DIY fruit bouquets (photo)

At any celebration or feast, a beautifully decorated do-it-yourself bouquet of fruits will make an unforgettable impression on all guests. Such an original gift can be presented to any woman or mother on March 8 or a birthday instead of the usual bouquet of flowers.

It is not difficult to do it, you just need to purchase in advance all the components of the future gift. They use not only fruits from trees, but also berries, gourds - watermelon and melon in a fruit bouquet made by themselves. Often, designers include in the components of such delicious bouquets also branches with leaves or flowers, but this is an optional element, rather, they play the role of decor.

You also need to think in advance how the gift itself will be made, where it will be placed. We will consider all the points necessary for making a bouquet of fruits with our own hands in this article. After reading, you can easily make yourself such a beauty, as in the photo in the article.


To compose a composition, you need to select fruits and berries of bright colors, which for a long time can be sliced ​​and not lose their appearance. Slices or figures are cut out from dense fruits with the help of a usual sharp knife or special devices for figured slicing. This is a slicer or a slider knife, special curly graters or Thai knives for cutting various patterns. On sale you can find whole sets for cutting.

Those professionals who are fond of carving (art cutting from fruits) can transform any material. And we, simple lovers, will learn.

Bouquet of fruits

To place the fruit in a vase or basket, you will also need a stand and skewers on which berries and fruits are worn. So that the wooden sticks are in the right position and do not fall to the side, they must be fixed. Therefore, a special stand is made for a fruit bouquet with your own hands. Let's consider in more detail what it can be made of.

Stand for bouquet

If you decide to simply present a fruit composition, decorated in the form of a bouquet, then you can wooden skewers on which fruits are attached, tightly tie with twine and hide this knot under a beautiful wrapper.

If a fruit bouquet is made out in a basket or a wide vase, then you will need a special stand in which wooden sticks with slices will be stuck. What can be used in this case:

  • A piece of durable foam. At the bottom of the vase, you first need to lay a beautiful colored napkin or cloth so that the stand is not visible. Then a piece of polystyrene with a minimum height of 5-7 cm is cut out clearly to the size of the diameter of the vase. Then, decorated skewers are stuck completely into the polystyrene at the right angles so that the composition looks like a bouquet.
  • Floral sponge. This is a dense plastic foam that is used by florists to make bouquets of flowers. It can be bought at any flower shop.
  • You can knead a tight salt dough. To do this, you need to take equal proportions of fine Extra salt and white wheat flour - one glass each, add 125 grams of cold water to such a mixture. The mass is thoroughly mixed to a dense consistency. You can put a ball of salt dough in the refrigerator for another 10 minutes. Then the dough is placed on the bottom of the container for a fruit bouquet and then wooden rods are stuck into a tight mass.
Different variants of fruit bouquets
  • Also, instead of the stand, you can use a large dense fruit, such as pineapple, as in the photo above.

Figure cut

Next, we describe how you can cut beautiful shapes with your own hands for a bouquet of fruits. See photo and step-by-step description of actions later in the article. First, any fruits and berries should be thoroughly washed under running water. If the fruit contains seeds, seed or a central hard part, then they must be cut with a sharp knife. From watermelon, melon or pineapple, cut into thin strips, you can squeeze figures using cookie cutters. If they are not there, do not worry, you can do this either by eye, or by a paper template, or by cutting out the first element.

How to cut fruit figurines

You can use any shapes: hearts, flowers, tulips, stars, crescent and others. As a middle of the flowers, you can chop a contrasting color grape, strawberry or blueberry on a skewer.

Layered elements look beautiful. For example, on a cut out form of a pineapple flower, you can put on a small square of kiwi, and attach a small ball of watermelon or melon on top.

How to peel citrus fruits?

Now consider how beautifully serve citrus fruits in a bouquet of fruits. To begin with, lemon or orange is well washed. Then a zest peeling knife is used to make even vertical strips that give embossment to the fruit. This is easy to do with your own hands (step by step in the photo). A bouquet of fruits with lemon flowers looks very original.

How to make lemon for a bouquet

When the entire circumference is cleaned in this way, a lemon or an orange is cut into slices. They need to be placed on some harder part of the composition. It will look good on an apple slice, especially since the secreted lemon juice will help the apple not darken ahead of time.

Thin slices of citrus fruits folded in half and pierced with a core in the area of ​​a hard peel look beautiful in a fruit bouquet.

Strawberry Work

Often when working on a bouquet of fruits, strawberries are used. It has a beautiful conical shape. It is thoroughly washed and dried before registration. In some cases, the sepals are removed, but sometimes left.

Chocolate covered strawberries

The fruit bouquet in which strawberries were dipped in melted chocolate looks beautiful. To do this, the chocolate bar must be broken into small pieces and put in a small container, which is placed on top of a boiled pot of water. When the chocolate becomes liquid and slightly cooled, strawberries are dipped in turn into the chocolate mass.

You can also make melted white chocolate strips on this decoration. To make it easier to draw, you can use the culinary bag.

Strawberry Roses

For a bouquet of fruits, you can use strawberries cut in the shape of rose petals. To do this, use a sharp and thin knife. First, the red berries are put together with the tail on the skewer, then, holding the stick in hand, cut small pieces of strawberries, starting from the bottom edge, but not to the end.

Cutting Strawberry Roses

The cuts are made in a circular at different levels. Do this just before the presentation, so that the berry does not flow ahead of time.

Now you know how to make a bouquet of fruits with your own hands, a step-by-step description of its manufacture will help create an original and beautiful composition.


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