All about Provence: capital, cities, history, sights, leisure

Each of us has heard of Provence. The French province will not leave indifferent any tourist. The historical region is located in the south-east of the country, at the foot of the Alps on the Mediterranean coast. Visit Provence is the dream of any traveler.

A bit of history

Provence is currently the most attractive region in France. The land has incorporated the most unique historical traditions, amazingly beautiful nature and ancient architectural monuments. Where is Provence located? Its lands are located in the south-east of France. The region is located in several climatic zones. From the west it is bordered by the Rhone River, and in the east it borders on the Alpine mountains. Well, in the south, the coast of Provence is washed by the sea. The coastal zone is often called the Cote d'Azur. Enviable lands have always aroused great interest among neighbors, and therefore, over the entire history of the region, the struggle for the right to own it has been waged more than once. It is for this reason that the region has such a rich and complex history. For many centuries, the region has absorbed a combination of a variety of cultures. There have been periods of prosperity and decline in the history of Provence.

capital of provence

Today, it includes the departments of Var, Vaucluse, Bush-du-Rhone, as well as partially the lands of the Alps of Haute Provence and the Maritime Alps. The center of the region is the famous city of Marseille, which can be safely called one of the oldest settlements on French lands.

History of Provence

Numerous archaeological excavations carried out repeatedly in the region suggest that the first settlements in Provence appeared about half a million years BC. According to historians, these are currently the most ancient places of residence of people on Earth, which are reliably confirmed by archaeological finds. In the sixth century BC, Greek sailors who appeared on the shores of Provence agreed with the local Ligurian tribes and founded several large port cities on the coast - Nicaea, now called Nice, and Massalia, now Marseille.

It was the first Greeks who brought the basics of agriculture to the region, planting vineyards and olive groves on local lands. After some time, a Massaliotic empire was formed in the province. And already in the second century BC, Roman colonization of the region began. During this period, Roman troops entered the territory of Provence under the pretext of military assistance to the massaliots in the war against the Salienne tribe. By the way, it was thanks to the Romans that the region acquired its current name, since the conquerors simply called it “province”.

The era of Roman rule had a positive impact on the history of the region. The Romans were excellent administrators, they managed to create an excellent infrastructure. It was they who built beautiful new fortified cities, interconnected by a network of roads. After the fall of the Roman Empire in Provence, not the best of times came. The territory was alternately captured and plundered by barbarian tribes. Later, no less bloodthirsty hordes of Moors came from Spain and North Africa, which Karl Martelem managed to stop. At the same time, Provence became acquainted with Christianity. From the tenth to the fourteenth century, clashes between different count dynasties did not abate in the province. Each family fought for influence on these lands. In addition, pirates raided Provence. In addition, the region suffered from plague epidemics.

ex en provence

And already in the sixteenth century the region was annexed to France. Not only was Provence torn from within by religious conflicts, the province also took part in territorial disagreements between Italy and France, which turned the land into a battle arena for many years.

The Cote d'Azur fully became French only in the middle of the nineteenth century. And the name "Cote d'Azur" was also fixed in the second half of the nineteenth century, when the largest coastal cities became fashionable resorts. After the railway connection appeared here, the region began to be visited by royal persons and famous aristocrats from all over Europe.


Speaking about the region, it is worth recalling its settlements. The cities of Provence are as interesting as the region itself. One of the oldest cities is Arles, which is currently the most important transport hub of Provence. From the city it is incredibly convenient to get to the historical and natural corners of the region. Since Arles has the status of the historical center of the region, it attracts the attention of creative people, thanks to which there are many examples of painting and architecture in the city.

Attractions Arles

The cities of Provence are incredibly interesting in terms of their attractions. So, for example, in Arles you can see the ancient Arelat - the ancient city of the Ligur tribe, which is included in the UNESCO heritage list. In it you can see the Roman amphitheater, baths, partially preserved fortifications of the city, the ruins of the palace and more. No less interesting for tourists is the ancient Roman cemetery, turned into the necropolis of Aliskan, in which the most distinguished citizens of the city were buried. It is also worth a visit to the antique museum of the city. On the main square of the city is the old Saint Trofem Cathedral, dating from the twelfth century. According to legend, the temple was laid at the site of the baptism of St. Augustine. The building is surrounded by ancient monasteries, each of which has its own history.

Interesting facts about the culture and history of Provence can be found in the museums of Reatu and Arlaten. The city has a beautiful promenade, famous for the fact that Van Gogh walked along it. Here he painted many amazing paintings. By the way, in the city you can visit the fighting with the bulls, which are a source of pride for local residents. Bullfighting is carried out throughout the summer period. Interestingly, the townspeople are passionate fans of such bloody entertainment.

Capital of provence

The region has many interesting cities. But it is worth remembering the capital. Aix-en-Provence can be safely called the historical and cultural center of the region. In all its appearance there is a certain aristocracy and conservatism.

cities of provence

It is worth noting that until the twelfth century the city was the capital of Provence, and therefore attracted talented personalities who contributed to its appearance. The city is located thirty kilometers from the Mediterranean Sea. It is located among the thermal springs, which played a significant role in the history of Aix-en-Provence.

