.

Golden street

In one of the houses of this street in 1916, Franz Kafka settled. The Austrian writer did not live here for long, but a memorial plaque was erected in honor of his short stay.

Initially, this street was called Yuvelirnaya - craftsmen, artisans, archers, perhaps alchemists lived here. At the end of the 16th century, a cluster of beggars was observed on Golden Lane. Today it is a popular tourist destination. The dwarf houses in which artisans once lived were restored; today they have souvenir shops.

golden street

Prague Castle Gallery

This attraction appeared in the 60s of the XX century on the site of the former stables. The basis of the collection consisted of canvases belonging to Emperor Rudolph II. The gallery is located in the north wing of the New Royal Palace.

Rudolph II has been collecting paintings for many years. He hired professional agents who searched for paintings throughout Europe. The emperor entrusted the architect D. Giargioli to plan the future gallery.

During the Thirty Years War, Maximilian of Bavaria appropriated part of the collections. The Swedish army captured many of the work. Restoration began in the second half of the 17th century. In 1965, the gallery received the status of a museum.

Lobkowicz Palace

This is the only private facility in Prague Castle. There is a museum in the palace, which presents the art collection of the princely family of Lobkowicz. Among the exhibits are not only paintings, but also musical instruments belonging to Beethoven and Mozart. There is also a concert hall, gift shop, cafe.

Guided tours of the Prague Castle are held daily. The complex is open every day from 5.00 to 24.00 (April-October) and from 6.00 to 23.00 (November-March).

lobkovitsky palace

Strahov Monastery

This architectural monument dates back to the 12th century. It was built during the reign of Vladislav II on the initiative of Bishop Jindřich Zdik. The name Strahovsky comes from the word guard. Here was an outpost designed to protect the approaches to the city. Strahov Monastery experienced both medieval wars and the shelling of the French in 1742. In the XVIII century they wanted to demolish it. The public library, located within the walls of the monastery, saved it from closure.

Objects on the territory of the historical and architectural complex: art gallery, two museums, a garden, a brewery, a restaurant, a hotel. Strahov Monastery can be visited any day. The library is open from one to five. The gallery is open from nine in the morning.


This building is made in the neo-Gothic style, reminiscent of a medieval castle. Inside is an endless mirror labyrinth, behind which is a diorama illustrating scenes from the events of the Thirty Years War. Strange as it may seem, tourists complete their journey through the history of Prague in the “laughter room”.

The pavilion is open seven days a week, from ten to eight in the evening from April to September, from 10.00 to 20.00 - from March to October and from 10.00 to 18.00 - from November to February.

Mala Strana

This area was once a strategically important place to protect the city. During the years of the Hussite wars, he was devastated more than once. In modern times, luxurious baroque palaces arose here. The sights of the Prague Small Town are described below.

Malostransky bridge towers are two structures erected at different times. They acquired a modern Renaissance appearance at the end of the 16th century. Higher was built in the XV century. The low tower was once integral with the only Juditin Bridge. This building dates back to the second half of the 19th century.

The Church of St. Mary the Victorious belongs to the early Baroque period. Belonged to the Order of Carmelites. Since the 17th century, the statue of the “Jesuit” has been kept here, in connection with which the church once became widely known among Catholics in other European countries. In 2009, the pope visited the temple. He proclaimed the church the first station of the “apostolic road” in the Czech Republic.

Wallenstein Palace - the first extensive secular building of the early Baroque era. The palace was erected for the richest Czech aristocrat. In 1945, the east wing was completely destroyed. There was no recovery. The palace is open to the public every day. But sometimes the city hall holds events here. On Mondays, the architectural complex is open from eleven. On the remaining days - from nine. The tower closes at ten in the evening.

Charles Bridge Prague

Stare Mesto

In this part of Prague, many years ago there were small settlements, which, with the development of trade and crafts, merged into a city.

The main square of Prague is Old Town. Her story begins in the XII century. Tourists are primarily attracted by watches on Old Town Square. They are mounted on the south wall of the town hall and are the oldest chimes in the world. The clock is decorated with architectural sculptures.

