Do-it-yourself Easter cards made of paper

Children make Easter cards with their own hands from the younger group of the kindergarten. It can be simple drawings in gouache paints, as well as an applique, the elements of which are cut out by the teacher. The task of children is the correctness of their placement on a sheet of paper and gluing.

Do-it-yourself Easter cards become more complicated with the age of children. New techniques and methods for making such crafts are added. Additional materials, stamping methods and twisting from quilling strips are used. Postcards are voluminous and composed of many elements.

For some, special training is needed. In this article, we will consider several options for making Easter cards with children with your own hands. The description begins with simpler and more accessible kids in kindergarten. Then tips will be given for senior preschoolers and primary school students. After reading the step-by-step instructions, any child will cope with the task and will be able to make an Easter card with his own hands for a competition at school.

Drawing for kids

Such a card combines drawing in an unconventional way, and application. You can do the work on colored paper. The chicken is painted with a fork, you can use a plastic disposable. In the center of the sheet, half a teaspoon of thick gouache paint is applied. Then with a fork, the child must perform strokes from the middle to the edges. After this procedure, the chicken gets a ridiculous tousled look. Then you need to let the paint dry. Only after complete drying can you continue to work on the Easter card with your own hands.

Tousled chicken

In order for the fluffy yellow β€œspot” to turn into a chicken, he needs to stick on his eyes, beak and paws. Toy eyes can be bought at the sewing accessories store, and the rest of the elements can be cut from orange two-sided colored paper.

Sponge stamping

Such work is able to do independently children of the middle group of kindergarten. It is enough for the teacher and parent of a 4 or 5-year-old child to show a sample and how to do the work and cut out several details in the shape of a chicken egg from sponges. Paints of each color are diluted with water and poured into a flat plate.

Sponge stamping

Then the baby takes the lips by the edges and dips in a plate with paint. Then he puts a stamp in the center of a sheet of cardboard in white. So in turn several eggs are stamped. Place them close together. Some inattentive children can be brought to the side, so it is advisable to outline the field of activity with a simple pencil.

When the eggs are printed, the sheet is laid to the side to dry. Only then you can do the application of the basket. Make it from small strips of brown color. First, the contours of the basket are glued along the drawn outline, then the middle is filled. The rods are arranged in a chaotic manner, the main thing is to fill most of the space. You can also draw the handle of the basket from the same stripes to hide the drawn contours under them.

Finger painting

How to draw an Easter card with your own hands? You can use your fingers. To do this, put a small amount of paint on flat plates or in lids from jars. You can use several bright and contrasting colors. White looks good in the picture. Therefore, the background for the card is taken in color.

Finger painting

In order for the middle of the egg to remain unpainted, a template cut out of cardboard is superimposed on top of it. Next in turn, the child puts his finger in gouache and puts an imprint on the cardboard. The prints are placed densely around the circumference of the template so that the shape of the egg is clearly visible.

Do not forget that you need to prepare your child a wet towel or a handkerchief soaked in water, so that after each color you can wipe away any paint residue. Only when using clean fingers will the drawing look neat. When all the work on decorating the Easter paper card with your own hands is done, the template is taken away, only the void in the shape of an egg remains on the cardboard.

Easter Chicken and Rabbit Eggs

Creating such a postcard requires the child to be able to handle the scissors well and clearly place and adhere the details. First, chicken and rabbit are made separately. Their contours are outlined with a simple pencil according to the template and cut out from colored double-sided paper. Then, small parts are performed by the application method, ears, nose, beak and teeth are attached. The remaining elements can simply be drawn with felt-tip pens.

Easter bunny with chicken

Next you need to make a bow. Its manufacture consists of several stages. First, the lower part with sharp edges is cut, then the bow itself, which is glued to the edges in the middle of the first part. At the end, you need to attach a thin and small strip - a bow knot.

For the egg itself, two details are cut out. From colored paper, 2 whole eggs are cut according to the pattern. One is glued to the background paper. Then the rabbit and chick are attached. Half of the egg is pasted on top of the craft, only its central slice must first be cut into corners. A bow is attached on top.

