Russian noble assembly: history of creation, participants, goals and objectives

The association that existed in the Russian Empire from the second half of the 18th century until the February Revolution of 1917 went through several stages in its development and has established itself as an indispensable assistant in the implementation of the course of the central government on the ground.

Stated Commission

In December 1766, Catherine II announced the convening of the Commission. The Cathedral Code of 1649, created by Tsar Alexei Mikhailovich, required updating, and the task of a temporary meeting of representatives of all classes (except the serf peasantry) was to compile a code of laws. The laid commission is the first experience in the formation of a representative authority in the Russian Empire.

The empress, who ascended the throne 4 years ago, wanted to win over the nobility. The commission, a third consisting of nobles, has developed several bills.

Catherine II

Certificate of Merit

A similar decree was signed in 1762 by Catherine's husband, Peter III. The Empress did not consider him deliberate enough and after 22 years released her own version. The “Granted Certificate to the Nobility”, published in 1785, was based on the documents of the Stated Commission and granted the nobility a number of privileges.

І. Personal Rights:

  1. The nobility was determined inseparable and hereditary, extended to all members of the family. The only reason for the deprivation of the title was a criminal offense. The impossibility of confiscation of property emphasized status.
  2. The nobility was exempted from military service.
  3. Corporal punishment was abolished for members of noble families.

II. Property rights:

  1. The right to inherit and purchase property.
  2. The right to purchase and build real estate in cities.
  3. The right to build enterprises, receive income from them.
  4. The law of maritime and land trade.
  5. Tax exemption.

ІІІ. Judicial benefits:

The right to trial the nobility was transferred equal in status, that is, nobles.

Cathedral Code 1766

Self management

In 1766, representatives of the nobility were allowed to create organizations with an elected head, county noble assemblies. Since 1785, it became possible to form provincial self-government bodies with their own finances and employees. To know got the opportunity to participate in political life, to draft laws and laws for consideration by the governor, metropolitan institutions, the empress.

The associations included nobles with estates in the province. The head was appointed leader, previously approved by the governor. A noble assembly was convened once every three years. The right to vote was granted to members of noble families who had reached the age of 25 and had an officer rank.

The duties were charged:

  • the election of jurors in the class courts;
  • election of officers to the police;
  • custody of widows and orphans;
  • compilation of genealogy books.

Despite the privileges granted to the participants of the Russian Noble Assembly, the letter gave them equal rights. The title and prescription of the genus did not matter.

The building of the Smolensk Assembly

The importance of reform

The diploma completed the legal consolidation of the estate, begun by Peter I, and allowed individual representatives of the nobility to develop administrative abilities, to become the driving force of society. Published in conjunction with the “Charter for cities”, it became the basis of urban self-government. The created apparatus implemented the policy of the center in the provinces before the reforms of the 60s of the XIX century. It differs from the former in its focus on activities and the strengthening of the role of the nobility in the province. The reform of Catherine transferred the center of gravity of state administration to places in the province.

Most of the nobles perceived Catherine's innovations as a “freemen”, the situation of the peasantry significantly worsened. For several generations, the nobility degenerated, became unable to control the situation and manage the state.

Organization's activities

The noble assembly (founded in 1785) spread education and culture to all sections of the society of Tsarist Russia. Representatives of the nobility opened schools for peasants with their money, sent capable students to continue their education in higher educational institutions. Patronage, trusteeship, the opening of free hospitals and shelters has become a priority in the work of the Russian noble assembly. Society has shown itself positively in the development of statehood. Deputies were members of political parties, in 1906–1907. participated in the work of the first State Duma (1906-1907).

The buildings of the noble assembly became the center of provincial life. They held charity competitions, music and dance evenings; performances were staged. The house of the St. Petersburg Association has become the main venue of imperial Russia for concerts and balls. The buildings of the noble assemblies preserved in the provinces are architectural monuments, objects of cultural heritage at the regional and federal levels.

The meeting of the First State Duma

The role of the nobility in public life

Despite being exempted from military service, many nobles entered the army with the goal of serving the Fatherland. Outstanding military leaders, heroes of the Patriotic War of 1812, Suvorov, Kutuzov, Bagration, Barclay de Tolly, Repnin, Rumyantsev-Zadunaysky, Ermolov, Raevsky, Miloradovich came from this small class. On the battlefields, they fought along with the rank and file, "not sparing their belly."

Russian science is based on the discoveries of representatives of the nobility of Vernadsky, Mechnikov, Zelinsky, Beketov, Chebyshev, Timiryazev, Przhevalsky, Semenov-Tien Shan, Sklifosovsky. Domestic history is unthinkable without the works of Tatishchev and Karamzin.

Russian music gained world fame thanks to immigrants from the nobility Saltykov-Shchedrin, Mussorgsky, Rachmaninov, Tchaikovsky, Glinka, Rimsky-Korsakov. From the pen of the nobles Derzhavin, Blok, Fet, Baratynsky, Tyutchev, Saltykov-Shchedrin, Gogol, Turgenev, Nekrasov, Griboedov, Pushkin, Dostoevsky, Tolstoy came out of the works included in the treasury of world literature.