History of the city

The history of Aix-en-Provence begins with the Roman era. From the fourth century BC, Ligurian tribes inhabited the lands of Lower Provence. And a little north of the territory of the current capital of Provence was the ancient Antremont. However, after the arrival of the Romans in the territory of the destroyed Antremont, a new colony for legionnaires was built among the thermal springs.

rest in provence

The very first mention of the city dates back to 122 BC. Aix-en-Provence was originally built to preserve the trade route between Rome and Massalia. But already in the fourth century, the city became the capital of Narbonne. In the future, the capital of Provence was repeatedly captured by different tribes. The city reached its greatest prosperity during the reign of the counts. It was at this time that he became a university and cultural center. Lush carnivals and grandiose festivities were held here. After the region became part of France, the governor of the king moved to the capital of Provence. Until the French Revolution, the city had its own parliament and Supreme Court. In Aix-en-Provence, Paul Cezanne created and lived . The city was badly damaged during the 1909 earthquake.

The city's attractions

If you are planning a vacation in Provence, then you should definitely see its cultural capital. The city is beautiful in every way. What to see in Aix-en-Provence? The city is full of historical and cultural places. The excursion should start with Mirabo Boulevard, which is the main street of the city. The boulevard was laid back in the eighteenth century. It connects the beautiful Rotunda fountain with a monument to King Rene. Walking along the street, you can look at the beautiful mansions of the sixteenth and nineteenth centuries, built of yellow stone. Tourists will certainly be interested in the chapel Saint-Lazare, Madeleine Church, the Tapiseri Art Museum and the Old Town Museum. A lot of various shops with souvenirs and books were built on the boulevard. The building of the Archbishop's Palace houses the Tapestry Museum, where you can see furniture and tapestries of the seventeenth and eighteenth centuries.

ex en provence story

The numerous museums of Aix-en-Provence allow you to learn many interesting things from the history of the city. So, for example, in Suzea of ​​old Aix you can see vivid illustrations from the life of the nobility of the era of the reign of Louis the fourteenth. The interior of the house clearly demonstrates the dazzling luxury in which the nobles lived. They say that Louis XIV was in this mansion.

In the Mazarennes quarter you can see the outstanding sights of Aix-en-Provence. One of them is the church of Saint-Jean-de-Malta, dating from the thirteenth century. An interesting fact is that services are still being held in the temple. It is known that the building is the first Gothic church in the city. Not far from the temple is the Granet Museum, which contains art, archaeological finds and artifacts. But the main pride of the institution is the largest collection of works by Cezanne.

Numerous tourists are attracted by Piazza d'Albert, which was built in the middle of the eighteenth century. Of interest is the harmonious combination of a beautiful fountain with a square. Nearby is the beautiful Palace of Bayeux d'Aiguille, which houses the Museum of Natural History. Its exposition consists of dinosaur remains, a large collection of insects and plants. This institution attracts many tourists from all over the world.


Avignon is another amazing city in the region. During a trip to Provence, you can see many interesting cities, each of which probably boasts an interesting history. Avignon is located in an incredibly picturesque confluence of two full-flowing rivers: Durance and Rhone. The city is an outstanding cultural and religious center of the country. In the historical center of Avignon there are numerous historical monuments, beautiful buildings and ancient churches, which are included in the UNESCO heritage list.

Sights of Avignon

The old part of the city is surrounded by a chain of ramparts built in the fourteenth century. Such powerful fortifications were erected to protect the monastery of the popes, nine of them lived here at different times. The fortifications did not have a special military significance, they rather fulfill an architectural role. It is the walls that separate the historical part of the city from modern quarters. Tourists are invariably attracted by the huge Papal Palace, consisting of a tower of angels, a treasury, gardens and the building of the palace itself. Nearby is the Roche-des-Dom Park and the ancient Pont-Saint-Benez bridge, which in ancient times connected the city with the suburbs.

provence tours

Not less interesting is Notre-Dame-des-Dom, a cathedral built in the twelfth century. Its building majestically rises above the city, being on the rock of the Rock de Dom. The buildings of the complex belong to completely different architectural styles, which causes a lot of controversy among experts.

Lavender fields

The lavender fields of Provence are something without which it is impossible to imagine this beautiful region. The endless violet fields extend so far that their edges are not visible. If you want to admire such beauty, then you should take a summer tour to Provence. After all, it is in the summer that stunning flowers bloom (from early June to mid-July). But in August, farmers begin to harvest, using later essential oils for the production of cosmetics - perfumes, soaps, etc.

