Nut (fortress). How to get and what to see?

There is a place in the world where everyone can feel like a character in some kind of fairy tale about knights and dragons. Here everyone not only sees firsthand the splendor of ancient architecture, but also touches the monuments of antiquity and feels the breath of the Middle Ages on himself.

a nut fortress how to get

This place is located in the glorious city of Shlisselburg. Oreshek fortress , which many people are interested in getting to, is located just in this town, and it will be discussed in this article.

A bit of history

This castle was laid in 1323 on the Nut Island by the grandson of Alexander Nevsky, Yuri Danilovich. They say that the fortress got its name just because of this island, which in its shape resembles a nut.

shlisselburg fortress nut how to get

Different times this castle survived, both glorious and vague. He managed to be in the possession of many people, and for 90 years from his "life" he was the Swedish city of Noteburg.

In addition, it is known that after the release from Swedish captivity, a political prison was organized here, among the prisoners of which were the sister of Peter the Great, his first wife, and also the emperor Ivan Six.

nut fortress how to get 2013

He gathered a lot of interesting things outside his centuries-old walls of Oreshek. The fortress, which many people want to know how to get to, is of interest to tourists not only for its ancient architecture and construction features, but also for interesting historical facts and traditions.

One such fact is that over time this castle became a hard-labor prison. Here, at the beginning of the 20th century, terrorists, political criminals were serving their sentences, and many Poles sat here. It was in this place that the brother of Lenin, A.I. Ulyanov, was executed for the assassination attempt on Alexander the Third.

A little about the city of Shlisselburg

shlisselburg canal

Of course, the main attraction of the island can be called Oreshek - the fortress. How to get here many are interested, but besides the castle there are other attractions that are interesting to see.


So, before the tourists appear the buildings of the St. Nicholas Church, the Annunciation Cathedral and the Kazan Chapel. All of them were built at different times and decorated in different styles, but, despite this, make up one ensemble.


In the center of the city there is a large square, near which a peculiar monument in the form of an anchor is installed.

Undoubtedly, the main pearl of Shlisselburg is Oreshek (fortress). How to get to the town to see firsthand this magnificent monument of antiquity? There is just nothing complicated. Having walked around in Shlisselburg, each tourist can order an excursion to the island, which today, in fact, is a museum. In the cool water surface are small boats of their guests.


Further, all boats are moored on the pier of Nut Island. Here, in front of tourists in all its glory, the legendary Oreshek appears majestically and proudly. The fortress, which many people are interested in getting to, has gathered not only beautiful buildings outside its walls. There are monuments, and destroyed towers, and buildings shelled during the Second World War.


Legendary Castle today

The main question of those who have heard about Oreshek fortress: "How to get there?" 2013 passed just recently, it was replaced by 2014. But, despite the transience of time, interest in the famous medieval castle did not fade. Quite the opposite!

inside the fortress

Curious tourists from all over the world come here to see this historical place with their own eyes. And this is not surprising!

The rich history of Nut Island, beautiful architecture, a variety of monuments and picturesque nature are unlikely to leave anyone indifferent. And the mysterious atmosphere of the fortress will take away every guest several centuries ago, in those times about which legends and legends go.


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