Internal blocks of split systems. Power of the internal block of a split system. Installation of the indoor unit of the split system

Split systems are quite often installed in apartments, private houses and offices today. This is especially true for urban residents, because in such conditions the weather changes quite often, and it is not always possible to make a microclimate indoors comfortable with a window, because exhaust gases, dust come from outside, and with them noise that interferes with life.

If you do not want to freeze in the cold and suffer from the heat on summer days, you should purchase a split system with which you can create the most comfortable living conditions in the house. But in order for the system to be truly effective, it is necessary to determine the power, as well as correctly install the indoor unit. This will be discussed in the article.

Power unit selection

indoor units split systems

Indoor units of split systems are selected taking into account the main parameter - equipment power. To date, the ratio is known, according to which, 1 kW of device power will be enough for 30 m 3 of the room. If we take into account the area of ​​the room, then the cooling of 10 m2 will require the same 1 kW of power.

This parameter is used by private consumers and specialists who are faced with the choice of the described device. However, this ratio cannot be called an exact example of power calculation. If you want to be sure of the choice, then additional factors should be considered. Among them, the location of the indoor unit must be highlighted.

It is important to pay attention also to the purpose of the equipment, as well as to the number of rooms in the apartment or office. The indoor units of split systems are also selected taking into account additional equipment in the room, which is capable of emitting thermal energy during operation. Specialists recommend paying special attention to windows, which play a huge role in cooling homes. One important factor is the number of people who can be indoors at the same time.

If we consider each factor in more detail, it is worth noting that the location plays an important role. For example, equipment with a floor unit that makes a loud noise is not suitable for a bedroom. It is important to consider the purpose, because some types of equipment are able to work only for cooling, and there is no heating function in them. But the first version of the equipment has an important advantage, which is expressed in low cost.

Consideration of additional factors

indoor unit split system

Do not neglect the requirement that states the need to take into account equipment such as a stove, electric kettle or computer. All these devices act as additional sources of heat, which entails the need to choose a split-system technique with more impressive power. Indoor units of split systems are selected, as noted, taking into account windows. Especially this factor applies to rooms with ordinary wooden frames without double-glazed windows. Through them, heat enters in the summer, and cold air penetrates in the winter. Experts recommend paying attention to the number of people, because the human body is capable of generating heat equal to 100 watts. Therefore, it is also necessary to compensate for this source of thermal energy.

Preparation of tools for installing a split system

indoor unit multi split system

If you decide to do the installation of the indoor unit of the air conditioner yourself, then you need to stock up on a certain set of tools, among them:

  • hammer drill;
  • armature finder;
  • pipe cutter;
  • tube flaring kit;
  • scouring;
  • bicycle hand pump;
  • Vacuum pump;
  • phase indicator ;
  • pressure gauge;
  • tester for electrical work.

When the indoor units of the split systems are installed, it is important to prepare the punch with a chisel, because the master will have to make a hole in the main wall. If it is concrete, then you will also need an armature detector, because if you get to the bar, you will have to make a new hole. During installation, it is forbidden to cut the refrigerant pipes with a hacksaw, a pipe cutter is perfect for this. Otherwise, copper chips will remain in the lumen, which will ruin the compressor.

Indoor unit installation

wall split system indoor unit

To install a split system in an apartment, it is necessary to be guided by technology, which provides for the first stage of determining the location for equipment. Next, you will lay the wiring and mount the outdoor unit. A hole is made in the wall for communications, then pipelines are prepared and laid.

The specialist will have to install the electrical connections, and then check the system for leaks. It is evacuated and filled. Now you can connect the power and test the equipment. When the indoor unit of the split system is installed, it is additionally necessary to isolate the interblock harness. A hole is closed in the main wall, and the wall is decorated.

Choosing a place for the indoor unit

power indoor unit split system

When choosing a location for this component, it is necessary to pay attention to areas that cannot be used for such work. The installation of the indoor unit of the split system cannot be carried out over radiators and other heat sources. Do not place the structure behind screens, curtains and curtains, as well as create other obstacles to the flow of air.

Do not place the device also in rooms where there are sources of electrical noise, this should include induction and microwave ovens, power tools, as well as electric ovens that can disable the unit processor. The wall split system, the indoor unit of which is supposed to be located in the kitchen, cannot be installed in the apartment, since the air flow into this room must be provided by the ventilation inside the apartment.

Connection wiring

installation of the indoor unit split system

If you even choose an air conditioner with the lowest power of 1.5 kW, then for it you will need to lay separate wiring with a cross section of 1.5 mm 2 . The indoor unit of a multi-split system can be connected using a shutdown machine. If the wires are connected to the shield, then the yellow wire with a green stripe must be connected to the zero. Phase and zero should be determined by the indicator. If you decide to make the wiring from wires of non-standard colors, then the zero and phase must be marked at both ends.


How to determine the power of the internal unit of a split system, you learned by reading the article. However, it is important to accurately calculate the area of ​​the room, because every square meter will affect the performance of the system. If you neglect this recommendation, then you may encounter the fact that the air conditioner will not be selected correctly, and you risk overpaying for too high power or getting equipment that will not cope with the tasks assigned to it.


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