Spain, Madrid: attractions, history

Everyone who comes to this Spanish city will fall in love with him forever. A beautiful metropolis with centuries of history harmoniously combines modern buildings with cultural values ​​that have survived to this day.

A huge number of tourists dreaming of a memorable vacation visit the capital of the country of cruel bullfighting and passionate flamenco, the gentle sun and the azure sea.

The history of the ancient city

The city, founded in 858, at first was a huge fortress, over the construction of which the Moors worked. The historical roots of the name of the capital of Spain originate from the small river Manzanares, which the builders in their own way called Al-Majrit (in translation - "source of water"). During the Crusades, the defenses were conquered by the Castilians. Over time, Madrid becomes a transit point for hunting-loving kings.

In the settlement, which was granted many privileges, about five thousand people lived in the 15th century. In 1561, the royal court was transferred to Madrid, since that time the capital is considered the main city of the country.

Golden age

After receiving a new status, migrants rush here, and the population grows to 60 thousand people. During the reign of Philip III and Philip IV, Spain is experiencing a real golden age. Madrid, bathed in luxury, is famous for outstanding results in the field of theater, painting and literature. Cervantes, Velazquez, Rubens, Lope de Vega lived and worked in the city , leaving their descendants a huge cultural heritage.

Spain Madrid

silver Age

During the First World War, the country remained neutral, thanks to which incredible fortunes are being put together in Madrid. This period was called the Silver Age, and Dali, Picasso, Bunuel came to create unique masterpieces in the capital.

Political crisis

In 1923, Spain is experiencing hard times in a state of deep political crisis . Madrid, like other cities in the kingdom, is in the grip of the military dictatorship of General de Rivera, who committed the coup.

Madrid is the capital

During the Civil War (1936–1939), the capital suffers from aerial bombing.

After General Franco triumphantly enters Madrid, a dictatorship is established for many years in the country. And only after his death did the new parties recognize King Juan Carlos I de Bourbon the true heir to the Spanish dynasty, which brings the country to its current status - a constitutional monarchy. And the city of Madrid is becoming the largest center of international tourism.

Tourist mecca

Every year, millions of travelers go to the capital of Spain, recognized as a real world treasury. Good-natured locals say that the ancient city is open to all, it accepts a person of any culture and religion, and no one will feel superfluous.

Madrid - the capital of Spain - is unusually loved by tourists from all over the world. The city is located at an altitude of almost 646 meters above sea level, and it is called the most "elevated" world center.

Climate and weather

Thanks to the Mediterranean climate with hot summers and short winters, everyone will find the best option for traveling to the most beautiful metropolis of Spain. In spring and autumn, the weather in Madrid is most suitable for visiting city attractions. Many note the unbearable heat of summer and the icy wind with showers in the winter months.

madrid reviews

But at the beginning of spring, when nature awakens from hibernation, bright greens will become a wonderful backdrop for memorable photos. Even at night the weather in Madrid pleases with high temperatures. Which is perfect for romantic promenades.

Madrid Barajas Airport

Acquaintance with the Spanish capital of tourists arriving for a vacation begins at the international airport, which accepts all commercial flights. It is located near the city, which significantly saves time and money of all travelers. Madrid Airport is considered the largest in Europe, more than 46 million people passed through its terminals.

madrid airport

Many of those who were fortunate enough to visit the amazing capital of Spain talked about problems with free internet inside a huge complex. In addition, a modern airport, consisting of four terminals, causes difficulties with orientation. Tourists arriving for the first time may even get lost, so you must clearly follow the signs.

Royal Palace - a symbol of the city

Coming to an ancient city with a long history will never be disappointed. Travelers are equally friendly welcomed by the country of kings - Spain. Madrid, famous for its fantastic beauty of palaces, invites you to enjoy the beautifully preserved ancient buildings.

city ​​of madrid

The Royal Palace, built on the Manzanares River, is open to the public. More than 3,500 rooms with luxurious decoration appear before the eyes of the stunned tourists. The official residence of the Spanish kings, the palace, built in the Baroque style, is made of light granite and white marble. Here you can walk not only through the internal halls, but also examine the armory, the numismatic museum, the alchemy laboratory.

Near the royal palace is a picturesque park with manicured gardens and working fountains. Now it houses a unique museum of carriages belonging to the Spanish kings.

Park Buen Retiro

Ancient Madrid is extremely proud of the most favorite vacation spot of the townspeople. Reviews of tourists about the park, which is an object of cultural heritage, are only enthusiastic.

About 150 years ago, the vast territory on which the kings built new pavilions and broke flower beds was nationalized. Green alleys of the park are decorated with unusual fountains. One of them - β€œFallen Angel” - is dedicated to the expulsion of the devil from paradise, and this is the only monument to Lucifer in the whole world.

weather in madrid

The three-tier fountain, crowned with a snail, is adored by adults and children. Decorated with dolphins, turtles and angels, from which jets of water rise, it is an interesting composition that you want to enjoy. Thousands of green spaces are being watched by gardeners, figuratively pruning shrubs. The symbol of Madrid is growing here - the strawberry tree depicted on the city coat of arms.

All guests are pleased to demonstrate their unique sights of Spain. Madrid, which many call a museum city, is filled with history and is ready to talk about the main events of its centuries-old life. Holidays here are always active, eventful, and everyone who has come to the capital of Spain at least once is excitedly dreaming of new trips to the ancient city. Join now!


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