The development of culture cannot be imagined without the participation of nobles; they built and maintained theaters, museums and libraries with their own money. The families of the Stroganovs, Naryshkins, Demidovs, Rumyantsevs, Golitsins, Sheremetevs were widely engaged in charity and philanthropy.

Ball of the Noble Assembly

Reform of 1826

The following changes regarding the role of the nobility in society were introduced by Nicholas I after the Decembrist uprising of 1825. The secret commission formed for the investigation concluded that the opposition was caused by the erosion of the estate by immigrants from the bourgeoisie. To clear the nobility of the "rootless", the Committee issued a "Decree on honorary citizens" (1832).

The new estate was:

  • prominent scientists and cultural figures;
  • priests with higher education;
  • charity merchants of the first guild;
  • children of personal noblemen (who did not receive a title from their parents);

The estates received privileges, but the right to replenish the nobility was lost. Entering the ranks of the nobility became possible only for special services to Russia or the emperor. Raising the status of the Russian noble assembly, its role in self-government became the second task of the government. Raising the property qualification reduced the number of candidates. The voting voice went to nobles with property of at least 3 thousand acres of land and 100 serfs.

At the Provincial Meetings, important social issues were still being resolved, draft petitions were being worked out to the central authorities. However, Nicholas I banned the discussion of government issues. The governor opened the meeting, took the oath, approved the agenda and elected representatives. The activities of the Assembly proceeded under the control of the authorities; elected representatives, in fact, have become appointed.

Alexander II

Change of Zemsky self-government

The abolition of serfdom in 1861 affected all aspects of the life of Russian society. The liberation of the peasants required a restructuring of the administrative system. Previously, landlords were ruled by landowners, now there is a need to integrate them into the general state system. The county government headed by the Russian noble assembly could not cope with the task. At the beginning of 1864, Alexander II signed the "Regulation on Zemstvo institutions." For the first time, self-government bodies were formed by representatives of all classes. Common interests took the place of estate. To manage economic affairs, county and provincial Zemsky assemblies were formed. The elective Zemsky assemblies included landowners, the middle and big bourgeoisie, and rural residents. The meetings were chaired by the local leader of the nobility.

After the revolution

In pre-revolutionary Russia, which was undergoing social and economic transformations, the nobility retained privileges and played an important role in the life of the country, although it gradually lost ground. The Bolsheviks, who came to power in 1917, declared it illegal. With the estate, part of the spiritual and cultural life of the country disappeared. Nobles trying to regain their former regime died on the fronts of the Civil War. Those who did not have time to leave Russia were perceived as counter-revolutionaries and class enemies. Property, according to the decree of the Council of People's Commissars, was confiscated. The once privileged social stratum faced the task of survival. To find a decent job, to get into the administrative or economic spheres became impossible, I had to sell off the rest of the property. Gradually, the attitude softened, the "former" dissolved in Soviet society.

Immigrated to the West, to China, Latin America with difficulty earned money for food, rented miserable housing, and died from illnesses. In difficult conditions, urgent problems came to the fore; the task of preserving the cultural heritage was forgotten.

The estate reappeared itself in the era of the fall of the communist regime and the democratization of society (1985-1991). There was an opportunity to openly declare belonging to the titled clan and be proud of the deeds of the ancestors.

Revival of traditions

The Union of Descendants of the Russian Nobility, the Russian Noble Assembly, was created in 1991. The restoration of the connection of generations, the revival of cultural and moral values ​​are proclaimed the goals of public organization.

The all-Russian congress heads the association; it meets once every three years. Between meetings, the Small Council functions. The governing center of the Noble Assembly is Moscow. The company has 70 branches in the regions of the Russian Federation (Provincial Meetings), CIS countries and far abroad. The association includes about 10 thousand descendants of the nobility.

recreation of the Russian Noble Assembly

The press organ of the Russian Nobility Assembly is the newspaper “Noble Herald”.


The company maintains contacts with the highest government institutions, genealogical and heraldic organizations, the Moscow Patriarchate, the Cathedral of the Russian Church, and international noble societies. The work is being built together with the movement “For Faith and Fatherland”, the Society of Descendants of the Participants of the Patriotic War of 1812, the Merchants Society, and the Imperial Orthodox Palestinian Society.


The Russian noble assembly holds cultural, historical, educational events. He publishes books, articles, scientific papers, organizes exhibitions. Occasionally, balls of the Noble Assembly, adults and children, are held. Charity that has become the hallmark of the Russian nobility is not forgotten. The association is patronized by the head of the Imperial House, Princess Romanova.

Princess Marina Vladimirovna Romanova

Participants of the noble assembly of Russia are descendants of clans who received the title before the revolution of 1917. The title confirmation, according to the laws of the Russian Federation, does not confer rights or privileges on the clan representatives. The main objectives of the members of society see the preservation of the Russian cultural fund and the formation of public consciousness on the basis of moral and spiritual values.


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