When does car tax come in? How to calculate car tax

Many people know the famous catch phrase: "A car is not a luxury, but a means of transportation." The modern world has slightly corrected this expression. A car is not just a means of transportation, but a necessity in our mobile life. It’s hard to disagree.

Most citizens of the country either have their own transport available or are thinking about purchasing it. But the car will have to fork out not only with its purchase or regular refueling at the station. Paying a substantial amount is also necessary for taxes. How to be in this situation? When does car tax come in? How is it calculated, and is it possible to do it yourself? How not to run into penalties? This will be discussed in this article.

when the car tax comes

When does car tax come in?

Transport tax is a state tax. It must be paid by every car owner. The main question that arises among citizens: when should the tax on the car come? The due date is until October 1 of next year. We give an example. A car tax receipt came for payment for 2016. Therefore, you need to pay before October 1, 2017. But when does a car tax come in? As a rule, this happens at the end of summer or at the very beginning of autumn. The receipt for payment is sent by the Federal Revenue Service. The notification comes by mail. The peculiarity is that the tax is calculated individually. It depends on the power of the car (the more "horses", the more you have to fork out) and the regional coefficient.

If there is no receipt ...

There are times when a receipt does not arrive by mail. Many people in this case ask the question: why does not the tax on the car come? Can you not pay in this case? No, you still have to give the money. The problem is usually related to technical failures of the automated tax service system. A driver who has not received a payment notification is obliged to report to the territorial service on his own and receive a receipt. Otherwise, fines and penalties will be charged.

payment receipt

What to do if a car is bought at the end of the year?

Often people who purchased a vehicle at the end of the year have the following question: when does the tax on the car come after the purchase? In this case, the profile service may not send the receipt by mail. But you still need to pay. Part of the annual tax depends on the time of purchase. For example, a person bought a car in October. By the end of the year 2.5 months remained. You will need to pay only a quarter of the total tax.

Is a car a luxury?

A kind of "luxury tax" was invented by our legislators. This applies to cars worth more than three million rubles. Owners of such cars are subject to increased transport fees. The figure can increase three times in comparison with a car having an engine of similar power.

how to calculate car tax

How to find out on your own?

Many citizens want to know not only how to calculate the tax on a car, but also where to find out about it. Russian Post leaves many complaints regarding the work of the department. Therefore, there are people who do not really trust her. But there are other ways. So, you can find out about transport tax in the following places:

  1. On the service using the TIN. But we will not dwell on it in more detail, since it allows us to find out only about debts. That is, about fees that have ended the payment deadlines. They are published after November. As a rule, fines and penalties have already been accrued on them.
  2. "Personal Account" of the taxpayer. This service allows you to know in advance about the amounts paid. So, you do not need to think when the tax on the car comes, and worry if there is no receipt.

"Personal Account" of the taxpayer

Requires mandatory registration on the website of the Federal Tax Service. In addition, you will have to come there personally in order to receive a password. But let's say right away that it's worth the effort. After all, such a step can save a lot of time in the future. The following information should be indicated on the official website of the tax service:

  • TIN;
  • last name;
  • name;
  • patronymic;
  • passport address;
  • Phone number (optional)
  • Email (also optional)
  • series and passport number.

After filling in all the fields, click "Submit Application". Registration has ended. The system will generate two statements automatically. You will have to print them and bring them to the Tax Service. Of course, this step can be skipped. Then the employees of the department will independently fill out all the forms. And it can take a lot longer. Remember that in the last week of each month, as well as completely in January, April, July and October, chaos and rush are happening in the service. At this time, tax quarters are ending. Therefore, the department has large queues. Accordingly, it is better to plan a visit at another time.

After submitting the application, the citizen receives a password from the "My Account". Within a month, it must be changed for safety. Otherwise, "My Account" will be blocked. Another feature - all information will appear only within three days. If, after registration, you find that there is no data, this does not mean that you have been “exempted” from paying taxes. It just takes some time to build a personal base.

why car tax doesn't come

Why do I need a "My Account"?

"Personal Account" of the taxpayer allows you to:

  1. Find out the necessary information.
  2. Print a receipt of payment.
  3. Pay car tax.

As for the last point, the service allows you to make payments through various payment systems: Sberbank, Qiwi, WebMoney, Gazprombank, etc.

Place of registration is an important factor in calculating transport tax

The transport tax will depend on where the owner of the car is registered. This is due to the fact that the traffic police must register a car in a particular region. This could not be done before. Any number with a number from another locality on a subconscious level was considered as transit. After all, it was impossible to travel with him in the "home" region for longer than a certain time. Now everything has changed. The authorities finally recognized that Russia is not a fragmented feudal principality, but a single state. Therefore, now you can use the number with "any region."

