Portable charging: models to look for when choosing

Nowadays, with the development of high technologies and the development of ever new and improved IT gadgets, it is difficult to do without smartphones and electronic devices. They are so penetrated into the life of an ordinary person that portable electronics can be easily found in every home, in particular digital cameras and video cameras, players, smartphones, tablets, etc. Their constant use makes it difficult to use only what is needed from time to connect to the charger, and not always and not everyone has time to charge their devices to the desired level. Very often you have to deal with when you immediately need to call or go online, and there is no charge at hand, or this problem occurs during a trip or long-distance flight. Today, there are a large number of different devices that will help extend the time you use your favorite gadget. Almost all electronic devices are powered by their own internal rechargeable batteries.

How to choose portable charging? Basic Rules

First you need to find out the power consumption of the electronic device, and then choose a portable charge that will be able to provide equal or even greater power. For long trips, it is better to purchase a recharging solar panel, with which you can repeatedly recharge the device. In sunny weather in nature, it is better to use autonomous solar charging. Part of the gadgets can not be used while they are charging. It is better to leave the house with a fully charged battery, since charging from the sun does not provide a full recharge. Having made the right choice once, for a long time you can completely get rid of the problem of a dead mobile gadget. Uninterrupted operation of the mobile phone will be ensured within 3-6 days. For users of iPhones, special charges have been developed.

portable charging

Sources for recharging

Almost all chargers have their own sources for recharging. Sometimes solar charging does not have an internal power source, and it charges the electronics from the sun. The output power of the charger must be greater than or equal to the battery power of electronic gadgets. When it is less, charging, on the contrary, will discharge the device. When choosing portable chargers, they do not always pay attention to this. Sometimes the problem is not the power output, but the USB cable. For Apple products, you only need to use the USB cable that comes with the device. When choosing a portable charge for your phone, you need to consider the time of its use, the method of recharging and the frequency of recharging.

portable phone charger

Extended Battery

Batteries for smartphones are standard and with increased capacity. Nearly all larger capacity batteries are much larger than a standard battery. The only disadvantage is that they have a special cover, which closes the battery. This is very inconvenient for the user, since the smartphone increases the weight, size, and it can no longer be put in the case. But all this covers one advantage of the battery: it extends the operating time of the smartphone.

Smartphone Charging Case

A small charging case with a built-in battery not only protects the smartphone from unforeseen defects, but also increases the phone’s performance without connecting to a network. In them, the battery is located along the entire case, this also increases the size and weight of the smartphone, as well as the battery with increased capacity. On the case there is an on / off button, with which you can control the discharge of the battery case, and the indicator on the case shows the degree of its charge.

portable charge Price

Portable Charging for iPhone Power Bank

With it, you can charge smartphones, mobile phones, iPhon, iPod, iPad, MP3 player, etc. This battery has a sufficiently high capacity, and it also holds a charge for a long time. It has compact dimensions, lightweight, absolutely anyone can use it. In addition, portable charging for the iPhone provides LED illumination of the battery level. Power Bank is also easy to use via the USB port, which allows you to recharge portable devices absolutely everywhere, regardless of time.

portable charging for iphone

Xiaomi portable charger

One of the most popular accessories on the Russian market. Xiaomi portable charging is a universal battery with which you can charge any gadgets: smartphones, tablets, cameras, etc. The unusual charging design is a good addition to your smartphone and other devices. Xiaomi is a portable battery, which is a plus for people who actively use gadgets. With such a device, you can now unlimitedly stay online on the go, listen to music, read your favorite books. Xiaomi portable charger has a charge indicator, which allows you to always be aware of the remaining charge. The accessory charges quickly enough.

xiaomi portable charging

Samsung portable charger

Samsung Portable Charging is a power source that is used to recharge mobile phones, e-books and other mobile equipment. On the side there is an LED indicator showing the level of remaining charge. The battery is universal, as it is compatible with most devices from leading manufacturers of portable equipment. Included is a USB cable.

Great purchase

Portable charging for the phone helps not to get into a situation when the mobile phone is turned off at the right time. Charging for lovers of frequent travels is a particularly successful acquisition, because on the road it is not always possible to charge equipment, and with charging you can go on the longest journey without depriving yourself of the pleasure of listening to music, reading books, etc. A portable charger is easy to take with by itself, it will not take up much space and will not be too heavy due to its small weight. Many models are so compact that they even get lost in a bag. Therefore, smart developers provided portable charging with a convenient cord, with which you can attach it even to the keys, even to the inside pocket of a bag or backpack. When choosing a product, you need to focus on the capacity that each portable charge has.

Portable charging price

The price of a particular model is also determined by the type of battery and the size of the device itself. Their cost ranges from the cheapest for 800-1000 rubles to 20,000 for more complex models. The greater the battery capacity of portable chargers and the presence of solar panels, the higher their price. For daily normal charging, you can purchase a device, for example, for the iPhone, for 1200 rubles. Devices designed for high-income people are also on sale. Their cost reaches 100 thousand rubles, or even higher. They are made in a single version, decorated with expensive stones.

portable charging samsung
Such devices, of course, can not afford all. Portable charging for the phone is a good gift for a loved one or work colleague. Everyone probably dreams of such a gift, because it gives you the opportunity to use your favorite gadget much longer and not think about the state of the battery. Such a gift will be not only original, but also interesting, and most importantly - practical.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/G17241/

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