Huge lavender fields span the northern regions of Provence. It is in these parts that you can see the largest and most beautiful lavender fields. Tourists are even specially brought to look at such an attractive beauty so that they can wander through the flower thickets and breathe in a wonderful aroma. By the way, next to flower plantations are abbeys and synagogues, which are also interesting to see.

ex en provence what to see

From lavender oil is produced on only cosmetics, but also expensive alcoholic drinks, balms. Locals use lavender in cooking.

During the harvest of flowers, part of the farms organize excursions, during which you can learn more about the nuances of growing plants and processing. In the city of Kustel there is even a real museum of lavender, it was opened in 1991. At the institution there is a shop in which perfumes, soap, honey and other souvenirs made on the basis of lavender are sold.

Provence Kitchen

If you go on vacation to Provence, then the local cuisine will certainly captivate you. Stunning dishes deserve the attention of tourists. It is no secret that a large assortment of spices is grown in Provence, which the residents themselves invariably use. Among them there is basil, fennel, caraway seeds, rosemary and others.

In addition, it is worth remembering that Provence is also famous for its olive oils and the famous ratatouille stew, which is prepared from eggplant and tomatoes. A large number of fruits and unique wines with a rich taste are sold in local markets.

Sea holidays in Provence

Many tourists traveling to Provence prefer to relax in Marseille. This ancient city is incredibly beautiful and has a developed infrastructure. As you know, the region is known for its stunning coast. Therefore, many holidaymakers choose Provence for a beach-sea holiday. What sea can still compare with the beautiful waters washing the coast of the resort ?! Not for nothing that the local coast is called the Cote d'Azur.

lavender fields of provence

Tourists celebrate the incredibly beautiful beaches of Marseille, which are equipped with everything that is needed for vacationers. Therefore, going to Provence, you can count on a comfortable stay. One of the most famous places on the coast is Prado Beach, located in the greenery of plantings. Despite all the fame, this place can be safely called calm and harmonious. But for a romantic getaway, you should visit the pebble beach with the characteristic name De Love, which is known for its stunning scenery.

If you prefer a vacation on the sandy coast, then you should pay attention to Corbières and Forten.

Resorts on the Cote d'Azur have long been considered one of the most prestigious in the world. And therefore, here you can meet celebrities vacationing by the sea. In Nice alone, there are more than twenty beaches, among which you can find more peaceful places. The local coast has pebbled surface and excellent infrastructure. Such an abundance of entertainment is difficult to find elsewhere.

There are beautiful sandy beaches in the vicinity of Nice. And many also go on vacation to Cannes. By the way, not all tourists are aware that the sandy coast of Cannes is artificial. But this in no way makes it worse. Well, of course, it is worth remembering the most prestigious places on the coast near the Croisette. These beaches are well equipped and suitable for even the most demanding guests. Not far from the building of the Palais des Festivals is a public beach that is open to all comers, and you can relax on it completely free.

Provence is a paradise for holidaymakers. The city of Antibes is also a very popular holiday destination. It is usually considered as a whole with Juan-les-Pins. The length of the sandy coast of this area is about 24 kilometers. Here you can find not only private, but also public places. Antibes is very popular among yachting fans. In addition, active young people love the city, since an incredible number of bars and nightclubs work on its coast.

travel to provence

When discussing the resorts of Provence, it is also worth recalling the beautiful Saint-Tropez. The city will surely appeal to nature lovers. The local sandy beaches almost come close to pine forests. Tourists can combine beach vacations with walks and excursions to picturesque places. The most prestigious beach of Saint-Tropez is De Pampelonne, which is often visited by world celebrities.

Menton is adjacent to the Italian Riviera . The city is also interesting in terms of beach holidays and active entertainment. It has terrific climatic conditions and a calm environment. . , . , , , .

Relaxing in Provence, you will surely want to buy souvenirs. From their diversity in the markets and in the shops, eyes just run wild. One of the best options may be spices and fakes. In Provence, you should definitely buy lavender. In addition, all kinds of products based on plant flowers and its essential oils are sold in shops. At home, inhaling the scent of lavender, you will always remember about your trip, about the beautiful and sweet Provence. The most popular gifts are Provencal honey and Marseille soap.

Interesting places

Provence is not only fashionable resorts, but also numerous natural beauties. Tourists recommend going to the Verdon Gorge. The Grand Canyon, in which the gorge is located, is considered the largest in all of Europe. In addition, the place is incredibly picturesque. The stunning emerald color of the water of the Verdon River and the beautiful Lake Saint Croix is ​​harmoniously combined with the natural greenery of the Provencal vegetation.

where is the provence

If your path through Provence runs through Marseille, then you should visit the famous If castle, which was built to protect the city from attacks, but by coincidence it became a famous prison. The castle brought fame to Dumas novel "The Count of Monte Cristo." Now the fortress is open to visitors, and you can see the camera of Edmond Dantes in it, although in fairness it should be noted that the main character of the novel by Dumas is fictional.

Provence is a stunningly beautiful and interesting region, crowded with all kinds of historical places and attractions. There are so many of them that one trip is simply not enough to see at least the most significant objects.


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