Tallinn: reviews of tourists. What to see in Tallinn on your own? What to bring from Tallinn

One of the most beautiful cities in Northern Europe is rightfully considered the Estonian city of Tallinn. Many years have passed since Estonia left the USSR, but the city still retains the spirit of old Europe and is always glad to welcome guests.

Tallinn: history

Tallinn is located about eighty kilometers from Helsinki, on the shores of the Gulf of Finland, and dates back probably from 1154, when the Arab geographer Al-Idrisi mentioned it in his notes as a fortified city. Tallinn has a rich history, because he managed to visit part of Denmark, Sweden and the Russian Empire.

It was hard for the city during the Second World War. After fierce fighting, the fascist troops occupied the city, and in order to free it from the invaders, Soviet military aircraft had to drop about three thousand bombs of various actions on Tallinn. The village was half destroyed, about 20 thousand inhabitants were left without a roof over their heads. After the war ended, the city became part of the Soviet Union.

In Tallinn, preserved architectural structures of the early and middle Middle Ages. A large number of churches are the sights and the face of the city. The old part is included in the UNESCO World Heritage List.

Bus tour from St. Petersburg

If you decide to have a short vacation and want to change the scenery for a couple of days, a trip to Tallinn will be the best solution for the whole family. The starting point is most convenient to choose St. Petersburg, since the distance between cities is only 320 kilometers.

city ​​tours

Experienced travelers say that it is best to purchase a short-term tour. The bus St. Petersburg - Tallinn is not inferior in terms of comfort to an airplane, with the only difference that you will have magnificent views of Russia and Estonia before your eyes. Various travel agencies offer bus tours for every taste and budget. You can always choose the tour that suits you.

This kind of travel has a lot of advantages. Firstly, in a short time you can see many attractions. Guides accompanying the tourist group will conduct various mini-excursions, tell interesting stories and show amazing places. Secondly, there are no problems with luggage. All your personal belongings remain on the bus while you enjoy the views outside the window. Of course, money, keys and documents should always be with you. Thirdly, if you especially liked an interesting place, you can always come back for a longer time, planning a vacation.

But this option, judging by the reviews, has a significant minus. Bus St. Petersburg - Tallinn is designed for a large number of passengers. For several days you will have to be in the company of strangers around the clock. Therefore, if a large crowd of people is bothering you, think twice.

City Tours

Arriving in Estonia, do not rush to purchase expensive guided city tours. Perhaps you will like alternative options, and you yourself will choose what to see in Tallinn on your own.

The classics of the genre are, of course, bus excursions. In this case, you can comfortably ride on the main attractions of the city, take a photo as a keepsake. But from the window of the bus all city landscapes will remain in memory only with a flashed picture.

bike rides in Tallinn

A great alternative would be bike excursions. You can rent a light city bike through a smartphone. Such transport makes it possible to see the city, have a cup of coffee in a cozy café that attracts you. In addition, a bike ride is not as tiring as, say, walking, and by evening you will still have the strength to sit in a nice restaurant and get acquainted with the masterpieces of local chefs.

Walking is not for the lazy. If you are confident in your abilities - feel free to put on your favorite comfortable sneakers, take a card and go explore Tallinn. A city tour of this format will enrich your experience.

Holidays and festivals

If you want to coincide your tourist trip with a national holiday, Tallinn will surprise and delight you. The largest and most significant events for the people are celebrated on a grand scale. They amaze travelers with their vibrant colors, customs and traditions. During the holidays, there is always something to do in Tallinn.

The most famous holiday is Tallinn Day. He reminds the citizens of the country that in 1248, Lubeck law made it possible for citizens to become full members of Europe and European society. The holiday began to be celebrated annually since 2002. On this day, not only official events are held, such as, for example, awarding honorary citizens, but also various entertainment programs that have many positive reviews. Tallinn loves entertainment: throughout the city you can meet magnificent medieval processions, watch street performances, sports tournaments.

