GPS tracker for car. Which GPS tracker to choose for a car? Installing a GPS tracker on a car. GPS Tracker Connection

Alarm systems to this day are one of the most popular means of car protection. Along with mechanical anti-theft devices, a built-in siren creates the necessary minimum to ensure safety. But even these measures are not enough to protect machines in modern conditions. Moreover, electronic systems significantly expand the capabilities of drivers who want to protect their property. So, along with traditional devices, service centers are increasingly offering to install a GPS tracker for the car, which will track the location of equipment. From the side the idea really looks attractive, but for its implementation it is necessary to go through the difficult stages of choosing the equipment, its installation and connection.

tracker for car

How does the tracker work and what does it consist of?

Almost any tracker includes two modules in the design - receiving and transmitting. The first segment performs the function of determining the coordinates of its position, and the translator ensures their sending to the owner via cellular communication or GPRS. Accordingly, software should be initially prepared that will identify and process the received signal. Therefore, when deciding which GPS tracker to choose for a car, you should consider possible warning methods. It is desirable that the data on the coordinates be received by the tracker itself both from the GLONASS satellite and via the GPS system. In addition to the two receiving and transmitting units that are enclosed in the instrument housing, car beacons also have antennas. Depending on the modification, this element may be external or internal. To ensure the health of the tracker, a battery in the form of a battery is also provided, although the on-board network is often used for this purpose.

What are the parameters to choose a device?

GPS tracker for car

The first thing that should interest the future user of the car tracker is the communication channels and the possibilities of working with satellite systems. The most reliable means of fixing coordinates is still considered GPS navigation. The wider the list of communication standards in this range, the better. Next, tracking sensitivity and accuracy are determined. The quality of the receiver’s interaction with the satellites depends on the first indicator - that is, the quality of communication ensures that the car remains in the navigation coverage area even in the presence of interference. Before choosing a GPS tracker for a car, you should evaluate the nature of its future operation. You may need a recording device with fixation of coordinates - and then the presence of a memory card will become a mandatory selection criterion. You should also evaluate the conditions of use of the car itself. In particular, at what temperature will the tracker work. Standard models, for example, support a beacon function in the range from -10 to +60 ° .

What to consider in functionality?

connecting a GPS tracker to a car

In the basic version, trackers determine the coordinates, exact time and speed of an object. If a link with security systems is provided, then the optional spectrum can be expanded. By connecting the appropriate components, the user can arrange the transfer of parameters about the voltage in the wiring system, fuel consumption, the temperature inside the car, the indication of the operation of the locking mechanisms, etc. Of course, the organization of multifunctional complexes is expensive for the price, so many choose the function of a simple recording device. In this case, the tracker for the car will work as a tracking sensor even without the need to connect to the onboard power supply. It is these models that are equipped with personal batteries, ensuring their autonomous operation.

Where to install?

By the type of installation, car trackers are also divided depending on the method of their energy supply. As a rule, security and monitoring systems require supply from the onboard network. That is, their installation must be carried out at the most suitable point under the instrument panel. If we are talking about battery-powered models, the range of places suitable for installation is expanding. In this case, the installation of a GPS tracker on a car can be carried out both in the area where the glove compartment is located and behind the radio. Such devices do not impose special requirements on the installation conditions, since their filling is protected by a dust- and moisture-proof housing. But it is important to consider another nuance. The fact is that the installation of a stand-alone and wireless device should leave room for unhindered maintenance of the device. Firstly, the user will have to periodically charge the battery, and secondly, it may be necessary to change the sensor settings.

installing a GPS tracker on a car

Installation Rules

When a suitable installation location is found, you can commit. Mounting is carried out in different ways, but the most common is the use of adhesive tapes and hardware. Usually, installation is carried out on plastic surfaces, so it is better to use tape that is gentle in terms of mechanical impact. Also, the installation of the tracker on the car can be carried out on self-tapping screws and screws. Manufacturers complete devices with special cases, which are neatly mounted with screws. There are situations when the wiring itself can contribute to the reliable fixation of a small beacon. In such cases, you can do without metal fasteners, but it is better to secure the wiring itself with electrical tape.

Connecting the tracker to the car

connecting the tracker to the car

Wired models are connected to the automotive electrical network. Typically, devices of this type are connected to the on-board computer via four wires, including channels for providing an alarm output. The red wire is fed to the positive terminal, and the minus is connected to the black wire. If you connect a GPS tracker to a car as part of a common security system, you can not use the alarm cable or activate it as a power unit lock. After connecting the tracker, you must also activate it. Usually for this, an SMS message is sent from the phone to the device. The content of the text is indicated in the instructions for a specific instance of the tracker.

Tracker Manufacturers

As practice shows, finding a copy on the market from a more or less well-known manufacturer is already a great success. High-quality equipment of this type is produced under the brands Starline, Proma Sat, Navixy, as well as AutoFon, Global Sat, etc. Western European companies are considered leaders in the segment, but you can count on decent quality only if you purchase original products. The fact is that an authentic tracker for a car is almost impossible to distinguish from a Chinese fake during an external inspection. Even the filling with the functionality is duplicated precisely and without signs of inconsistency. However, during operation in the early days, you can detect errors in the readings and generally unsatisfactory operation of the equipment.

choose a GPS tracker for a car

How much does the device cost?

Much depends on the functional content, technical configuration and, of course, the brand. For example, models from manufacturers of the Starline and Navixy level are estimated at 7-10 thousand rubles. An autonomous tracker for a car that does not require a connection to the on-board network also costs about 10 thousand rubles. Despite the modest optional, such models demonstrate the effectiveness of the main function - tracking. Budget models of trackers, including many domestic products such as "AutoFon", can be purchased for 4-6 thousand rubles. At the same time, you should not think that such devices greatly lose to more well-known counterparts in terms of quality of work. They may be inferior in the accuracy of determining coordinates and the breadth of functionality, but, as motorists' reviews show, simple models catch a signal well regardless of external conditions.


installation of a tracker on a car

The proliferation of satellite positioning systems has had a major impact on many areas, improving the quality of security systems. Navigational aids in a modern way are accessible to a wide audience of motorists, which stimulates the manufacturers themselves to further develop these products. True, if the benefits of traditional navigators have long been known to the mass consumer, then many perceive the satellite tracker for a car as a derivative of an advertising campaign, which in practice only duplicates the function of conventional multimedia systems. In part, this proposition is true, since modern head complexes include navigator options and also interact with satellites. But trackers have one feature that is characteristic of almost all GPS security systems. This is an opportunity to alert the owner of the equipment at a distance. The car owner can receive data about his car, being at any point where he receives a cellular signal connected to the operator’s beacon. In addition to location data, the user can also receive information about the operating parameters of the technical tool.


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