Teide, a volcano on the island of Tenerife: description, tours, reviews

The volcano Teide is located in the Canary Islands. It is considered the highest point in Spain. After all, it is she who belongs to the island of Tenerife, which actually represents the spurs of this fire-breathing mountain. The volcano is the center of the national park of the same name and attracts many tourists. Let's go on a virtual tour of this natural wonder. And at the same time we learn what kind of volcano it is. We will tell you what he is famous for and why so many people are so eager to see him.

Volcano Teide Tenerife


Administratively, the Teide volcano belongs to the municipality of La Orotava. Its height is 3700 meters above sea level. But this mountain rises from the bottom of the ocean, and the island of Tenerife is only its visible part. Therefore, the total height of the Teide volcano, including the underwater slopes, is about seven and a half kilometers. The top of the mountain and the crater are sometimes covered with snow, although the islands themselves are in the south. The first national park in Spain was founded on its territory . Teide is considered the third largest volcanic island in the world. In this regard, the national park is included in the UNESCO World Heritage List.

A bit of geology and history

Teide volcano formed about 150 thousand years ago. Then there was a very strong eruption, which resulted in another fire-breathing mountain - Las Cañadas. Then its top fell inside. A huge hollow appeared. On its northern slopes, after several ejections of magma, our Teide volcano arose. The eruption from his vent, as legend says, was seen by Christopher Columbus when he sailed past the Canary Islands. In 1492, he made a note in the logbook that a huge infernal fire was burning in the Orotava Valley. But current historians and geologists have disproved this legend. It turns out that in that year it was not Teide that erupted, but another volcano - Boca Gangrejo. The fact is that the cone of the fire-breathing mountain occupies most of the island. But on its slopes magma erupted in other places. And every time small volcanoes formed. They all have names.

Volcano Teide how to get there

Is Teide volcano dangerous these days?

Locals have always been afraid of this mountain. According to their legends, the evil demon Guyota lives inside her. They do not advise bothering him. There is a legend that once this demon stole the sun, and his children stole cattle from people and ruined crops, using the darkness. Then the deity Achaman enclosed the spirit in the bowels of the volcano, and when he wakes up, he is trying to annoy someone. Indeed, sometimes eruptions follow year after year, destroying everything around. Especially people suffered from them in the eighteenth century. In 1706, the eruption destroyed the local port and the city of Garachico on the slopes of the mountain. But since 1798 the volcano no longer raged. Now he is sleeping, and from his petrified lava, the inhabitants of the islands make various crafts and souvenirs and sell them to tourists.

How to get there

The volcano can be reached by car, with several routes. But if you got to Tenerife without a car or you can’t drive, do not despair. You can get to the crater lift by public transport. This is bus number 342. It leaves for the lower station of the Teide cable car at about 9 am and arrives in two hours. After all, you have to go along the serpentine. He goes back at about half past three. Therefore, you should not be late. This is the only bus, and there are no other flights.


As we have already said, you can drive along the highway to the crater of the Teide volcano. It is laid to a height of 2300 meters. Next is the lower cableway station. It was built in 1971 especially for tourists. The cable car to the Teide volcano consists of trailers. Each of them is designed for 45 passengers. In a matter of minutes, the funicular lifts the trailer to a height of almost 1,200 meters. A round-trip ticket costs 27 euros. The height difference is very large, so people with pressure problems need to take this into account. But this is not the very peak. You can only go further on foot. But the remaining 160 meters of climb are not accessible to everyone. In order to get to the very top, you need to get a special pass. It must be ordered in advance. By the way, there are strong winds in the Canary Islands in winter. Because of this, the funicular may not work. Therefore, tourists advise those who arrive in Tenerife in the winter to call the cable car and ask if it is open. Tickets are best bought online. Then they will indicate the time of landing, and you do not have to wait in a long line.

