LCD "Shcheglovskaya Usadba": project description and reviews

The notorious housing problem has long passed into the category of eternal. And it is especially relevant for residents of megacities due to the extremely high cost of square meters. The real estate market, in accordance with demand, is developing rapidly, new microdistricts are growing in cities, and megalopolises themselves are expanding their borders. However, today the issue of acquiring real estate in the country has become very urgent, which allows you to get rid of two birds with one stone. Firstly, to buy housing at a lower cost, and secondly, to move from a noisy city to a quiet place, in addition, characterized by a more favorable environmental situation.

As a rule, developers select land for development taking into account the interests of the client. So, these are places that are as close to the city as possible, located near highways and settlements with a fairly developed infrastructure. One of these complexes, located in the suburbs of St. Petersburg, will be discussed later. This is a low-rise residential complex Shcheglovskaya Usadba from the builder Navis. We will try to describe in as much detail as possible what the developer offers his clients, whether he can be trusted and how successful the purchase will be. The feedback from the investors of the Shcheglovskaya Usadba residential complex will also be given in the review.

LCD Shcheglovskaya estate

A few words about the developer

All residents of St. Petersburg are invited to purchase quality real estate in the residential complex “Shcheglovskaya Usadba” by the builder “Navis” (Navis Development Group). The company has successfully developed the territory of St. Petersburg and the Leningrad Region for twenty years, specializing in low-rise construction. A striking example of the quality of the developer’s work is the Shcheglovskaya Usadba residential complex in Shcheglov, which will delight every client with an excellent combination of urban comfort and outdoor life.

It is worth saying that any potential buyer must certainly be interested in the reputation of the developer before signing the contract. Unfortunately, today in the real estate market quite often there are scammers and unscrupulous companies that do not fulfill the promises given to interest holders. Therefore, in order to avoid problems, you need to contact only trusted companies. To which the builder “Navis” belongs, representing the “Scheglovskaya Usadba” residential complex on the real estate market. Reviews about this developer from those who already live in the houses built by him are full of positive. The developer delivers comfortable and high-quality housing to the market, rents out properties on time and always fulfills its obligations.

Brief description of the complex

Low-rise residential complex "Shcheglovskaya Usadba" is a complex monolithic building. The developer positions it as a house belonging to the economy class, which, however, does not affect the comfort level of apartments. The complex is located in the Vsevolzhsky district, on the outskirts of the village of Scheglovo. It is only 33 kilometers from St. Petersburg, which by today's standards cannot be called a significant distance. In this regard, housing is ideal for those who want to combine life in the suburbs with work in the Northern capital.

lcd shcheglovskaya manor reviews

It is planned to build 16 four-story buildings. The first three phases were completed, the fourth is scheduled for commissioning - the end of 2017. Construction is carried out using monolithic technology. Outside, all houses are decorated with facing bricks, socles - with decorative stone. When designing a residential complex, the company's specialists adhered to the principle of the unity of style, due to which the Shcheglovskaya Usadka residential complex , the photo of which we provide in our review, has a respectable appearance. In addition, all apartments are distinguished by their excellent ergonomic layout and functionality, which is appropriate, despite the fact that the property is classified as "economical", comfort class.

Transport connection

The most important thing when choosing a place to stay in the country for each potential client is the availability of good transport infrastructure. The proximity of highways, railways and the good and regular operation of public transport - these are the components that every suburban resident needs to be able to quickly get to work, which is usually located in the city.

And in this regard, the owners of apartments in the residential complex Shcheglovskaya Usadba will not have any problems. Real reviews of those who already live in rented houses indicate that now they sometimes have to spend less time on a trip to work than in those days when they lived in the city.

The complex is characterized by a convenient exit onto three highways - this is the Ryabovskoye highway, which is also called the Road of Life, Koltushskaya highway and Kosygina avenue. As for the ring, it is only 16 kilometers from the LCD. The bus station, from which shuttles and buses regularly depart, is located just a few steps from Shcheglovskaya Usadba, and the train station can be reached in an unhurried pace in about 15 minutes. Electric trains leaving from its platforms arrive at Finland Station. Travel time is just over an hour. As for the metro stations, the closest to the complex is Ladozhskaya.

