How to make a musketeer sword?

The boys simply adore the brave and brave musketeers who confidently face the eyes of danger and are always ready to defend the honor of beautiful ladies. Each of the children dreams at least once in his life to feel like such a brave man. And what gives such a courageous appearance to the musketeer? Sword, of course!

how to make a musketeer sword

During periods of annual holidays, the baby can be pleased by buying, renting or sewing him a costume of a soldier of the king. What does the form of a musketeer consist of? A white shirt with lace collar and cuffs, a blue or blue cape with a patch in the form of a cross in the original form, boots. And, of course, a hat with a curved edge on one side and an attached fluffy feather. Do not forget about the main attribute for a real musketeer - a sword.

In stores specializing in the sale and rental of stage and carnival costumes, it will not be difficult to find a children's outfit, but when choosing accessories such as a hat and a musketeerā€™s sword, difficulties may arise due to the absence of these items.

musketeer costume

This article describes how you can independently make a real musketeer sword and delight your child with a desired toy. Begin by preparing all the materials.

Necessary materials

To make a musketeerā€™s sword with your own hands, you will need to take:

  • base (it can be a long, even stick made of wood or plastic);
  • silver foil (can be culinary);
  • capron cap;
  • universal superglue;
  • stationery stapler;
  • wallpaper carnations.

Making a blade

No one will argue that the blade is the most important part of knives. To please the child, you should try hard and achieve maximum resemblance to a real sword. To create the blade of the future sword of the musketeer, you need a stick, taken as the basis, tightly wrap with foil. If a plastic product is involved, then any piece of wood should be inserted into the part that will become the handle. This is necessary in order to be able to drive a nail there.

When wrapping the stick, the foil must always be coated with glue so that it is fixed as tightly as possible. The winding of the blade should not tear or cling to clothing and other objects during operation.

Garda from the cover

Garda in these swords is designed to protect the hand of its owner from blows of enemy weapons. For realism, do not forget about this element in the children's sword of the musketeer.

We take the previously prepared kapron cover and carefully cut off the side from it. Put it aside, it will come in handy soon. In the center, there is no longer a lid, but a nylon circle, we draw a circle whose diameter should coincide with the width of the finished blade.

musketeer sword

From the edge to the middle, we cut the future guard with scissors, and then we cut out the drawn circle. Now you need to collapse the resulting part so that it is as similar as possible to a cone. With the help of a stapler, you should fix the guard in this position. Wrap it completely with foil and put it on the base.

If everything is measured correctly and done carefully, then the guard should sit tightly on the base of the blade. You can additionally fasten the parts together. The first way is to use glue, and the second is cloves. But, in order not to worry about the integrity and safety of their work, it is worth applying both options.

How to make the musketeer's sword even more realistic? Attach a handle to the hilt, this part will not only add similarities to a real sword, but will also allow you to securely fix the ā€œweaponā€ in the childā€™s hand.


To make a handle, take the edge remaining from the capron cover and wrap it with foil. For reliability, we additionally fix the foil with glue. With wallpaper studs we attach the handle to the hilt of the sword. One edge to the base and guard, and the second to the end of the base.

The creation of the sword is completed, the child can play it alone or with his friends. Small musketeers with swords look cute and at the same time very courageous.

Styrofoam epee

The method described above is perfect for older children, because the design (if made of wood) will not be quite easy. And if the child is small, then it will be inconvenient for him to play with her. Yes, and forgotten in the process of fun, the boys can harm each other.

For kids who are not yet fully able to realize the possible danger of their actions, it is better to make the musketeer's sword of lighter and less dangerous elements. The packaging material, i.e. polystyrene, is excellent for such purposes.

You need to take a long rectangular piece of foam and, carefully cutting off the excess, give it the shape of a blade with a pointed end. Then cut a piece of the same shape, but of small thickness, it will become a guard. Next, you need to make a round hole in the middle of this part to put it on the blade.

Combining both prepared parts, we get a slightly primitive, but still a musketeerā€™s sword. If desired, it can be painted with silver paint.

Cardboard craft

You can still make a beautiful sword out of thick cardboard, it is better to use an unnecessary box.

To create crafts, in addition to cardboard, you will need scissors, a pencil, foil and glue.

