Odeon Tours (Turkey): reviews

How do we go on vacation? There are two possible ways: an extreme trip, without preparation and prior booking, or a trip with a planned route and booking at the hotel. The second option can also be more or less expensive. You can save if you plan the route yourself, but the services of a tour operator will cost a pretty penny. In particular, you can find out what Odeon Tours is.

odeon tours

Complete tour

There are special organizations that are engaged in the collection of tours and services for tourists. Then they are involved in the accompaniment and implementation of tours. Odeon Tours develops service packages, calculates prices and implements them, providing travel information support. There are companies combining the work of a tour operator and a travel agent. They shape the product and market it. In Russia, such companies receive a unique number, depending on which market tour operators work in. To do their job, the tour operator must have a good financial reserve or a bank guarantee. Since 2012, the working conditions for tour operators have changed, and now they must make an annual contribution. That is, now their services have risen in price. How did this affect prices, and is it realistic to take a tour through Odeon Tours now?

odeon tours turkey reviews

In the list of the best

I must say that every year the list of the best Turkish brands is announced, among which Odeon Tours is steadily present. This company is in the list of honorable 38th place. The cost of the brand according to general estimates can reach 97 million dollars. Employees of the company strive to establish ties between representatives of different countries, strengthen relations and share knowledge. The quality of service is constantly growing, because over the years the company is increasingly recognizing the world market. By the way, Turkey launched Odeon Tours in 1994, so the company recently celebrated its twentieth anniversary. The team works for the result and strives to offer quality for a reasonable price. The main difference between the company and competitors is an innovative approach, because they were the first in the country to be able to implement a quality control system from transfer to check-in. A feedback system works, which is only enhanced with the help of partner organizations.

odeon tours reviews


The Odeon Tours company (Turkey) carefully collects and studies feedback on its work in order to stimulate the team to further improve. By the way, they do not reject shortcomings, because no one is perfect, but there is criticism - there is reason for growth. The package of services from the company includes a variety of services, including transfer, room reservation, organization of meetings, presentations and banquets, day trips and even rental cars. Employees of the company select the options that most satisfy the client's needs, and can offer a choice. The presence of a guide excludes the possibility of cultural or linguistic barriers. The client must be confident in himself and his journey, therefore, before the trip it is recommended to duplicate the availability of contact phones and in case of problems consult with the agency.

About rest with the whole family

Often, whole families travel with Turkey Odeon Tours. They apply to the agency in advance to arrange formalities and collect the necessary documents. Tours and a hotel can be chosen not only on the recommendation of a tour operator, but also with the help of friends.

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Sometimes this option is extreme. A number of tours involve customer insurance, but such a service must be documented. Documents must be obtained immediately to avoid scammers. A visa is issued for about $ 20 per person, and customs with the help of company representatives can take about 15-20 minutes. A company representative meets at the exit from the airport and escorts to the buses. Each company has its own guide, information about which is received on the road. In order to avoid misunderstandings, it is better to ask the guide to control the process of checking into the room, otherwise it may turn out that there are no free rooms, and you will have to pay extra. At the meeting, the guide warns of possible difficulties in the country, informs about prohibitions and national traditions.

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What does Odeon Tours offer?

Reviews with a negative color may scare. Indeed, unsuccessful tourists say that the company refuses to solve their problems, and employees are rude and indifferent. If you are late tourists are not expected, but for the tour the money is regularly required. It turns out that the ticket involves a number of services, but it is not indicated anywhere that they are not included in the payment for the ticket. Of course, the atmosphere of travel depends on the guide, and he can be an unpleasant person, but the phones of the company are given for this. If you are rude, they take money for nothing, then notify the company management. The cultural program, by the way, is amazing: a visit to the Turkish bath, rafting, excursions to Ephesus-Pamukkale, boat trips. With good service, a tour can replace a beauty salon, but we must remember that the specifics of each country are unique.

turkey odeon tours

Turkish nights

It must be said that Odeon Tours (Turkey) still receives mostly good reviews. People come back here, noting that there are many more advantages than disadvantages. Women will be delighted with shopping centers and sales (there are always discounts here during the season), men will be bewitched by the local cuisine: everything is tasty, oily and aromatic; impossible to come off. Well, children will appreciate the sweet bazaar, sorbet and Turkish delight. It’s better not to buy anything from a guide, since he inflates prices at times. In hotels, alcohol is served diluted, so you can not hope for a real taste. People are satisfied with the quality of the agency’s work, but thanks to the Odeon Tours guides, it gets negative and even furious reviews. Moreover, the anger of tourists is attracted by both boys and girls. Probably, the fact that young and inexperienced are hired is affecting. They tell vulgar jokes, flirt with tourists and squeamishly respond to thrifty and economical people. At rafting, tourists mostly enjoy it, as the staff works harmoniously and enthusiastically, so everyone is interested. The river is very stormy in places, but there are also quiet sections. You can take children with you, but only if they are not rocked. There is a buffet point on the tour .

In other countries

Since the company has been growing and working for more than one year, it is not surprising that there are representative offices in other countries and cities. Amazingly, Odeon Tours Thailand customers also remain dissatisfied exclusively with the operation of a separate guide. Thai girls meeting tourists at the airport are surprisingly cute and helpful. They know their work by heart, tourists are quickly collected and checked several times. On the bus, tourists receive SIM cards with a favorable rate. The bus escort also helps to check in the room. A separate guide arrives the next day and most often embarks on long lengthy lectures on the company and its values. When selling and conducting excursions, the guide overprices. She also tries to sell more souvenirs (also at inflated prices). By the way, at least one tour of the package is free, although the guide can "forget" about it. At the teak factory, tourists really like it, but they do not recommend shopping there, as souvenirs will last no more than six months. Locals are very friendly and welcoming. They treat tourists with fruit and sometimes give wicker necklaces. The program includes an excursion into the history of Thailand, traditions and religions of Thais, films about them and their life are shown. The Russian man may be frightened by the lack of traffic rules on the roads, but this is the fault of the local residents, not the tour operator, so there were no more complaints.

odeon tours turkey

In Egypt

There are more unpleasant moments here, although happy exceptions happen. Tourists complain about the unjustified overpricing of visa fees. Prices on excursions are also scary. You can’t take anything, as the guide begins to exert moral pressure. By the way, in such a situation it is difficult to prove something to the police, so you have to solve the problem yourself. Pleases a gift from a tour operator. Often these are trips to Hurghada for some attractions. A trip to a wine tasting is attractive , so overall Odeon Tours Egypt does not disappoint, but the guide may turn out to be rude. It is difficult to make complaints to the company itself, as it diligently corrects them. For example, for a delay or confusion with the number they must apologize, bring gifts and give compensation. Therefore, traveling with the company is necessary, because it is not only profitable, but also interesting.


So what are Odeon Tours? It is a pioneer in tourism and the most expensive Turkish brand. This is a pioneer in providing quality service. The company works for quality and is constantly improving. Serious attitude to the tour operator and knowledge of their rights will come in handy on any trip, so do not be afraid to take a chance and go on a trip with Odeon Tours. Fresh impressions are guaranteed.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/G17219/

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