Funicular Volcano Teide

Tourist value

Of course, in the Canary Islands there are a lot of attractions. Stunning water parks and botanical gardens, black sand beaches and ocean fishing. But all this pales in comparison to the Teide volcano. Being in Tenerife and not visiting it is like not seeing the pyramids in Egypt, and the Royal Palace in Bangkok. No wonder many members of the famous round-the-world expeditions were drawn to this mountain. But since there was no cable car then, the way to the top took several days. Both Captain Cook and Charles Darwin were on the volcano. In thirty hours, the famous naturalist Alexander Humboldt climbed to its peak. But when tourists appeared who began to pay money for the spectacle, then the locals began to adapt to their needs. By the way, the volcano itself is depicted on the emblem of Tenerife, and its name is modern. Before the Spanish colonization, it was called Echeide.

Volcano Teide

Crater visit

If you want to get into the heart of the Teide volcano (Tenerife), you need to request a special permit. It is issued free of charge. You just need to make an application on the website of the national parks of Spain, and then print the answer. When visiting the crater, you must also have either the original passport or a photocopy with your photo. At the beginning of the trail there is a caretaker who checks the availability of all these documents. Walking close, but the air at the top is thin, and for beginners it can be very difficult. Therefore, try to walk slowly, make stops and take a breath. The top is always cool, and tourists are advised to bring warm clothes with them. And in winter, the mercury column can drop to minus five Celsius.

Teide Volcano National Park


This is one of the most interesting places on the Teide volcano (Tenerife), although not so well known to tourists. But fans of science fiction films recognize him immediately. We are talking about the caldera, that is, the "cauldron" of the volcano. We have already said that Teide is like a two-story building. It is located inside an older crater. This is called the caldera. It was mainly preserved in the south of the volcano. Its area is about 16 kilometers. It surrounds Teide Peak, representing an absolutely fantastic landscape. These are whole frozen lava flows, rocks with bizarre shapes. In a word, those who walk here have the impression that they have come either in the prehistoric era, or on another planet. Many really fantastic films and blockbusters were really shot here - from The Million Years BC of the sixties of the last century to the Clash of the Titans. You can walk around the caldera everywhere - there are no snakes or dangerous animals. It is especially beautiful here in spring, when lifeless lava is covered with bright colors. More tourists like to come to the caldera in August. Then the Earth passes through the meteorite belt and the "starfall" begins. The Spaniards romantically call this phenomenon "tears of St. Lorenzo." It is especially beautiful to behold on the caldera.

Volcano teide reviews


From the height of the Teide volcano you can see almost all of the Canary Islands. Stunning photos are taken at the top station of the cable car, especially in clear weather, without clouds. But not only the cable car is alive travelers. Hiking and hiking trails are organized in the national park and on the caldera. Especially popular with tourists is the so-called Lunar landscape at the foot of the volcano. There are several viewing platforms, as well as the beautiful cliffs of Roque de Garcia. Excursions to the Teide volcano imply the observance of several strict rules necessary for visitors to national parks. Here you can not only burn bonfires and pick flowers, but also collect and carry stones with you. Do not wonder! For many decades, tourists have been grabbing pieces of volcanic rock. So soon nothing will remain of the mountain if everything is left to chance. And for thirsty barbecue with a panoramic view, before reaching the park there are special mangal zones where you can organize picnics. By the way, the slopes of the volcanoes are overgrown with the only pine in the world whose wood does not burn. Near the cliffs of Roque de Garcia is the Hotel Parador with a good restaurant.

The height of the volcano Teide

Volcano Teide: reviews

Tourists who have visited Tenerife write that it’s better not to go to the top right away, but first acclimatize on the island and get acquainted with the surroundings. Teide needs to be reserved for later. Moreover, many are advised to study the volcano in two stages. First, it is better to walk along the caldera, to see fantastic rocks, rivers of lava and pine-phoenixes. And then proceed to the ascent to the funicular. Of course, do not forget the warm clothes, find out the weather forecast in advance and purchase tickets online. It’s better to buy them in a month. You can take the funicular upstairs and go back down on foot. There are different paths - both for trekking and unpretentious. But all your efforts will be rewarded. After all, such a unique, Martian beauty you will not see anywhere else. There will be clouds below you, and the whole world will be at your feet.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/G172/

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