From the prepared sheet we draw the details of the future sword of the musketeer, a photo of the template is presented below. Slowly cut them with scissors and put them together. For reliability of the docking place, coat with glue, leave the product to dry.

do-it-yourself musketeer sword

To give the sword great realism, we will decorate it with foil, as in the previous version. Greasing small areas with glue, you need to carefully wrap the entire structure. Let it dry, that's all! The sword is ready!

Musketeer sword made of paper

With your own hands, you can quickly and easily make a musketeerā€™s weapon out of paper or newspaper. To do this, you need two or three paper sheets, a small piece of cardboard, adhesive tape, scissors and felt-tip pens.

The sheets of the newspaper must be laid flat on top of each other and rolled into a thin tube diagonally. The edge should be fixed with a strip of tape. We bend the lower part of the resulting tube, give the shape of the bow and attach it to the main part with tape.

Now we take cardboard and cut out two details - an oval and a thin rectangular strip. We cut a hole in the oval, the size of which should be no less than the diameter of the paper tube. After the details you need to decorate with felt-tip pens, and at this stage the flight of fantasy is unlimited.

musketeer sword for children

When everything is ready, we put on an oval on the point of the musketeerā€™s sword and lower it close to the beginning of the hilt (handle). We wrap a tube in a rectangular piece on top so that the guard is held tight, we fix it with tape.

So in a hurry, you can make your child a new toy.

Knitting needle

If the three above methods still did not give a suitable answer to the question: ā€œHow to make a musketeerā€™s sword with your own hands?ā€, Then you can offer another option using a knitting needle.

Every woman in the house has a needlework kit in which you can almost always find a set of knitting needles. To create a sword, it is recommended to take a spoke with a diameter of 6 mm, and preferably 8 mm. In addition, you will need, of course, foil, scissors, a sheet of cardboard, felt-tip pens or pencils, a colored ribbon (you can take a lace or a decorative rope).

Having chosen a suitable base for the musketeer's sword, we wrap it tightly with foil. On the part where the handle will be, we wind a colored lace or ribbon, previously lubricated with glue. At the end of the handle for decoration, you can glue decorative beads or pebbles.

From the cardboard we cut an oval to make a guard, as in the previous method.

By connecting and gluing all the details, we get an excellent sword that will not break during the first collision with another musketeer and will not become too dangerous a toy. Today, knitting needles are mainly made of lightweight plastic, and to get hurt with them, itā€™s worthwhile to ā€œtryā€.

do-it-yourself paper musketeer sword

Or maybe itā€™s easier to buy?

Many parents, after reading this article, will think that creating a sword with your own hands is not worth the time spent. Itā€™s easier to go to a children's toy store and purchase a ready-made one. In theory, this, of course, is very simple, but in practice, everything turns in a completely different direction.

In the department of children's toys of any supermarket or specialized store, the assortment of goods is huge. It seems that on the shelves there is absolutely everything, whatever the soul desires. Eyes just run up from bright colors and unusual shapes of products, but, as the experience of many parents already shows, finding a sword is not so simple. For some reason, this type of toy weapon is not in great demand. Swords, knives, machetes and other types of "cold weapons" - anything, but not swords.

This does not mean that they cannot be found. Everything is quite real and feasible, but efforts will have to be made - either in search of a store with the right toy, or by reviewing dozens of Internet sites. Itā€™s not worth talking about the risk when buying on the Internet, receiving a product that does not correspond to the presented image, absolutely everyone knows about this in the modern world.

So it's worth considering how to do better. After weighing the pros and cons, it is better to stay on a home-made version. The process of creating a sword can be submitted in a playful way and attract a child to it. Having fun and having a good time with one or two parents will never harm the little naughty man. And pride in the fact that the baby himself made a sword will simply overwhelm him.

how to make a musketeerā€™s sword with your own hands


During the annual holidays and matinees in educational institutions, the child needs not only a beautiful costume and accessories, but also the attention of parents. In order to turn your son into a brave musketeer, you do not need any special skills or abilities, the main thing is the desire to please the baby and a flight of imagination. There are a lot of ways to create a sword from improvised tools that can be found in every home, and the process will take a maximum of an hour or two of free time. No need to be afraid that something will not work. Get to work, and it will completely absorb attention, and the result will exceed all expectations!


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