In the district center - Vsevolzhsk - regularly go both buses and fixed-route taxis. The distance to it is only five kilometers.

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It is quite understandable that everyone who has decided to move out of town is interested in the environmental situation in the region, in which they will have to settle. It is worth noting immediately that worrying about this is not worth the one who decided to purchase real estate in the residential complex "Shcheglovskaya Usadba". Shcheglov is surrounded on all sides by forests, in addition, there are also artificially created park areas. In the region, there are practically no industrial and other facilities that have a negative impact on the environment. In this regard, the air here is clean, so no one will regret the decision. As for the reservoirs, there are none directly near the village itself, but not so far from the complex there is a whole conglomerate of lakes, including the famous Ladoga Lake. To get to it, having your own transport, you can in just twenty minutes.

Social infrastructure

Each resident of the Shcheglovskaya Usadba complex can, if necessary, use the services of social infrastructure facilities in the village. By the way, there are not so few of them here. There is a kindergarten of its own, there is also a comprehensive school in which 550 children can study. For the latter, a lot of various sections function in the educational institution.

lcd shcheglovskaya estate real reviews

At the services of those who live in the Manor there is a library (both adult and children's), a post office, a pharmacy, and a branch of Sberbank. If necessary, you can go to a local dispensary for quick medical help, and the security of the tenants will be ensured by law enforcement officers. For children there is a music school, and for adults - a sports club in which there are numerous sections. There is also a bathhouse in the village.

It must be said that the list of facilities whose services can be used by all those living in the Shcheglovskaya Usadba residential complex, Navis is going to replenish in the near future. As soon as the last turn of houses is completed, the company intends to begin construction of new social institutions and institutions.

Trading Infrastructure

At this stage, the residential complex has not yet been provided with its own trade infrastructure, so the residents are still using what the village has to offer. And this is not so little. There are not only small grocery and manufactured goods outlets, but also stores belonging to the Family Capital trading network. All products and goods of the first, however, and not only need, can be purchased on the spot. Well, for delicacies and branded things you can go to Vsevolzhsk, which is located just five and kilometers from the Shcheglovskaya Usadka residential complex and is quite large cities. There you can find something to your liking and amateurs of entertainment. In Vsevolzhsk there are a large number of cafes, restaurants and shopping malls. So lovers of amateurs will definitely not have fun. As well as going to St. Petersburg for entertainment. In addition, one should not discount the fact that prices in the province are much lower, which is also important, especially for young families, students and retirees.

As soon as the main work on the construction of the complex’s houses is completed, the process of building chain food stores, pharmacies, and consumer services complexes will begin.

So in the near future the inhabitants of the Shcheglovskaya Usadka residential complex, accustomed to the capital's life, will not feel infringed on anything. Of course, you can talk about the project endlessly, but it's time to move on to the main section. What are houses and, most importantly, apartments in them?

low-rise LCD Shcheglovskaya estate from the builder

What is offered to residents?

Even at the stage of creating the project, the company's specialists made sure that representatives of any social stratum could choose the suitable option for themselves in the Shcheglovskaya Usadba residential complex, from young families to students and retirees. So, in any of their 16 houses, you can purchase both studio apartments and Euro-format premises. Most of all, one and two-room apartments are offered, the least - 3-room apartments and studios. What is especially attractive to the client is that there are various layouts. So everyone can choose for themselves something in accordance with their own tastes.