Tallinn Day

Most of the holidays are associated with music. All kinds of multi-genre festivals and street concerts are held, not only the indigenous people, but also the guests of the city hurry to visit them. Every month, sports are held: skiing, park skiing, cycling and water. Reviews about Tallinn as a unique sports ground can be heard from every person who not only watches sports news, but also takes an active part in the life of the city.

Winter Tallinn

Lovers of winter holidays find the capital of Estonia beautiful. Tallinn in winter is both a picture and a fairy tale phenomenon. Throughout December, a huge Christmas tree stands in the center of the city, surrounded by bright illumination. Children's towns created, Christmas markets opened.

Travelers with children will enjoy walking around the old zoo. In winter, it is as interesting as in summer. Due to the fact that during the cold season the flow of visitors decreases, the animals become calmer and behave naturally.

One of the days off can be spent in a water park. The largest in Tallinn is Atlantis H 2 O. The complex is interesting not only for its magnificent slides, but also for its own underground water city, where truly rare and unique inhabitants of the deep sea live. In addition, the water park in Tallinn will be interesting for adults. Judging by the reviews, they will also have something to do. Time spent in the spa and relaxation area will remind you that in winter Tallinn is a hospitable and welcoming host.

Observation Decks

From traveling, every person tries to bring not only a sea of ​​impressions and vivid emotions, but also photos reminiscent of a vacation. Tallinn is a city of extraordinary beauty: the old tiled roofs of houses, towers and views of the Baltic are simply magnificent. And there is no better place to see the coastal city in all its glory than the viewing platforms. There are four of them.

A very popular observation deck in Tallinn is located between Alexander Nevsky Cathedral and the Dome Cathedral. This is the eastern part of the wall of Toompea Castle, which has been preserved since the Middle Ages. Having risen to the platform, you can admire the eastern part of the city, and then go down to the cafe and have a cup of aromatic coffee under medieval arches. Many mention this in their reviews.

The Dome Cathedral

Very close, within walking distance, you can find another observation deck. It is located at the bell tower of the Dome Cathedral. From this point you can see the park with many small ponds, which used to be a medieval moat.

The observation deck and Patkul's staircase break all records of popularity among tourists. The staircase, which has 157 steps, was built in 1903. Previously, at its end there were forged gates, which allowed to visit the site without hindrance only in the daytime. They were open from eight in the morning until five in the evening. Residents could observe working hours by a flag that rose above the gate. Reviews of Tallinn often mention the observation deck, which offers magnificent views of the Baltic Station, the Old Town and the seaport. On site you can buy various souvenirs, if you did not have time to purchase them during the day.

Old Town Hall

One of the main decorations of Tallinn is the Old Town Hall. It was built in the distant 15th century and to this day serves as a reminder of the former power and wealth of the city. Old houses built of stones and clay keep a particle of medieval spirit in themselves, and the tower of the Old Town Hall helps them in this. A slender building with a high spire leaves no one indifferent.

A bell is installed on the tower. Nowadays, he beats time, and in the old days, his sonorous blows said to the inhabitants: "Glory to the Almighty. Let everyone keep his fire and hearth, so as not to cause them any damage to the city." Tallinn experienced a fire more than once, therefore, in the city, fire safety rules were treated with special trepidation, and the bell constantly reminded of a possible danger.

The Old Town Hall hides the so-called Burger Hall under its arches. It was a place for a pleasant pastime, where troupes of street theaters and roving musicians performed. To get into the hall, it was necessary to go through the first floor, where the shopping gallery was located.

Amazing fact. On one of the doors leading to the hall, there is a wooden plaque with an inscription made in gold letters. It contains words of instruction for those entering the hall, who urge to leave their personal problems and hardships behind the threshold. Wise instructions were also seen in front of the entrance to the Small Hall of the Town Hall. After several centuries, the words have not lost their relevance and still serve as a reminder of good deeds.

Church of the Holy Spirit

A map of the capital of Estonia is dotted with ancient temples and churches. The Church of the Holy Spirit is one of the oldest - residents of Tallinn built it around the 13th century.

