Train Kaliningrad - Moscow: itinerary, stops, ticket prices, tips

The Kaliningrad region is geographically separated from the rest of the country by Russian territory. The easiest way to get to former Koenigsberg from the capital of the Russian Federation is by air. The flight does not take much time, and no visa is needed. But what if you for some reason avoid air transport? There is also such an option as a ferry from St. Petersburg. But then you will have to travel from Moscow to the city on the Neva. And the ferry will deliver you not directly to Kaliningrad, but to Baltiysk - the main port of the region. If we choose land transport as a means of transportation, we will have to cross two countries - Belarus and Lithuania, before we get to our destination. And yet there is a direct train Kaliningrad - Moscow. The route of this train with all the stops and timetables will be covered in this article. Also here you will find out the price of tickets.

Train route Moscow Kaliningrad

Which trains run between Moscow and Kaliningrad?

Of course, the amber region, despite the fact that it is separated from the rest of the country by two other states, could not remain without a connection with the "big land". For those who decide to cover a distance of more than a thousand kilometers by car, a visa is required, since the path will lie through the state within the EU, Lithuania. But there is another type of land transport, railway. There are two trains running on the route Kaliningrad - Moscow. One of them is branded and is called "Amber." He was assigned numbers 029CH / 030CH. Another composition is called โ€œDunesโ€. His number is 147 H when he goes to Kaliningrad, and 148 H in the opposite direction. Despite the fact that the second train is named, it is not branded. That is, the conditions of travel there are worse. But the cost of the trip is lower. Both trains follow an identical route. And they make stops at the same stations. On some dates of the year (but very rarely) two more trains are allowed on the Moscow-Kaliningrad route. These are trains number 359 H and 219 I. They make more stops. Letโ€™s now consider which ones.

Train route amber Moscow Kaliningrad

The route of the Yantar train (Moscow - Kaliningrad)

All of the above trains leave from the Belorussky railway station of the Russian capital. Named train Amber starts at 17:20. To reach the final destination, the Kaliningrad Yuzhny station, the train must cover 1285 kilometers. On the way, the train makes thirteen stops. Some of them are quite lengthy, up to forty minutes, as the border guards check documents with passengers. Having passed Vyazma and Smolensk, the train reaches the Republic of Belarus. Amber is also convenient because they can reach Minsk and Vilnius. In Belarus, the train makes stops not only in the capital, but also in Orsha, Borisov, Molodechno, Smorgon and Gudogai. At the last point, passengers will have a long stop before crossing the Lithuanian border. Then the route of the Moscow-Kaliningrad train runs through stations such as Kyana, Vilnius and Kibartai. Once again, passengers arrive in Russia at 10:42 the next day after departure, when they arrive at Chernyshevskoye station. Then the train goes through Chernyakhovsk, in which it stops for only three minutes. The composition arrives in Kaliningrad at 13:33 Moscow time.

Kaliningrad Moscow train route

Pros and cons of the Yantar train

Brand new and clean wagons, good air conditioning, high level of service - such reviews can be read about the branded train. The guides are polite and helpful, and almost a day's journey is carried easily. However, the Yantar brand has its own drawbacks. The route of the Kaliningrad - Moscow train, or rather, the timetable, is constructed in such a way that border crossing occurs at night. Passengers leave feedback that they hardly closed their eyes on the road. They just settled the formalities with the Belarusian customs officers, as the Lithuanian border guards came. In the reserved seat car, the journey to the final destination will cost 2210 rubles, and in the compartment compartment - 3605.

Train route Moscow Kaliningrad

The route of the train Moscow - Kaliningrad "Dunes"

The train number 147 H leaves the capital of Russia (from the Belorussky railway station) at 23:10. And this means that passengers will sleep peacefully all night. Gudogaya, where they are waiting for a forty-minute stop with passport and customs control, they will be reached only at eleven in the morning. In Kibartai, the last point of Lithuania, they will arrive at 14:51. To the Chernyshevskoye station, the Moscow-Kaliningrad train route at number 147 H fully coincides with the company Amber. But after it, โ€œDunesโ€ make stops more often. This allows residents of the Kaliningrad region to get home without stopping by in the capital of the Amber Territory. The train makes stops in Nesterov, Gusev, Chernyakhovsk and Gvardeysk. The composition arrives in Kaliningrad at 19:46.

Train Moscow Kaliningrad

Composition No. 359 H

This train on the route Kaliningrad - Moscow is convenient because it arrives in the capital of the Amber Region in the morning, at 8:40. But, unlike the two compounds described above, he is on the way for more than a day. He leaves Moscow at 6:20 a.m. On his way he makes more stops. In addition, he lingers at transit stations for an unreasonably long time. For example, in Smolensk the train costs as much as forty-five minutes, and in Vyazma - half an hour. Traveling on a reserved seat in this line-up will cost 2145 rubles.

Composition No. 219 I

The route of the Moscow - Kaliningrad train with stops is difficult to describe. Composition No. 219 I am leaving the Capital of the Russian Federation at 12:26. Its minus is that it makes many stops along the way to Belarus: in Gagarin, Vyazma, Safonovo, Yartsevo and Smolensk. But then its route completely coincides with the branded train. Again, once the train crosses the Lithuanian-Russian border, its progress slows down significantly. The train makes stops in Chernyshevsky, Nesterov, Gusev, Chernyakhovsk and Gvardeysk before arriving at Kaliningrad at 11:16.

Train route Moscow Kaliningrad with stops

Signature Train Lifehacks

Quite often, tourists do not take this train for a trip to Kaliningrad. For example, many people use the Yantar branded train in order to get cheap from Moscow to Vilnius. The fact is that if you take a ticket at the ticket offices of Russian Railways to the capital of Lithuania, it will be twice as expensive as if your route ends in Nesterov - this is the first stop after the border in the Kaliningrad region. But many with this ticket go to Vilnius. The same algorithm works in reverse.


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