In total there are 1,072 apartments, and their ergonomics and functionality of the layout combine, which allowed the developer to correctly use every precious meter of living space. As for the latter. One-room apartments have an area of ​​30 to 33 squares, two-room apartments - from 53 to 60, three-room apartments - from 80 to 83 square meters. The area of ​​the studios is from 27 to 30 squares. In small apartments combined bathrooms, in treshki there are generally two of them - combined and separate. The area of ​​kitchens also varies depending on the type of living space and ranges from 7 to 13 squares.

low-rise LCD Shcheglovskaya estate

What will the tenants find in the apartment

In terms of decoration, there are two options to choose from - basic and turnkey. Depending on this, the cost per square meter will naturally change. In the first case, residents will find plastered ceilings and walls, an entrance metal door and a rough screed on the floor in their apartments. In the second - a laminate floor, paint on the ceiling, wallpaper on the walls, ceramic tiles in the bathroom and in the kitchen. In the doorway there will also be a metal door + additional internal, made of MDF. Also, turnkey apartments will be equipped with plumbing and electric stoves. Central heating batteries are connected and installed in both types of apartments. Also, they are all equipped with PVC windows with double-glazed windows.


The property offered in the residential complex "Shcheglovskaya Usadba" belongs to the economy class. In this regard, the developer made every effort to minimize the cost of such an expensive square meter today. At the moment, it starts with 48,000 rubles per square meter. As for the total cost, depending on the type of apartment and its size, you can purchase real estate at a price of 1,100,000 to 3,500,000 rubles (without decoration). If you opt for a turnkey finish, then the apartments will cost from 1,660,000 to 4,700,000 rubles.


All houses are built in such a way that the buildings form a cozy neat courtyards. Everywhere will be carried out work on landscaping and landscaping. Near the houses put into operation, pedestrian paths, recreation areas are already equipped, there are also children’s playgrounds and adult sports grounds equipped with street exercise equipment.

There is a parking for permanent residents of the complex and car parking for guests.

Considerable attention is paid to the safety of residents. So, all houses will be fenced around the perimeter and equipped with video surveillance systems. There will always be guards on the territory, and a concierge at every entrance. Entrance to the territory will be through a checkpoint, where round-the-clock security will be held.

LCD Shcheglovskaya estate in Shcheglov

What do the tenants say about the Shcheglovskaya estate?

It is worth noting that it remains only to envy the one who liked the property in this residential complex. Indeed, many houses have already been commissioned, and people live in them. So everyone who wants to get real reviews about the Shcheglovskaya Usadba residential complex can talk with future neighbors and find out if everything is so good and whether the developer fulfills his promises. So what do people say? What do they like and what are they possibly unhappy with?

I must say that there is little negativity with respect to the Shcheglovskie estates residential complex. People complain mostly about little things. So, someone does not quite like the decoration in the apartments (the color of the laminate, tile or wallpaper), someone is dissatisfied with the fact that the court territories are not yet fully equipped, sometimes after the rain it is quite dirty. But as for the first, then everything is rather subjective. In addition, the developer does not “pick up” especially the prices of finished apartments, but it makes it possible to celebrate a housewarming just the day after checking into the apartment. Well, as regards the second, you will have to suffer a bit here, because the construction of the fourth, last stage is still underway. Very soon, the houses will be commissioned, and their yards are fully landscaped.

Everyone living in the Shcheglovskaya Usadba residential complex is very pleased that the complex has its own boiler room, so the houses are completely autonomous and do not depend on anyone. People like the infrastructure of the village, and young families with children are satisfied that they can give the children a normal general education, living outside of St. Petersburg.

The residents of the complex have no complaints about transport connections. As we mentioned earlier, you can get to the capital quickly enough and without any problems.

In addition, everyone unanimously praises the developer for giving people the opportunity to purchase apartments, using all the available types of payment. This installment plan, and mortgage, and the use of maternity capital. Plus, the Navis company constantly carries out various promotions, so you can also save significantly on the purchase of real estate.


What conclusion can be drawn? Perhaps only one. Residential complex “Shcheglovskaya Usadba” is a suitable option for those who want to purchase relatively inexpensively in the country, but at the same time and close to it high-quality housing. This is a wonderful project, perhaps one of the best presented on the real estate market by Navis.

So welcome to the "Shcheglovskaya estate"!


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