Old Town Hall with chimes

Powder Gate - a monument of Gothic architecture, located on the Republic Square, near the Public House. The construction dates back to the end of the 15th century.

The Municipal House is a relatively new building. Until the XX century, on the site of this building was the royal palace, which served as the residence of Czech rulers.

The Church of Our Lady before Tyn is the main historical monument of the Old Town Square. Built in the 16th century. At the end of the 17th century, baroque elements appeared in the appearance of the temple during the capital restoration.

Other interesting buildings of the Old Town: Church of St. Nicholas, House near the Black Mother of God, Bethlehem Chapel, Old-New Synagogue.

Nove Mesto

The New City was founded in the middle of the 14th century by Charles IV. The king planned to expand Prague so that in the future it would serve as the residence of the rulers of the Holy Roman Empire.

Every year, thousands of tourists from all over the world travel to the Czech Republic. Wenceslas Square in Prague, located in the New Town, is a traditional venue for grandiose celebrations. Here are large shops, hotels, cafes. And it is on this square that almost all festivals are held. The former name is Horse Market. The main buildings of Wenceslas Square are the National Museum and the monument to St. Wenceslas, erected in 1912.

Wenceslas Square

Outside the historical center

Vysehrad is a fortress located on a hill above the Vltava. According to legend, the residence of the Czech princes was located here in the early Middle Ages. In reality, the fortress arose only in the X century.

It offers a unique view of the Czech capital. The park part is decorated with small architectonic buildings. In the territory adjacent to the fortress, there is a cemetery where composer Antonin Dvořák is buried. You can visit Vysehrad from 9.30 to 18.00.

dancing House

Prague is famous not only for antiquities. However, it is enough just to look at the construction of a bizarre shape, consisting of two cylindrical towers, to understand that this work of architecture is not universally approved. In the Czech capital, Prague, it would seem, there is no place for such unusual buildings. And indeed, it caused heated debate among critics.

The dancing house in Prague was built in the 90s of the last century. Architects - Frank Gehry and Vlado Milunich. The building houses the offices of several international companies, a hotel, a gallery.

dancing House

Břevnov Monastery

The oldest Czech monastery was built in the 10th century by Prince Boleslav II. Received a modern look as a result of a large-scale restoration of the XVIII century. The Basilica of St. Margaret, prelature with the Theresian hall, is open for visiting.

The fee for visiting the sights of Prague is from 70 to 150 kroons. Only tickets to private museums can be more expensive. A visit to Prague Castle, on the territory of which many historical and architectural monuments and galleries are concentrated, will cost 350 kroons.

Observation Decks

Petrin Tower was built at the end of the XIX century on the hill of the same name. A year before the start of construction, members of the Czech Tourists Club visited the World Exhibition in Paris. The Eiffel Tower inspired them incredibly. Soon a grandiose construction appeared in Prague. The height of the Petrin Tower is 63 meters.

Petřín lookout tower

You can get to the Petrin Tower on any day. From April to September it is open from 10.00 to 22.00. From March to October - from 10.00 to 20.00. From November to February - from 10.00 to 18.00. Under favorable conditions, it offers a view of the whole Czech Republic. In Prague, however, there are other viewing platforms.

In the city center there are several gardens that attract tourists not only with unusual layouts, but also with amazing panoramic views. One of them is located on the territory of Prague Castle. This garden was founded in 1534 by Ferdinand I of Habsburg. Free admission. The Royal Garden in Prague Castle is open in the summer from 10.00 to 21.00.

On the south side of Prague Castle there is a complex of historical gardens: Small Fürstenbersky, Small and Big Palfiyovsky, Kolovratsky, Ledenbursky. Visits in the summer: from 10.00 to 21.00.

The Wallenstein Garden is planned in the Baroque style. On the territory there is an artificial cave. In the summer, these gardens host theater performances and concerts. To visit the complex is open until 18.00.