Next, you need to decorate the upper half of the egg with flowers. They can be pre-cut with scissors, using patterns for drawing contours. Then the elements will perform the same way. The edges of the flowers are not smeared with glue to make them look voluminous.

In this master class, easter cards do it yourself with ease. If a child does not know how to use scissors, parts, especially small ones, can be prepared by an adult.

Stripe card

For children, Easter cards with their own hands are made in a variety of styles. The opening card, in which the inner layer of the cover page consists of multi-colored stripes pasted next to each other, looks interesting. You can use not only colored paper, but also with printed prints. It can be dots, stars, hearts or flowers. Any fine pattern will do.

Craft from stripes

After the whole sheet is glued with horizontal stripes, work begins on the top of the cover page of the card. A double-sided sheet of colored paper is taken the same size and the shape of an egg is outlined by a simple pencil in a pattern. Then with scissors you need to cut out its inner part. To do this, first in the middle of the applied contours you need to punch a hole with scissors, then carefully cut to the pencil line and go further only with scissors. When the top sheet is ready, it is pasted onto the cover page.

Stamping potatoes

Do it yourself Easter greeting card in grades 1-4 can be done in such an unconventional way. Potatoes are taken and cut into two equal halves. Then strips are drawn with a marker. They can consist of wavy or broken lines, be truncated in shape. Here, the student must show imagination. You must also be able to carefully use the knife. It is better to take a small cutting tool, it will be more convenient for them to cut the drawn strips.

stamping potatoes

The contours of the seals should stand out at 0.5 cm, then the prints will be clear. When the dies are made, gouache paints are applied to the strips. Multi-colored elements look beautiful. Apply paint with a brush. After each color, the brush should be thoroughly rinsed with water in a cup so that the next color is not dirty. Then they apply a stamp to a sheet of cardboard and leave beautiful multi-colored traces.

Original moving postcard.

Such a postcard, as in the photo below, is distinguished from a simple application by one detail. The egg is cut into two parts by corners. The lower part is glued to the paper, and the grommet is attached to the upper part, thanks to which this part of the egg can move your hand sideways, showing who is in the middle.

Moving card

We will not describe how to make the application, since everything is already clear if you carefully look at the photo. Small decorative elements can be made by drawing with a brush or sticking fingers. The grass is not smeared completely, the sharp edges remain free of glue and give the card a little volume.

Volume postcard from corrugated paper

The title part of such a postcard is framed using various techniques. The main central part is an egg cut from corrugated paper. This craft looks structural, which adds originality to the postcard. Before sticking the cut-out element, you need to stick a bow from paper strips on it. To keep it level, use the quilling strip.

Postcard in a combined way

Flowers cut from several layers of paper are attached over the eggs. Their edges are cut either with "noodles" or with rounded petals. The remaining elements are made of quilling strips by paper curling.


DIY Easter cards can be made from quilling stripes. It’s better to take the background of the card in color, the printed paper will look beautiful. An egg cut out of white cardboard is attached to the center of the card. They make it large in size to fit all the details of quilling.

A willow twig is made from corrugated paper. A brown strip is smeared with PVA glue on the end part and applied to the intended places. Pussy willow seals perform simple winding of paper onto a quilling hook or thin knitting needle.

Quilling postcard

Flowers are made from strips of different colors. If, when winding the strip around the knitting needle, the petal is small, then you need to glue one more to the edge and continue winding. To twist the leaves, you need to take a felt-tip pen and wind the strip freely. Then pull it off the mold and stick the edge to the last turn. Then with two fingers the edges are pressed from opposite sides. It turns out the shape of the leaf.

The egg is filled with freely twisted elements. Its form can, in principle, be filled with any twisting quilling, even small leaves. This is what fantasy tells you.


While the child is small, he needs to prepare him a sample of the card, and cut out the details. With age, children acquire some paperwork skills, so an adult is already removed from help and entrusts the child with the task.

In elementary school, children should themselves fantasize and come up with plots for postcards. The teacher only gives the topic for the assignment and can give some oral advice. The main work is done by the students themselves. Our article will help children complete their homework on Easter or at a competition of children's works.


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