Trout farming - a profitable business?

The last decade has been marked by a growing interest in fisheries. Many small businesses are successfully breeding various types of fish in rented ponds. Among the valuable salmon species that can be bred artificially, trout are among the first. This fish, which has delicate dietary meat, is also considered an environmentally friendly product, is in great demand among buyers. Therefore, trout farming is becoming an increasingly common and highly profitable business.

The classification of trout is difficult for a number of reasons and is conditionally divided into two types: brook and rainbow. In fisheries, it is most often carried out breeding of rainbow trout, which is possible not only in cold flowing channels, but also in warm reservoirs. To grow this species of fish does not require large tracts of land. The only condition for its successful withdrawal and growth is clean and oxygen-filled water, with sufficient transparency and illumination.

Trout breeding has its own distinctive feature: eggs incubation and juvenile growth occurs only at a constant water temperature. The optimal temperature range is from 15 to 18 degrees. In this case, in the presence of natural food, trout grows constantly: yearlings reach 30 grams of weight, one-year-old individuals are already 100-120 grams, and two-year-olds can weigh more than 200 grams.

With a fairly good fertility of females (from 800 to 3000 eggs) trout farming is possible only by forced insemination of caviar, because trout does not toss in artificial reservoirs. The insemination process is as follows: in sexually mature females, eggs are pumped into a large container. Then comes the turn of "milking" male producers. The milk obtained as a result of this process is thoroughly mixed with caviar in a dry or semi-dry way. If the caviar is mixed with semen already diluted in water, then this is a semi-dry method of fertilization. In the dry method, the insemination products are first mixed, and then water is added to this mass, and again subjected to stirring.

Artificially fertilized eggs are sent to the hatchery. In addition to caviar, hatching larvae are also contained there. When the larvae grow to fry, they, like the producers during spawning, are transplanted. Also come with commodity trout. The further method of cultivation depends on the chosen method: in pools or cages.

Using the first method, the best result is achieved, since this is a variant of intensive cultivation (yield is more than 75 kg per 1 cubic meter). However, it is extremely labor intensive. Water is replaced with this method every 10-15 minutes, and its flow rate is about 50 liters per minute, per 1,000 heads of trout. In this case, the landing density of commercial trout is about 300-350 specimens per cubic meter, and fry weighing 1 gram - from 2000 to 5000 individuals per meter per cubic meter.

The second method, trout breeding in cages, is simpler. Individuals are placed in nylon or metal grids in which they grow. In this case, the permissible density of commodity trout should not exceed 250 copies per cubic meter of water. Twice a season, young fish are sorted in cages.

This method requires special attention to compliance with sanitary water standards, since the risk of death of the fish herd as a result of its pollution increases.

Subject to all technological and sanitary standards, trout farming is a well-paid business. Its productivity (per 1 cubic meter) when growing juveniles in natural conditions of water bodies reaches 25-35, in cages - 30-35, and in pools 50-75 kilograms.


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