In appearance, the old church is unremarkable. But if you go inside, you will be amazed at the magnificence of decoration and interior decoration. The church owns a large collection of works of art. The altar of the work of the famous master Bernt Notke was recognized as the most valuable exhibit. The altar has a complex sliding design and is decorated with paintings on biblical subjects.

The amazing thing that the Church of the Holy Spirit carefully keeps to this day is the watch. They were created in 1688 by Christian Ackermann. The watch is made in the Baroque style and decorated with wooden carvings. It is noteworthy that they continue their work today. For decades, the church has been the center of the spiritual life of citizens. It works as usual today. A large bell invites to the service of the parishioners, on which the words are engraved: "I call everyone the same way, and no one can condemn me for this."

Kick in de Kek Tower

If you are a lover of the mysteries of history and choose what to visit in Tallinn, be sure to pay attention to the Kik-in-de-Kek tower.

Kick in de Kok Tower

The structure is 38 meters high and was originally conceived as a place for cannon firing. By medieval standards, the tower is quite high, so there was a popular joke among the soldiers that they could spy on housewives in other people's kitchens. The tower was built in 1470, after a while it was much expanded, the wall thickness was increased to four meters. This improvement was very useful during the war with the Russian Tsar Ivan the Terrible. His troops breached the wall, but this did not become a critical destruction for the tower and it stood. A few years later, during the reconstruction, four cannonballs were inserted into it in memory of the war. You can see them if you go from the east side.

The tower had one secret: it opened the way to the Underpasses of the bastion. Numerous secret passages were built in the 17-18 centuries and served as defensive objects. Underground roads served as secret passages for the prompt transfer of soldiers, for the delivery of food and weapons. From the mid-18th century, some of them began to be used as warehouses, and in the mid-19th century they were generally excluded from the list of military facilities. At the site of the bastions, the city authorities pitched several beautiful parks. During the Second World War, underground tunnels were still used as points for anti-aircraft guns. In 2007, by decision of the city administration, the underground passages of the bastion were open to the public, but they can only be visited with a guide. Judging by the reviews, the walk is worth the time spent on it.

Souvenirs and souvenirs

When going on a trip, we often think about what souvenirs we will please our relatives and friends. Often this is a rather difficult choice, and we resort to a proven tool - reviews. What to bring from Tallinn? Here are the most popular solutions:

1. Alcohol. Each country is famous for its own recipes for intoxicating drinks. Estonia has succeeded in the production of liquors. Here it is worth paying attention to them. For example, liquor "Old Tallinn". It is produced in three forms: weak, medium and strong. Strong varieties are suitable for men. Low alcohol girls will appreciate. Another popular liquor is Rooster on a Stump. This is a sweet liquor of bright red color, presented in various tastes: raspberry, strawberry and cherry. If you are not confused by the bright red color, the drink will be a great present.

Tallinn liquor

2. The famous Estonian confectionery factory "Kalev" produces a wide range of desserts and sweets for tea. All kinds of candied fruits in chocolate, sweets, marzipan, waffles ... You can buy sweets by weight, a little of everything. But if you want to present a gift that will be remembered for a lifetime, select the options in a colorful gift box. As a rule, such goods are sold in iron or glass jars so that the product is not damaged on the road.

Estonian sweets

3. Amber. The Baltic states are famous for their reserves of this magnificent stone. Amber jewelry has always been considered a sign of good taste. Masters make earrings, bracelets, beads, pendants, hair clips. If you look carefully, you can find sets of combs for hair, inlaid with amber, as well as caskets and pipes. Amber jewelry invariably collects great reviews. Tallinn does not skimp on beauty.

4. Ceramics. Local manufactories have long maintained the secrets of craft production. Tourists are offered souvenirs made of colored glass, clay and wood. It can be dishes, household utensils, vases. Juniper wood products, which for a long time retain their amazing sweetish aroma, are especially fond of.

5. There are many souvenirs in Tallinn - for every taste and budget. However, if you plan to return home lightly, purchase ordinary magnets. This cute little thing will easily fit in a small travel bag and will remind you of a wonderful trip.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/G17166/

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