How to make money in 16 years: real ways of earning money for teenagers

More and more often teenagers are thinking about how to make money at 16 years old. Especially if you want to prepare for adulthood or just fulfill a costly dream. Indeed, not every parent will finance the “whims” of a teenager. Next, the best part-time tips for children from 16 years old will be presented to your attention. It is worth remembering that it is best to start building a career in the summer or during long vacations. Then you can work more. So, income will only increase.

Work in a cafe


How can I make money at 16? A fairly common vacancy among schoolchildren is the place of promoter.

The essence of earnings is to distribute leaflets or to participate in promotions. For example, in tasting products. Payment is usually hourly. On average, a promoter earns 100-150 rubles per hour.

Thus, a side job lasting up to 4 hours (you can work so much at 16) brings about 700-800 rubles a day.

For employment, a minimum of documents is required - usually only a passport is enough. Some companies hire promoters informally.

To date, this vacancy is found in every region of the Russian Federation. And finding a promoter is not difficult. The vacancy does not provide for neither skills, nor knowledge, nor skills of the employee.

Delivery service

How to make money in 16 years? Working as promoters is usually suitable for girls. It is easier for young people in their teens to earn income.

The thing is that some companies offer courier jobs. The job is to deliver small parcels and mail to recipients. Employment is simplified if the child has a personal bike.

Part-time job for teenagers in the summer

Payment depends on the work done. Getting a courier is also easy. But girls are rarely taken to similar positions.

Dog walking

How to make money for a teenager? At the age of 16 in Russia, finding a place in the labor market is problematic. And people begin to derive income from everything that they come up with.

In some regions, offers for walking dogs for money can be found. Often, such services are provided to acquaintances, friends and neighbors. Offers are carried by word of mouth.

For an hour walk with one animal, you can earn from 100 rubles or more. The cost of the service is negotiated with the owner of the dog. At a time, a teenager can walk several animals at once.

Important: walking dogs for money is very popular in the United States. In Russia, this work is not too common.

Hand Made Sale

How can I make money at 16? Previously considered offers do not require any special skills and knowledge from the employee. And therefore they can be considered universal.

Some people (including children) earn on the sale of hand-made. Such work is in demand among the female half of society. Handmade things are considered fashionable in the modern world. And they pay good money for them.

You can sell anything from furniture to jewelry. Goods can be exhibited in person or offered to stores. Revenues depend only on the success of sales.

Ways to make money at 16

Important: earning on a handmade can be a good business. Especially if the seller has few competitors.

Escort of children

How to make money in 16 years? Sometimes teenagers accompany young children to school, home, in circles and sections.

Payment is piecework. Usually parents give money for the trip, if necessary + direct payment for escort services. It is from 150 rubles.

Most often, teenage girls moonlight as accompanying. But young people can also earn in this way. The main thing is to find customers. In the modern world, the mentioned service is required by parents more and more often.

Fast food cafe

How can I make money at 16? The next job that is common among adolescents is catering. Or rather - in a cafe. For example, kitchen workers or cashiers.

Usually, schoolchildren are offered vacancies for cafe employees for several hours. Shift payment depends on the particular institution. In general, an hour of work is paid at 250-350 rubles.

How to make money for a student on the Internet

A feature of the studied part-time job is its full compatibility with the school. The child will be able to earn and gain work experience all the time.

Among the shortcomings of the chosen direction of labor are often distinguished:

  • large staff turnover;
  • heavy load;
  • salary fraud for some employers.

Nevertheless, adolescents often prefer just such a job. The catering industry really helps even students to earn money. But they are recruiting people from 14 years old for the corresponding posts. And the main thing is to find a bona fide employer.


Where can I make money at 16? Increasingly, children are being recruited to cafes and restaurants as waiters.

The salary consists of an hourly shift (from 150 rubles / hour) and a tip. The work is responsible and requires accuracy from the teenager. Employment often requires a child’s medical book.

Courier job

Important: the child cannot be hired as a waiter for night shifts. Work is allowed up to 22 hours.

Some students say that the position of a waiter requires good endurance. It’s not always easy for a child and even an adult to maintain tables. And therefore, this type of side job is not suitable for everyone.

Worker in the park

Where to make money at 16? In summer, teens can go to amusement parks. They often recruit people for part-time jobs for the summer.

Schoolchildren can be taken as sellers of cotton candy, popcorn, toys in tents. In some cases, you can become a worker of a particular attraction.

A similar work, as we have said, appears in the summer. Responsible employers ask for a child’s medical record. You can find someone who will hire only the passport.

Work in the park often involves a huge load - most of the time you have to stand. But the work is paid with dignity. Usually, employers pay 150-200 rubles per hour + interest on sales.

Selling mind

How to make money to a schoolboy in 16 years? Some prefer to trade their knowledge and skills. Sometimes this approach allows you to earn extra money at any time of the year. Then when the child has time.

Work as a waiter for teens

Students aged 16 can:

  • do homework for money;
  • offer tutoring services for junior high school students;
  • solve control and independent work for a fee;
  • write essays for money.

If the child has special skills and knowledge, he can use them. For example, repair computers for money or create sites. Great start for a freelancer! It is possible that in the future it is precisely the “trade in the mind” that will become the main source of profit for the young man.

Networking - CAPTCHA

Where can I make money at 16? For example, on the Internet. More and more students are looking for work on the Web. And they successfully find her.

There is earnings on entering captcha. To work, you just need to register on a specialized exchange (for example, on RuCaptcha) and enter text from the pictures on the screen. For each image pay from 5 to 30 cents. Some captcha exchanges allow you to earn up to 500 rubles per day.

Important: in Russia you can earn on captcha using the Kolotibablo website. This resource has a rating system that allows you to increase the cost of work over time.

Earnings on the Internet - social networks

You can earn money for a teenager on the Internet at the age of 16 using a popular account on a social network. For example, performing simple tasks. For example, like or repost.

To work, you need to register on a specialized exchange, sometimes - download a special program, and then go through authorization. After adding the page of a particular social network, you can select tasks, complete them and receive money for it.

Earnings on abstracts

In a month, such a side job method brings about 2-3 thousand rubles. It’s best to work with these resources:

  • VkTarget;
  • V-like;
  • LikesRock.

Now I understand how to make money in 16 years. If you want to do this, it’s not so difficult. The main thing is to find the sphere in which it turns out to work.


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