City of Split: attractions (photos)

Croatia, famous for its beautiful resorts, is visited annually by hundreds of thousands of tourists. They are attracted by developed tourist infrastructure, natural beauties and ancient architectural monuments. Everyone who not only loves a relaxing holiday on the beach, but also wants to wander through historical places, choose the beautiful city of Split (Croatia). The sights of it deserve the most detailed story.

The second largest city of the state is not in vain called an open-air museum. It harmoniously combines ancient architectural monuments with modern skyscrapers, and tourists arriving for the first time do not even understand where they are, because the main pearl of Croatia resembles the best Mediterranean resorts.

Homeland of the legendary Diocletian

The city, founded by the Roman emperor Diocletian in 239, was not chosen by chance. According to ancient traditions, this was the birthplace of the great ruler, on which he wanted to build the most beautiful palace. The summer residence has survived to the present day and is an obligatory point in the route of tourists.

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The small town inhabited by the Slavs was part of Venice, was annexed to Austria, belonged to France and became part of Yugoslavia. An interesting story has left its mark on the architectural monuments that ancient Split is so proud of. The sights of the city made its appearance unique in the eyes of vacationers.

The majestic palace

So, what should a tourist pay attention to first of all? Of course, the majestic residence of Diocletian, erected in a military style, is one of the main historical monuments that are incredibly popular. Built during the reign of the emperor, the mausoleum occupied about 30 thousand meters, and its walls covered the whole city, which the ruler chose as his place of rest.

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A small part that reached the descendants

From the luxurious residence, which is a true example of ancient culture, very little remains. Unfortunately, only a part of the magnificent structure, around which the ancient Split grew, reached the descendants. The UNESCO World Heritage Sites will delight guests with a special atmosphere. Tourists see the temple of Jupiter converted into a Christian church , surrounded by marble columns, a huge open-air hall (Peristyle), watch towers and St. Domnius Cathedral, built on the site of the residence.

The corridors of the mausoleum, more like a whole city, turned into colorful narrow streets, and if you walk between them, you can stumble on the ruins of the balcony of Diocletian himself. It is curious that the ruler’s underground possessions were preserved, the entrance to which is guarded by Roman-clad guards. Walking through the cellars, you can see the stone walls of the mausoleum and purchase gifts to commemorate your stay in the ancient city.

city ​​split croatia attractions

The palace of historical value attracts the close attention of all travelers who come to touch the ancient history, which Split carefully preserves. Sights of the city attract the eyes of hundreds of thousands of tourists, admired by the fact that architectural monuments have stood in the same place since the III century.

Cathedral of St. Domnius

The cathedral with a 60-meter bell tower is a religious building in which the most diverse styles of art are intertwined. The light building will amaze not only with the external decoration, but also with interiors with a huge number of paintings and sculptures. Many guests of St. Domnius Cathedral admit that they were struck by the richly decorated wooden gate with an interesting ornament that tells about the life of Christ and the main biblical events.

Many tourists come to the resort town only to see firsthand the famous architectural attractions. Split (Croatia) remembers its historical past and takes care of cultural heritage sites.

Temple of Jupiter

No less interesting and the temple of Jupiter, originally built to praise the Roman gods. In the Middle Ages it was converted into a baptistery, and parishioners worshiped not the lord of thunder, but St. John the Baptist.

attractions split croatia

The entrance to the cathedral is guarded by a statue of the sphinx, which was brought in the 3rd century from Egypt to Split. The sights of the temple - a monument to John the Baptist and sarcophagi with the bodies of city bishops - will not leave indifferent even the most non-religious person.

People Square

On the square that appeared in the XV century, which served as the city center, there is a delightful palace of the Kambi family in the Venetian-Gothic style, an ethnographic city museum, the building of the city hall.

Initially, the heart of the city had a triangular shape, but at the beginning of the 19th century a whole complex of buildings was demolished, which led to changes in the appearance of the historical center. People's Square is a favorite place for tourists to walk, who at first sight fall in love with the inimitable Split. Sights, photos of which are presented in the article, can be called the main reasons for exploring a city with a rich history.

Ruins of Roman Salon

The heyday of the ancient settlement came at a time when the Diocletians ruled. The important center of Christianity was destroyed in the 7th century, after the invasion of the Slavs, and now the ruins of Salon, located about five kilometers from the city, occupy a vast territory near Split.

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Recently, archaeological expeditions discovered a part of the walls with gates and towers, and the ruins of an ancient amphitheater built in the II century became the main find. The 15-century-old architectural monument was destroyed by the Venetians themselves in fear of the Turks, who could use local attractions as fortifications. Split (Croatia) allocates funds for annual exploration of the territory, because it is not known how many mysteries the Salon will present to future generations of secrets. In the meantime, hundreds of tourists wander around the living museum, imbued with the amazing atmosphere of this place, transporting it several centuries ago.

All of its guests are warmly welcomed by cordial Split (Croatia). Sights, photos of which are decorated with all city guides, will reveal the secrets of ancient history and will please even the most demanding travelers.


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