A beautiful view of Prague opens from the tower of the Old Town Hall, the television tower on Zizkov and the ramp of Prague Castle on Hradcanska Square.

Festivals and Fairs

Thanks to its mild climate and unique sights, Prague has become one of the most visited European cities. There are many vacationers in winter and summer. A special influx of tourists is observed in May. In late spring, famous festivals are held here.

Throughout May, the “Festival of Czech Gastronomy" continues, which attracts gourmets from all over Europe.

Prague has long been considered a cultural center. From May 5 to June 3, Prague Spring is held here - a festival dedicated to classical music.

At the end of spring - beginning of summer, the largest beer event is held. The beer festival attracts fans of a quality drink and dishes of Czech national cuisine.

In October, a parade of new fashion, design, and style is held in the Czech capital. "Designblock" is a great opportunity to purchase unique and stylish gifts.

In October in Prague, Czech foreign masters of audiovisual effects organize unforgettable lighting installations. The action takes place in the historical center. The festival is called "Signal".

You can experience the atmosphere of real Catholic Christmas by going to Prague in December. Mulled wine and aromatic sweets in variety are presented in the markets of the Czech capital.

“Czech touch of music” is the name of the festival, which begins in early December and lasts two months. The event is dedicated to classical music.

Prague Zoo

This landmark of the Czech capital arose long before the Thirty Years War, but was neglected for several centuries. The revival began in the 20s of the last century. In 2002, a flood occurred in which about a hundred animals died. However, today the Prague Zoo is in excellent condition. The most popular among young tourists is the pavilion with orangutans, gibbons, Komodo lizards, called the "Indonesian Jungle".

Children's island

There are several islands on the Vltava River. One of them resembles a real fairy tale. Children's Island is a platform divided into two zones. The first is designed for babies up to 5 years. The second platform is for older children.

Toy museum

The exhibition is of interest to those who, even having matured, do not cease to be interested in the enchanting world of toys. But most of the visitors are, of course, children.

The founder of the insert, Ivan Steigr, has been collecting exhibits for several decades. In the 60s he emigrated, traveled extensively throughout Europe. And suddenly he became infected with “toy fever”. Today, one of the richest collections in the world is assembled here.

Museum of Decorative Arts

Walking in the Czech capital can be useful, interesting and informative. Exhibitions that children enjoy visiting are located in the building of the Museum of Decorative and Applied Arts. Prague is a city full of history. The exhibits presented in this museum allow you to get acquainted with the main events of Antiquity, the Middle Ages, and the New Age. A visit to the exhibition is a short excursion into the history of Prague. The Museum of Decorative Arts is located at listopadu 2/2.


The main stage of the Czech Republic was built with funds from public gatherings and opened in 1881. It is about the National Theater in Prague. Classical music fans also attend the State Opera. Those who do not understand the divine sounds of the symphony orchestra will no doubt appreciate the appearance of the building, built in the Neo-Renaissance style.

national theater prague

One of the most beautiful theaters in Europe is the Estates Theater. Once he became famous thanks to the premiere of the play "Don Giovanni", which today is part of the repertoire.


The Prague metro is represented by three lines - A, B, C. Stations open at 5 in the morning and close at 12 at night. The city runs trams, buses.

Tips & Testimonials

Fans of Prague flavor believe that hiking will fully appreciate the beauty of the city. However, Prague pavements are not very comfortable for legs. Comfortable shoes should be worn before the tour, travelers advise.

To take a break from walking, you should use a convertible car, electric train, retro tram or go on a river trip along the Vltava. A tour of the streets of Prague can also be done by bicycle. This is evidenced by many tourists.

Are you not ready for daily walks? Prague public transport includes metro and trams, and buses run in the suburbs. It is more rational to purchase a travel card for a few days - experienced travelers warn.

Reviews say that in hotels and restaurants in Prague you can easily agree on everything in English or German. But knowing the most common words will not hurt: Dobr den [Good Dan], dkuji ​​[decuy].


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