Linking the coefficient to the place of registration of the car could lead to the development of the following scenario: traffic police departments in regions with a “reduced formula” would be inundated with requests from all over the country to register the cars there. Therefore, the police went to the trick. In our country, the coefficient is applied at the place of residence of the owner. Of course, a person can be registered in any city. However, life's difficulties often “force” him to register at the place of real residence.

How can I reduce the transport tax?

There are two legal ways:

  • Register in another region with a reduced rate. This is for those who are not afraid of personal difficulties associated with the consequences. For example, applying to social security at the place of registration.
  • Transfer the car to another person living in a region with a lower tax rate.

car tax receipt

Examples of tax differences for a car (data for 2015)

Now more about how to calculate the tax on the car. First, as an example, take a car with a capacity of up to 100 liters. from. For such a vehicle, the prices are as follows: Moscow - 12 rubles. for 1 liter S., Crimea - 5, Altai Territory - 10, Bashkiria - 25. Suppose our car has an engine of 90 "horses" under the hood. The tax will depend on where the owner lives. So, the receipt for payment for the Barnaul will be: 90 * 10 = 900 rubles. For a resident of Bashkiria, the amount will be 2.5 times more - 2250. For the Crimea, on the contrary, it will be half as much - 450 per year.

How much will you have to pay if the car is more powerful? Let's say the engine power is 101-150 liters. from. In this case, the cost will be as follows: Moscow - 25 rubles / liter. pp., Crimea - 7, Altai Territory - 20, Bashkiria - 35. For cars from 151 to 200 and from 201 to 250, there are also individual coefficients. The difference is just huge. Compare, for example, the transport tax in Bashkiria and the Crimea on a 150-horse car:

  • 150 * 7 = 1050 rub.
  • 150 * 35 = 5250 rub.

That is, for a resident of Crimea, the tax will be 5 times less than for a person registered in Bashkiria. Hence the conclusion - the territorial coefficient strongly determines the size of the payment.

Benefits for the disabled

For people with physical disabilities, the car tax is lowered: people with disabilities need less to pay than ordinary citizens. They are granted benefits. They are installed in each region independently. Ideally, if a person uses special cars for the disabled. According to the code, they are not taxed at all.

when should car tax come

Benefits for pensioners

They are also installed individually depending on the region. For example, a pensioner of the Republic of Khakassia does not pay taxes on cars up to 150 liters. from. In Dagestan at the same capacity they provide a discount of only 50%. In the Amur Region, a pensioner does not pay up to 100 liters for his car. from.

Who else is eligible for benefits?

Categories of beneficiaries and sizes in each case are set by regional authorities. But, as a rule, these include:

  1. Combatants.
  2. Large families.
  3. Holders of various government awards.
  4. Families with children with disabilities.
  5. Liquidators of the consequences of the Chernobyl accident, other persons affected by it.

In addition, in some regions the tax is not paid for cars of small capacity.

Pros and cons of registering to another person

One of the legal ways to reduce the transport tax is to “give” the car to the grandfather who lives in Chukotka. Then, instead of 18 thousand, it will be possible to give the state less than four. Of course, the discount is tangible. But it is important to know and be prepared for the consequences of such a “gift”. The pitfalls of such a deal include the following nuances:

  • A relative turned out to be dishonest and sold the car to another person.
  • Bailiffs “arrested” the car for non-payment of loan obligations.
  • A relative suddenly died. After that, transport can go to direct heirs, etc.

It will be impossible to prove anything in court, since it is impossible to declare the fictitious nature of such a transaction with a relative. Otherwise, you can fall under the lens of the investigating authorities for deliberate tax evasion. So you need to think carefully and weigh everything: is it worth saving 10 thousand rubles a year and risking the cost of a car that costs a million?

when car tax comes after purchase

Change of place of registration

The second way to reduce the transport tax is to register in another place. It is good if the region with a reduced coefficient has its own real estate. If not, you need to look for friends or relatives who will register. However, in this case, this can cause some life difficulties:

  1. Judicial fines and orders come at the place of registration. Often their owner does not always know about them if he is far from his registration. This leads to various fines and penalties for non-payment of debt by court orders.
  2. There are times when registering in another region makes life difficult. For example, when applying for a new job. The legislator allowed to apply for any company within the Russian Federation without various temporary permits. This was not the case before. However, employers in conditions of an excess of labor try to be safe. They accept employees from "their" region. Also, problems can arise with various benefits and payments.


So now we know when the car tax comes in. Repeat the information: a receipt is sent in late summer - early fall. We also found out why the car tax does not come, how to calculate it yourself, how to legally reduce it, and whether it is worth it. We hope that the article will benefit many motorists and citizens interested in this issue. The main thing to remember: in order to calculate the transport tax yourself, you need to know the regional coefficient and the right to benefits.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/G17377/

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